"Elea?" Kronos voice shook me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry... just a... kind of a good memory?" I nervously laughed.
"So it should be. How are you Elea?" I looked behind Zeus and saw Gaia walking towards us with another man I had not seen before, assuming he was Astraios.
"I'm good, and you?" I smiled as I stepped towards them.
"I would be doing better if I didn't have to worry about a possible war breaking out between witches and wolves but that cannot be helped. Zues tells me you wish to create a new world specifically for vampires. Am I mistaken?" She stopped and crossed her arms.
"You are not." I placed my hands behind my back and stood my ground. She has always been welcoming and inviting but now she's giving an intimidating feeling.
"What is he here for?" Who I'm assuming Astraios spoke pointing to Helios.
"I asked Helios, if he could help me rule this new world since the sun has power over vampires, he was the best option to help." I looked to Helios who was still glaring at Zeus.
"Logical thinking.. what do you think Astraios?" She turned and watched him.
"I like the idea. However I want to test a theory." He smirked at me.
"Theory?" I dropped my hands to my side.
"What if instead of just vampires, since mother is having issues with wolves and witches, what if we place all mythical creatures in this new world; and humankind can have their chance to survive without threats or influence? Isn't that what you wanted in the beginning? Renae?" He stepped closer to me and examined me closely. As his green eyes crossed over mine and landed on my lips I felt my heart pounding.
"Would that be a good idea? I mean in order for the wolves and vampires to even have a treaty lasted well over centuries and countless wars. Don't even get me started on the complexity of witches." I stepped back.
"It would ease me of the soon to be war on earth." Gaia smiled.
"Did you not hear me? I don't think I can control all mythical creatures. Mermaids are more of a challenge then they're worth. Have you ever even tried speaking with one? You can't because they avoid all creatures that aren't their own!" I took another step back.
---Rosias POV---
"Thank you Koda. There's just something I have to handle real quick." I handed Eve to him and rested their diaper bag on the ground next to him.
"They'll be safe here. Renae is family so her children are family as well." He smiled while he placed Eve in the stroller with Owen.
"I just hope she can return soon. Adam has lost so much." I spoke with a sad face.
"I still do not care for him. He is a vampire however, he is who she chose. I have no right to question her choices." He stood up and held on tightly to the stroller.
"I'll be back in three days. You have my number if you need anything." I smiled before kissing the children goodbye and walking away.
"How can I help you miss?" The gaurd asked as I stepped off the elevator.
"You know who I'm here to visit. Open the door."
"Yes ma'am." He took the key from around his neck and opened the door allowing me to pass.
"What do you want?" Her voice asked shaking and weak.
"I have questions you need to answer."
"By all means. Take a seat. Kick you feet up. By any chance do you have any water?" She grabbed onto the bars and leaned forward. Each of her fingers were simple bones wrapped around the bars holding her inside.
"I do actually. I'll be using it as a reward system though. You answer my questions, I give you a sip through this shot glass. Simple enough yes?" I smiled pulling the shot glass and bottle of water from my coat pocket.
"Sounds easy enough for me. Ask away." She dropped to the ground where she stood leaning her face against the bar with an arm sticking out.
"Before I ask the questions I need. Do they even feed you down here?" I asked thinking of Jarrod. He was locked down here too but I must not allow him to know I'm here.
"They do, once a week. Small portions. I fought hard when I was first locked up down here to not eat because I thought I'd get poisoned but one of the guards shoved the food into my mouth one day when I was to weak to do anything. I've been eating ever since." She shrugged her shoulders but kept her position against the bars the same.
"Shot number one is yours. Now for my real questions." I leaned over and half filled the shot glass with water and placed it in front of her hand. Before I asked she grabbed the glass and threw the water down her throat and placed the glass back scooting it towards me.
"Next." She sighed with relief.
"Why did you retrieve my eggs specifically? When you wanted to become a parent with Jarrod." I poured the water into the glass and held onto it waiting for her answer before letting her have it.
"I wanted a wolf to be the mother no matter what. Yes you're a witch but you have wolf genes inside of you and because of you one of my daughters is a wolf." She smirked. I placed the glass down and watched her repeat the same process of throwing it down her throat and sliding it to me as far as she could reach.
"What about your son? Jace was it?"
"Jace was a bastard child. He has my blood but he wishes for my death as much as Renae does. Besides, he didn't pick up the wolf gene, he's completely human." She scoffed.
We continued the process of the water reward but something kept eating at me the way she refused to look me in the eye.
"Do you know who Renae really is?" I clenched my jaw in hopes she knew nothing.
"You mean part wolf and vampire? Let me guess, she inherited your witchy genes too." She rolled her eyes as she locked the bar next to her face.
"I'm not here answering your questions." I sat on my knees, tired from squatting and sighed with relief.
