"We are. Do you know why there hasn't been a single human to hide from since we left the mountain?" Eros asked suspicious.
"Huh?" I rubbed my temples as I tried to remember everything but my head was filling with fog becoming more and more thick.
"There has been no human interaction with anyone. There's still vampires, wolves, witches and all us mythical creatures but no humans." Eros parked the car and turned to look at me.
"No.. humans?" A flash of a memory from my time on Olympus came across my mind and remembered why there was no humans, "We can't leave the car until I tell you two exactly what happened.."
"Then what happened? You're scaring me." Eros turned off the car and locked the doors leaving us in the privacy the car offered.
"You don't need to be scared, but first I need to know, have you two eaten? I mean.. drank any blood?"
"We did before we came to fetch you. Why?" Adam started rubbing my back.
"Because we are in a new world that I had to create with the help of Zeus, Gaia and Astraois." The look I received from the two of them shook me to my core as the silence rang in my ears.
"What?" Adam grabbed my hand.
"In order for me to come back, I had to create this new world. It's exactly like earth but without humans or animals. It's strictly mythological creatures."
"How are we supposed to feed?" Eros began to panic.
"We don't have to. In this world no one needs to feed, on anything. If we still want to eat just to enjoy eating, witches will be allowed to create the food we desire."
"Wait.. what is this place called then?" I turned to Adam who seemed even more confused as he spoke.
"Empurity." I smiled and looked outside the car window.
"You realize witches besides Rosia will only help their own." Eros rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"They won't have a choice. If anyone wants to survive, they have to oblige by my rules. well by Helios' and my rules."
"So you're the ruler of this.. Empurity?" Eros turned and shifted himself so he was sitting against the steering wheel.
"Yes. Helios and I are the rulers of this world."
"Doesn't that put you, your children, and all of us in the line of danger? I know for a fact that vampires especially the council will not want to bow down."
"Whether they wish to bow down or not. A spell has already been cast, if anyone proceeds to harm anyone then immediately they will be sent to Hades as mortals. If they want to survive, they need to follow rules, and if they come after anyone I cherish. I will not show mercy." I squeezed Adams hand as I felt fear wash over me.
"Don't you need to announce this or something?" Adam pulled his hand from mine and shook it.
"I didn't squeeze your hand to hard did I?"
"No.. well a little. I've just got to get used to your strength again."
"Right.. well, about announcing. Helios and I will be announcing to everyone after he finds a place to call home." I clenched my toes realizing I never spoke about the topic with Helios.
"We will?" I heard Helios voice ring in my head.
"We'll talk about that later." I thought and shook my head.
"What do we need to do now then?" Eros threw his hands in defeat.
"I need to see my father, and I think it's time I release Lisa."
"I'm sorry.. what did you just say?" Both Eros and Adam jumped back.
"I'll explain everything to her before I release her but she won't need to be locked down there anymore. It'd be cruel to leave her down there. Along with anyone else down there."
"Are you sure Renae? What if she tries to hurt you or Kelly? Or some innocent bastard?"
"Then she'll be sent to Hades and she'll have to suffer for all she has done."
"Well what about all the people who want to end their lives? Or the wolves or witches? Will they just live forever like a vampire or will they age and die? What happens to people who die of old age?" Eros shifted again.
"Time will be still for everyone. No one will age, but if they wish to pass on and be reunited with lost loved ones they can make a case. Any witch or wolf who is elderly will be restored to their prime age so if they need to fight or protect then they're able. I'll explain more later. I want to see my father first. Do you guys have enough information for now?"
"Why would anyone need to fight or protect if the attacker would be sent to Hades?"
I sighed in frustration. "Because I know they're are some vampires and wolves.. anyone actually who wish to cause harm for the simple fun of it. We'll be opening the Colosseum, it will be open for those who wish to fight. They won't be fighting for anything other then probable fame though. Any more questions?"
"I think that's it.. The Colosseum is in ruins tho?" Adam scratched his head leaning back.
"Not anymore. Well, it wont be after we make the announcement. Let's go please." I begged. Adam nodded his head and opened the door of the car and exited.
"When will you two be announcing? How will you be announcing?"
"Eros? I'm not sure about everything. Some things will be figured out as we go. If I have to send a mental message to everyone in this world then that's how it will be announced. As for now, can we just relax a bit and go see my insane father at the moment?"
"Yes.. Sorry." He sighed as he closed the door to the car and followed me.
"You don't need to be sorry. I know all of this is confusing and hard to grasp but I just need to see my dad right now." I opened the door to the school and let Adam and Eros walk in first. I followed them to the basement and into the elevator.
"I don't remember any bit of this." I said nervously thinking of when my Dad locked Lisa down here.
"I don't think you should. This is a terrible place to be locked up." Eros shuttered as heat filled the small space. The doors opened revealing a dim light into a hallway with many doors.
