"B- I mean wh-" I searched for the words but I could think of none. If I actually sat and thought about it, it would be the best situation if I could clear vampirism of it's evil then the chance of clearing the worlds evil in itself would be that much easier. "What about the people I love that aren't vampires? Like Rosia? Tyler and his family?" My heart started racing.
"You could bring them with you. You could have a protection spell on any humans or witches or even wolves so no vampire can touch them. I've seen it done and it's a powerful spell that could work." Zeus smiled at me. "I think it could work. What do you think father?" He looked at Kronos.
"I also think it would work. However I think she needs help running this new world." He lifted his hand off my shoulder and slowly walked past Zeus. "If I am to run Elysium then why not Persephone?" He stopped and turned to us.
"Persephone is to remain with Hades." I said without hesitation.
"She is right. Hades requested Persephone stay with him." Death sat on the ground and slouched his shoulders excessively.
"What about Apollo?" Zeus voice struck one of my nerves.
"Absolutely not!" I closed my eyes and took a breath.
"Oh! What about Helios?" Kronos broke the silence.
"The titan god of the sun, co-running a world of vampires. Can anybody else tell me why that won't work?" Death joked as he stood up from the ground.
"That's actually a pretty good idea tho. Helios has the power to harm vampires if things get to out of control. It's actually a genius idea." I felt the confusion swirl in my head as I spoke.
"But this is Helios were talking about." Zeus said slowly walking towards Kronos.
"Exactly. We're talking about Helios. He'll be able to help Elea and he'll gladly do it. Not for you but for her and me." Kronos smirked.
"Why wouldn't he do it for me?" Zeus stopped and looked at him confused.
"Zeus, if I had struck down your son, would you forgive me?" Death rolled his eyes.
"No of course- I see your point. Rae, why don't you and Kronos go and speak with Helios. Death needs to get back to work and I need to start creating this new world for you.." He turned around and sighed. "I'm gonna need help from Gaia." He mumbled before reciting some words causing the space in front of him to open exposing the rocks and lava we had seen before entering here.
"Shall we?" Kronos lifted his hand motioning for me to go first. I nodded my head and followed Zeus out.
"I'm not used to seeing anything so brightly." Kronos shielded his eyes as we walked towards the shining golden mansion.
"I am not either. We're almost there though." I squinted my eyes looking slightly down to make sure I didn't trip over anything I couldn't see. Finally reaching the door, the light seemed brighter then the sun itself. I knocked on the door loudly until it opened. I only knew it was the door from feeling alone.
"Kronos?" I heard his voice grow curious in the single name he called.
"Hello Helios. Mind if you turned down the brightness?" I kept my eyes closed still seeing the brightness shining.
"Oh yes. Here, place these on your eyes these." He grabbed my hand and placed two small rings in my hand. I took one in each hand and placed them on my closed eye. Seeing the brightness dim I opened my eyes and the rings fused with my eyeballs. It did not cause any pain but it made me jump from the shock.
"Do not worry. They're to just help you see even with how bright it is here." He smiled at me.
I blinked my eyes a few times and smiled when I finally got a good look at him. Unlike most of the gods he had no beard and his hair was short and black. His eyes were bright gold with a purple pupil and outer rims. Even with the rings in my eyes he still had a yellow golden aura circling his head almost as if he himself was the sun as he walked.
"Elea, how are you?" He smiled warmly and leaned in trapping me in a large and heavy hug.
"I'm good. How have you been Helios?" I smiled returning his hug. He was large like Kronos but his hug made me realize how large he actually was. I felt like a child standing next to a tree that was taller then a building.
"I've been better. Come on in. I haven't had visitors in years." He let me go and led us inside.
"We're actually here on buisness Helios." Kronos dropped his smile and looked directly at Helios.
"What can I help with?" Helios dropped his smile clenching his jaw showing his jawline in more detail.
"I think Elea should be the one to tell you." Kronos patted my shoulder and pushed me forward.
"Oh uh... it's more of a favor... a big one at that..." I bit my lip and fiddled with my fingers. I didn't want to bother him, he was always kind to me in the past and I didn't want to take him away from his life or his work.
"What is it hun?" He smiled reassuringly.
"Well... let me explain a little first..." I took a deep breath and began explaining in detail everything that had happened in my life that led me here.
"So now I need your help to run this new world because you have the power over vampires since you basically are the sun and I know it's a lot to ask so I want to give you time to think about it but we are in a bit of a rush because Zeus is going to speak with Gaia right now about creating the new world." I took a deep breath catching my breath from speaking mainly in one breath.
"I-is she allowing her mortal nature control her personality?" Helios chuckled while he looked to Cronus.
"Shes been fighting it ever since Apollo brought her back but yes. She is." Kronos smirked sharing a chuckle.
"Excuse me?" I panted.
"Elea. You don't need to act nervous when you're asking me for help. I'll gladly help you and rule this new vampire world with you. What will it be called?" He smiled as he leaned against the wall.
