Chapter 10

"NO! She can't be like me!" Jarrods voice boomed shaking the ground beneath his knees and just as the shaking began the stillness was once again spinning and weighing him down more.

"Jarrod.." Drabes eyes traveled quickly to meet Jarrods to see his eyes were glowing white causing Drabe to fear his own life.

"She can't be like me! I'm a monster who has killed thousands upon thousands of lives! I don't have a big heart! My heart is black and I deserve the suffering! She doesn't! Regardless of if she wanted it or not! Her heart is the purest it can get! I will fight to have her back home with her children and husband where she deserves to be! If the world ends up in ruins because of it then so be it! She will not suffer because she wishes to be like me." His voice shaking and stability in his anger with himself, lifted his body from the ground and he began walking without any knowledge of where he was walking.

"Jarrod!" Drabe yelled while getting off the ground. "Jarrod! STOP!" He began running after Jarrod.

"No! I do not have to listen to you or anyone else for that matter!" Jarrod stopped and turned to Drabe making him freeze in his tracks fearing his life once more. "I'm going to get my daughter back, and I will kill anyone or anything that gets in my way." His voice was no longer shaking but filled with anger and low growls.

Drabe frozen where he stood and watched Jarrod walk off slowly into the forest. The orange sky had now turned it's dark blue highlighting the bright half a moon. Drabes frozen stance finally fell back against the ground waking him from his paralyzing fear.

"Jarrod!!" He yelled then got up and started running with no luck of finding him. He panicked as he ran trying to find his scent or tracks until he finally gave up and ran back towards the house running into Eros outside.

"Drabe. Relax. Why are you running?" Eros grabbed his shoulders trying to calm him down.

"Jarrod.. he.. he-"

"Spit it out."

"Jarrods gone territorial!" Eros dropped Drabe almost to the ground in fear.

"Dear god.." Eros whispered looking back inside.

---Eros POV---

"Adam!" I screamed trying to get him to pay attention.

"He-he couldn't have gone territorial.. it's- not possible." He shook his head as he held his children close.

"You need to take the kids somewhere safe. Jeremy's in town. Go stay with him." I begged as he looked at me in confusion.

"N-no. We have a month till her birthday and she can come back. He can't do that now!" He yelled as Eve began to cry.

"Adam. We need to get the children to safety. If the council finds him... Renae will be broken when she comes back." I spoke firmly while I grabbed her from his arms soothing her.

"I-I can't just leave him to possibly die Eros... and I can't leave them..." Adam started to panic as he rocked Owen back and forth.

"You don't have to leave them. Just disappear for a little while. The only thing to calm Jarrod in this moment is his daughter." I rocked back and forth as Eve sucked on my finger relieving the air of her cries.

"No, there's only a month. I can't just not help him. Maybe Rosia can go with the twins." Adam looked hopeful towards Rosia sitting on the couch trying to perform a tracking spell.

"I'll gladly go with the twins and help protect them. You need to be able to go to Italy when the time comes." She said as tears swelled in her eyes.

"Can you take them now so we can find him? It's going to be hard trying to find him. If we're going to find him before he starts leaving a blood trail we need to leave now." Adam handed her Owen as he began to fuss.

"I understand. Last I saw he was headed north east." She cradled Owen and soothed him as soon as he was in her arms.

"He wouldn't be going to.. there.. would he?" I asked as I placed Eve in the rocker.

"I think he might. They were the first ones to cause harm to him and people he cared about." Adam sighed as he kissed his children goodbye.

"We'll call and let you know. Please don't let us know where you end up going.. not until it's safe." I sighed as I began walking towards the door.

"I will. You two be safe.. oh and bring back my fiance in one piece please." She looked at us with pain. I nodded my head as Adam and I walked out and began running towards the damned restaurant that almost killed Jarrod all those years ago.

--two weeks later--

"Eros!" Adam yelled just as I picked up on Jarrods scent. Luckily Jarrod hasn't left any trails of any kind. He was quick to avoid Grammin Grubs but he did burn down the asylum that was near there.

"I know!" I yelled back shaking myself out of my thoughts. We've had one call with Rosia the two weeks we've been hunting but it was only for a few minutes. Jarrods been strategic but he's also been sloppy. He finally slipped up enough to leave his scent in a campsite of wolves.

"I'm so sorry. We have to go. Please understand this doesn't hurt the treaty. He's searching for his daughter and your son saw her before.." I scratched my neck as I helped the elder pile up the rubble left behind.