"Oh, there's something else going on isn't there? Why are you here Rosia?" She began to laugh noticing my sweat.
"I can just leave and you won't have any more water. I also brought these." I pulled out a baggy that had steak bits inside. As soon as she saw the food she jumped up and her attention was fixed onto the meat in the baggy.
"What do you want me to answer next?" Her fingers locked around the bars once more, this time they looked firm, her fight for the food stronger then anyone could comprehend.
"What dreams did you have when you were pregnant with Renae?" I opened the baggy and held a single piece of meat. Her eyes were transfixed onto the meat while drool dropped from her lips to her chin. Her knuckles white from grasping the bars as hard as she could.
"I don't remember that was damn near twenty years ago."
"I guess I'll just eat this then." I pulled the meat towards my open mouth about to place it on my tongue when...
"Wait.." She dropped her head in defeat. "I really don't remember much about them. I remember seeing really bright lights. I think even some people in robes? I really don't remember, please. I answered the best I could." She was shaking as she begged for the small piece of meat I held between my fingers.
"Thank you." I smiled and tossed the meat to her. She didn't even bother with her hands catching it. Instantly her head flew and she caught it with her mouth like a trained dog.
"Please.. more.." She begged more after swallowing the food.
"I really don't understand vampires and wolves. I mean I understand vampires more then wolves but the necessity to eat meat for wolves is alarming to me. You could easily survive on plants and vegetables and fruits but all any wolf I have ever met, only eat meat. I really wonder why that is." I examined the piece of meat in my hands.
"Is that a question or are you just teasing me now?" She slumped forward with her eyes glaring at the piece of meat in my hand.
"Not teasing, and not asking. I was just speaking my mind. Now, I need to know exactly what you did to MY daughter while raising her."
"Your daughter? Hah, when I brought her to you after she was born you wanted nothing to do with her. Just like me. Don't put yourself on that pedestal." She scoffed leaning back against the bars.
"When you brought her to me, I did not know you, her or her father. You failed to tell me the details and bits of information anyone must know before taking someone's child. Now answer." I squeezed the meat in the palm of my hand. The juice of the meat squeezed and dripped onto the floor.
"I didn't do anything. I found a drug that when smoked it masked my scent as a wolf. Her father never knew I was a wolf because we used to smoke it together, how we met in fact. After he was arrested I used the drug as much as possible to mask the girls too, mainly Kelly. Renae never wanted anything to do with me. She was her fathers child and that was that. So when daddy left, I don't remember every detail but I disciplined her to listen to what I had told her to do. It's not easy being a single parent you know."
"You don't remember or you cherish those memories so much that you refuse to tell me?" I squeezed the meat more feeling it's juices drip from inside my hand and down to the floor.
"I cherish nothing anymore. I have nothing to cherish. I'd rather they kill me at this point. Jarrod doesn't love me anymore so I have nothing to live for anymore." She pushed off the bars and walked to the small bed and sat down leaning against the wall.
"Jarrod still loves you. Not in the way you want him too. He loves you for carrying his children but nothing more." I dropped the meat and stood up wiping my hands on a napkin I had in my pocket.
"Yeah yeah yeah. Not like I haven't heard that before. Still doesn't change the fact that I have nothing." She stayed put leaned against the wall glaring at me with hatred.
"Maybe, if you didn't attempt to kill my daughter. You wouldn't have lost anything."
"I never attempting anything like that. All I did was simply tell the right people what she was. All her life she thought she was a little human. I wonder how much it shocked her when I told her the truth." She began laughing.
"She wasn't shocked. It was almost like second nature for her. However my last question for you, Lisa, were you ever going to tell my daughter who you really are?" I crossed my arms leaning against the door.
"And what am I? Really?" She glared at me with a psychotic look on her face ready to burst into laughter.
"I don't have to answer any of your questions. You've had one to many lives and you've deceived one to many people." I banged on the door.
"You think you can just say that and leave?!" She reached out trying to grab ahold of me but I was to far from her grasp.
"I do. Unless you wish to answer."
"No one knows who I truly am. No one must know who I really am. You cannot tell anyone. I beg you!" She screamed.
"We'll see if I feel like being generous." Just as the door opened, the ground began to shake. Space itself seemed to spin the guard pulled me out and locked the door but everything continued to shake and spin, no grasp on anything or anyone could help the instability and lack of gravity that was washing everyone away.
---Renaes POV---
"That should do it. This place mimics earth exactly and everyone was exactly where they were as if they never left their spot. Only issue is, no humans or wild game. Remember to hold onto that clock. If you need to stop time in order to enact disciplinary actions, you'll be able to much easier then stopping it yourself with your emotions." Astraios handed me a pocket watch along with a glare.