"Oh uh. I'm not sure." I scratched my head.
"Well, it will essentially be your world so what shall you call it?" He crossed his arms leaving the smirk remaining on his face. I thought for a minute before sharing the smirk.
"What about Empurity?" I smiled feeling satisfied with the name.
"It sounds perfect to me. It's a world in which you're attempting to purify evil so it works nicely." Kronos patted my back almost knocking me forward but I kept my stance.
"Shall we go meet with Gaia and Zeus then?" Helios smiled and grabbed a purple robe from the couch and draped it over his shoulder and fastened it on his hip.
"Ooh! Are we taking your chariot?" Kronos asked excited.
"Of course." Helios winked with his smile still bright.
"Zeus!" I shouted as soon as I saw him from the still flying chariot.
"El- Rae? That was quick." Zeus looked up at us.
"Helios likes me so it wasn't hard to ask." I smirked as we landed.
"Right. Hello Helios." He waved awkwardly.
"Zues." Helios said with a straight face.
"So, have you spoken with Gaia yet?" I asked nervously.
"I have. She had to speak with Astraios." He sighed as he didn't let his eyes leave Helios.
"So there's no reason for us to be here? Perfect." Helios smirked and lifted his hands trying to lead the chariot away before Kronos grabbed the reigns and held them down.
"She said she would return with him shortly." Zues looked to me hopeful.
"And Astraios is?" I bit my lip.
"Titan god of the stars and planets. Also the God of astrology." Helios pouted and stepped off of the chariot.
"Oh?" I said turning to the horses.
"It'll probably be up to him, if we create a world or pick one that has no life and make it habitable." Kronos sighed as he sat on the ground.
"Him and Alifini were supposed to create a world a while ago but Alfie had other plans." Zues shook his head and looked behind him.
"Your relationship with Alifini hasn't gotten any better has it?" I sighed rubbing his back.
"No but it's fine. I'm grateful he's happy regardless of if he's with Samaryah or not." He looked down in disappointment.
"Least your son is still alive." Helios scoffed.
"Not now." I glared at Helios. He just turned his head and sighed.
"Sorry." He puffed and walked away. Not far away but enough to not have to listen to the conversation.
"Don't worry about me. I've not done all good and I am ashamed for the pain it has caused, but I'm not ashamed for the pain that would've came if I had done nothing. We have rules for a reason." Zeus pushed my hand away softly and looked at me with a forced smile.
"I understand." I smiled lightly and looked back to the horses. They seemed to give an irritating feeling. "Excuse me." I walked over to the horses and looked over them carefully.
"What are you doing?" Kronos stood up and walked over.
"Something doesn't feel right." I said quietly as I raised my hand to one specific horse. As I raised my hand over his eye, I was surprised when it didn't flinch. I looked closer and saw a sliver in his eye.
"What is it?" Kronos leaned over me looking.
"Hey Helios?" I asked only loud enough to catch his attention. He glanced over and ran to my side.
"What is it?" He asked concerned.
"Did you notice this?" I pointed to the small piece of wood poking out of the horses eye.
"I did not. How'd that happen?" He looked closely.
"Are you going to take it out?" Kronos asked Helios.
"I don't really have a choice. I have to take it out." He lifted his hand and gently gripped onto the splinter. Just as he had I felt a pain sting my eye. The horse jumped making all of us jump but mainly making me cry out with the sting.
"What the hell?" Kronos stepped back.
"May I?" I asked letting go of my eye and stepping towards the horse.
"You can try." Helios huffed and stepped back. I stepped in front of the horse and held it' s reigns down so it was looking at me.
"You're okay." I whispered with a smile. With my left hand I held onto the reigns, keeping him still. With my right hand I slowly traced towards his eye. He lightly flinched, but when he did I just patted the same spot my hand had been gently calming him down. Finally as my hand reached his eye, I slowly grabbed onto the wood. "Shh." I breathed out and slowly pulled. He flinched making me stop pulling till he calmed once more. I felt my own eye water causing it to be more uncomfortable. I slowly pulled out the wood and watched as tears of blood fell from the white stallions eye. The pain in my eyes subsided and my left hand dropped. I passed the piece of wood into my left hand and hovered my right hand over his eye. I placed my forehead against his nose and closed my eyes listening to his breaths. "All better big guy." I smiled. Just as the words came out of my mouth he huffed and I felt overjoyed. He raised his head and nodded and neighed.
"I'm guessing he's all better?" I heard Zeus' voice break the silence. I opened my eyes and lowered my hand. I pulled my head back and looked to see the blood had vanished. I lifted my hand once more over the same eye and to my relief he lightly flinched.
"Good as new." I smiled and kissed his nose.
"Thank you." Helios smiled as he patted on the horse. I handed his the wood and remembered a time similar when Eros had pulled out the wood from my throat. My hand traveled to my neck as I choked back tears.