"He didn't hurt anyone. I have no reason to be truly angry. However if any wolf blood is spilled then I will be forced to tear up the treaty." He stood up straight still shaking from the fear of staring into Jarrods pure white eyes.

"Thank you sir. I'll be back to help with the damages or whatever I can help with as soon as I can!" I shouted as I began chasing Adam and Jarrods scent. He waved back watching me run.

"Adam! How long are we going to run this time! We need to feed!" I shouted feeling myself become weak.

"Not to far. We just need to see where he's been staying and one of us will feed while the other watches him. You already know the plan now come on!" He screamed as he started running faster. We were around the same age but he was accustomed to not feeding for longer periods of time while I suffered going days without.

"Adam.." I let out feeling myself begin to shake feeling the weakness set in.

"Dammit." He stopped and looked at me and caught me as I crashed into him. "You go feed. I'm going to chase after him, I'll call you when I find him. Okay?" He helped me catch my balance. I nodded my head and he quickly took off.

I shook my head as I felt the burning rising in my throat. I looked around in panic feeling my instincts fighting to take over till I saw a deer.

"Thank you." I whispered as I tackled it and drained it of it's blood. Feeling bad leaving the body there I returned to the demolished campsite and offered the deer. They gladly accepted and I was quick to return to tracking but I couldn't pick up the scent so all I could do was wait for Adams call.


"Adam? It's been nearly half an hour? Where did you go?" I whisper yelled as I passed a cave of bears.

"I found his hiding spot. I think he knows I'm watching him though. I need you here to follow him so I can feed. I'll send you my coordinates." He whispered into the phone.

"Okay. Hurry." I hung up the phone and walked slowly away from the cave. I checked my phone as it started vibrating and I smiled at the thought of them only being five minutes away with the speed running. I quickly texted him back and began running till there was about five hundred feet between me and the coordinates.

"Shh." Adam pulled me to the ground and looked into the direction of some smoke.

"So that's how he's been hiding his scent." I whispered as I sat up.

"Yeah. He's burning sage and lavender. He's trying to keep a calm mind." He whispered as he took a deep breath.

"You go. I'll watch him like a hawk." I squatted behind the bush and took a deep breath as I watched him search back and forth. He looked like he was losing his mind, his eyes were shining white and he was skinny like he hadn't fed at all since he left.

"I don't know how he's still alive. I'll be back soon. With both our strength, even for a territorial, with how decomposed he's becoming he won't stand a chance." Adam quietly sighed before he snuck away to feed.

As I sat there waiting for Adam I could barely hear Jarrod crying. Looking at him he looked hysterical but he was still far out so seeing him was harder then I realized. I snuck forward a little more least so I could hear him and I realized he was crying for Renae and it broke me.

"What I hate about words... is that they're so fucking easy to hear or say but when it comes to action it's a completely different story because it's so much harder. It's so much stronger then words and yet people depend on these damn words, no one thinks they have to do these actions, they think they can just say whatever they want and not work for it! But little do they know they will need to follow through with their actions. If you want to win the race then you need to put in the effort and fight to win. If you want to eat at the end of the day you need to put in the work to either grow it or catch it and then you have to cook it. Now a days people just wave their fingers and get food brought to them but they don't understand the work that goes into it. Never look at someone's smile to see how they are. Smiles lie. Always look into their eyes, into their souls to see how and who they are, to see their stories. Most of these fucking stories are people to scared of their damn shadow to do what they know is right, what they know they should have done from the damn beginning. I will not stop. I will not fail. I will save you. I will not let you become like me. I will do everything in my power to let you have happiness. I'm not going to break another promise. I will not break another promise. I refuse to break any more promises to you. I don't know how but I will show you exactly how loved and cherished you are!" He looked up at the sky as if he was speaking to her just as Adam had done before. I felt tears swelling as I watching Jarrod go back and forth between sobbing hysterically and screaming at the sky. He wasn't just broken, he was shattered. As I looked at him I felt some sort of recognition.. from myself.

"I WILL KILL EVERY LAST DAMN GOD TO GET YOU BACK!" He finally screamed louder then any other words I've ever heard come from him almost shaking the air itself.

"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! BRING HER BACK TO ME!!" He sobbed falling to the ground knocking over the burning sage and lavender onto his lap but he did not respond to his flesh burning. He just continued to scream and sob.

"Jarrod!" Adam screamed running past me.

"Adam!" I yelled at myself as I started immediately running right behind him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Jarrod screamed as we approached quickly. Instantly Adam tackled him to the ground and patted the burning sage off of him.

"You realize if you caught fire you would have died!" Adam screamed in the struggling Jarrods face.