"This way Hun." Adam grabbed my hand and guided me to one of the doors. A guard stood outside the door holding a key to his chest.
"It's a pleasure to see you Mrs Jones." He knelt down and bowed to me.
"There's no need to do that... Thank you though?"
"Yes ma'am." He stood up and placed the key into the lock opening the door. Inside was dark but enough for me to see. I saw bars like a prison cell, I saw a small bed on the inside of the bars and on top of the bed was a shadow of a person.
"Turn on the lights please." Eros asked the guard. He nodded his head and flipped a switch outside of the room.
"TURN THAT CRAP OFF!" My dad screamed holding his head in between his knees. His scream made me jump but it made me sad.
"Jarrod. There's someone here to see you." Adam spoke with kindness in his voice.
"LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON"T WANT TO SEE ANYONE! I.. don't want to see anything.." His voice shook from screaming as it dropped to a whisper. In the whisper, it held silent sobs.
"Dad?" I stepped forward into the room and clenched my fists.
"Leave me be.. I know you're not real.. no one else can see or hear you. Just leave me be!" He kept his head tucked in his knees.
"I'll be just a moment." I turned to Adam and smiled trying to reassure him. He nodded his head and closed the door locking it. I walked to the door of the cell and opened it walking inside.
"Dad.. please talk to me." I knelt down in front of him. He slowly lifted his head and looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"What do you want me to say? Anything so I can sound crazy? You're a figment of my imagination. Leave me be." Tears flowed from his eyes down his face.
"I want to know why you became territorial?" I shifted and sat down crossing my legs.
"I didn't become territorial.. I was just overwhelmed with everything.. I just wanted you back.. I wanted you to live a life with your children and Adam.. I wanted you to be happy where you deserve to be." He sobbed placing his legs down.
"So what did you do about the overwhelming feelings?"
"I searched for you.. everywhere I could think of.. but I couldn't find you, Eros and Adam dragged me here before I could."
"I am here Dad. I'm sitting here in front of you." I scooted closer and rested my hand on his leg.
"Huh.. that's new." His tears stopped as he looked at my hand.
"What is?"
"I could never feel you before.. but I can feel your hand now." He lifted his hand and hovered it over mine. "Unless.." His eyes widened as he slowly dropped his hand on mine. I twisted my hand and held onto his.
"That's because I really am here Dad. I promise I'm right in front of you." I smiled as I watched the realization wash over his broken face.
"Rae?" Before any more words were exchanged he jumped up and stepped back.
"No.. No, you're not real.. you can't be!" He stood on his bed and backed into the corner.
"I am. If I wasn't, you wouldn't have felt me. If I wasn't, the light wouldn't be on and Adam wouldn't have told you I was here!" I stood up and stood at the edge of the bed. He looked around the room and panic seemed to grow in him.
"I can't think you are here and then you're not.. Have you no shame in causing me pain!" He screamed with fear. I wanted to sit and have the patience but at this point I had none.
"NO SHAME?! Listen here old man! I waited for your ass for five years before I gave up hope and you couldn't wait a few fucking months? You think I'm so cruel to play jokes like this on you?! This is real! I'm here and so is Eros and Adam outside that door. I came here first before seeing my kids because Rosia has them somewhere I don't even know! Now knock this crap off so I can see my own kids!" I huffed. I stepped back and crossed my arms in irritation. He looked at me even more broken.
"That's the first time you've yelled at me.. Rae?" He slowly crept towards me. "Is that really you baby girl?"
"No shit." I scoffed and uncrossed my arms dropping them at my sides.
"Renae!" He yelled before he ran to tackle me. Out of instinct I dodged and he fell to the floor with his face hitting the bottom of one of the bars. "Oh my god, it IS you!" He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.
"It is me dad." I wrapped my hands around him and laid my head against his chest not able to help the laughter coming out.
---Adams POV---
"There's been a lot of yelling.. should we see how things are going in there?" Eros asked nervous.
"No.. I think Renae's handling it." I smiled to myself.
"Rosia, You can't go back in!" I turned and saw a guard pushing Rosia out the door from the end of the hall.
"I'm not done with her!" Rosia Screamed fighting to get back in.
"Rosia?" Eros asked concerned walking over to her.
"Eros?" She turned and her eyes widened as they landed on us. "What are you doing here?"
"Renae's talking to Jarrod inside.. Where are the twins?" I pushed past Eros.
"I have a trusted friend watching them... I had some business to take care of." She shook her head as the guard closed the door behind her and locked it. "Wait, Renae is actually here?"
"She's inside trying to bring Jarrod back to his senses."
"Rosia, where are my children?" I felt the panic rising.
"They're with Koda. They're safe."
"You left my children with the man who locked me out of my home not once but twice!" I felt anger burst inside of me.
"Where are my kids?" I turned and saw Renae standing at the opened door with Jarrod standing next to her.