"I will ask you one more time. Where are my children?" Renae left her fathers side and stepped forward.
"Renae.. you're back.." Rosia had tears forming in her eyes.
"Yes I am and I'd like to see my children." She crossed her arms more irritated then before.
"I gave them to Koda to watch. He promised to keep them safe."
"Oh. That's a relief. Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just been a long day." Renae swatted at the air and stepped forward giving Rosia a hug.
"Excuse me? I don't like Koda!" I yelled in frustration.
"And I don't blame you. He locked you out of the house twice. Still, he's been kind and he's loved the twins when he came to the house the second time." She laughed at me.
"Let's go get my children. Dad you go and sleep on your own bed. We'll be back soon." She smiled looking back at Jarrod.
"I want to go with you." Jarrod stepped forward with his eyes flashing.
"There's no need. You need to go home, sleep and eat. Not roam around with me. I promise I'll be back with the kids and we'll see you soon."
"Okay.." He was visibly disappointed but he agreed.
We were walking out to the car after Jarrod had already walked back to the house when Rosia finally spoke up "Renae, I don't think you should bring your children around him yet. He's still not mentally stable." Rosia said worried.
"I'm grateful for your worry but I don't need it. I know what I'm doing." Renae said as she opened the passenger side door to the car.
"I know you do but I'm just saying-"
"Rosia. Please don't argue with me. There's some stuff you don't know that I do. So with all due respect. Drop it. You're welcome to come with or stay here but I'm going to get my kids and then I'm going home. Whether that's here or back at Adams and my place." Without another word she sat down in the front seat of the car and closed the door. I shook my head and got in the driver seat and waited for Eros to join. Rosia had a concerned look on her face but inevitably got in the back with Eros.
"Ready?" I asked nervous. Renae just looked ahead stuck in her thoughts.
---Renaes POV---
"Are we ready?" Adam rubbed my hand distracting me from my conversation with Helios.
"Uh.. Yes, let's go." I smiled and turned towards the window.
"So how am I supposed to announce all of this to the world?" I heeard Helios amused voice ring again.
"Remember when I said sending a mental message to everyone? Would that work?" I listened to Adam start the car and watched as we slowly back out of the parking spot.
"It might, but I was thinking maybe like a television broadcast?"
"You're just saying that because you want to be on TV. Besides, I don't even know how much longer TV will be airing since we don't have any humans running anything like that." I couldn't help but smirk at the idea of seeing Helios on TV.
"Witches? Don't your kind know about making the world go round without lifting fingers? I've seen it done before."
"We went from a world wide population of a few billion to about five hundred million. Maybe a little more but even still, That's way to much power to make the world to continue running like Earth. I don't think we'll be keeping television unless we have volunteers for working the networks and everything."
"There's already plenty of vamps and wolves already working for the networks and some of the grunt work. However we need to make the announcement sooner rather then later. The vampire council has noticed the lack of human blood and are about to make an emergency meeting." I watched as the fields of grass turn to forests of trees exposing no ground.
"I'll break the news to the wolf tribe in my area since I have to go over there anyways. After the first twenty four hours in this world are up, we'll have to forge this world as our own.
"Yes ma'am. Let the hell blaze comence." He began laughing.
"Hell blaze?"
"Once vampires see me, They'll hate the fact that I'm a partnering ruler of this world."
"Exactly why I'm here. They're going to have to get over it. They can protest, burn or do whatever they want but it will change nothing."
"Who's they?" Adam asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Looks like that's my cue to talk to you later." I heard Helios before I acknowledged the fact that Adam heard me.
"Was I talking outloud?" I bit my lip.
"Ye-" Adam started.
"No you weren't." Eros interrupted.
"Wait.. Did you hear Helios?"
"Why would I hear Helios? And yes, you were talking outloud. I heard you say they can protest or burn or do whatever they want but it wouldnt change anything."
"Adam, she never said anything." Rosia said.
"Yes she did. I heard her." He pulled over to the side of the road.
"Can you hear me?" I thought as if I was speaking with Helios.
"Yes I can hear you. Why wouldn't I be able to hear you?" He started getting annoyed.
"Adam, look at me." I thought. He looked away from the road and at me. "I'm not speaking outloud. Can you still hear me?" His eyes widened and he just sat there.
"Do you need me to drive?" Eros leaned forward.
"Uh.. yeah.." He responded to Eros and got out of the car switching spots with Eros.
"I wonder.." I whispered to myself.
"What was that?" Rosia asked.
"Oh.. nothing. Just excited to see Eve and Owen." I smiled and waited for Eros to sit.
As he sat down and before he shifted the car back into drive I tried to speak with him the same as I did with Adam and Helios. "Eros?"
"Yes?" He looked to me and took his hand off the shifter.
"I'm not talking out loud.. Adam was right when he heard me speaking." Just as Adam had done Eros eyes widened and he leaned back in amazement.
"How did you do that?" He asked leaning back again.
"I don't know." I couldn't help but smile.
"Do what?" Rosia asked impatiently.
"Did you do to him what you did with me?" Adam leaned forward.
"I did." I couldn't hold back my laugh.
"Do what?!" Rosia asked once more.
"Alright hold on." I turned and looked to Rosia and focused on her. "Can you hear me?"
"What?" she looked even more impatient.
"Didn't you hear it?"
"Hear what?"
"For goodness sakes. Only the five souls and myself can contact one another like that. She can't hear you, and quit playing mind games with your boy toys." Helios voice chimed in annoyed.
"Uhh.. sorry? They're not my boy toys," I replied annoyed.
"I guess I'm just going to be left out then?" Rosia sat back and crossed her arms.
"Sorry.. I guess only the five souls and Helios can communicate like this.. I spoke to Adam and Eros telepathically."
"There are some witches that have that power, but no one can talk back to them telepathically except other telepaths." She sat up and looked at me confused.
"Well. Let's just go get the kids. I need to speak with Kodas Elder as well." I turned around and sat down.
"On our way to the nearest wolf pack. Got it."
"Renae?" Koda Ran to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy to see you!"
"As am I. Where are my children?"
"Right over here." He let go of me and walked towards a double stroller with both Owen and Eve inside. They were playing with a dog who kept circling them. About ten feet away I stopped with fear.
"What's wrong?" Adam asked rubbing my back.
"What if they don't remember me? I haven't been here in so long..."
"I'm sure they'll remember you." He continued rubbing my back. I nodded my head and slowly approached the stroller and knelt down next to them as they laughed at the dog still playing with them.
"Hi babies.." Tears washed over my eyes as they turned their heads. Owen just stared at me as Eve smiled and lifted her hands to me. I reached out and picked her up holding her close.
"Hi baby girl... Did you miss momma?" She grabbed my hair and pulled me close and nawed on my chin.
"Mamama" I looked and saw Owen babbling.
"Hi owen.. I'm Mama." I couldn't stop any tears as I placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed it. "You're my precious babies." I leaned forward and kissed Owens forehead and then Eves.
"Muma." Eve said slow while gripping my ear.
"Yes baby."
"Both of them? Their first words?" Adam knelt down next to me and grabbed Eve from me.
"That was their first words?" I picked up Owen out of his seat in the stroller.
"It is.. What about Dada? I've been working on getting you two to say Dadda you traitors." He smiled and laughed as he lifted Eve into the air making her laugh.
"Muma" Eve laughed again.
"I may have some influence in the momma part." Koda smiled and placed the diaper bag down.
"How'd you get them to say mamma?" Eros picked up the bag.
"They kept crying after Rosia left so I showed them a picture of Renae and said look at Mamma. It calmed them down but I didn't think they understood what I was saying."
"Thank you Koda.. You have no idea how much this means to me." I sniffled as I stood up and hugged Koda with Owen still in my arms.
"It was no trouble. I'll be happy to babysit anytime. These two were amazing company to keep." He grabbed ahold of Owens hand and shook it making Owen giggle.
"Dad?" I called out as I walked in the front door.
"That was the last time I have to run on a vampires back." Rosia Huffed as she stood up from the ground.
"You're the one who asked Eros for a ride. You could've rode inbetween the carseats." Adam rolled his eyes as he held both the carseats.
"Maybe next time. As for now someone please help me to the couch." She stumbled as she walked towards the door. I laughed to myself and walked to my dads room and opened the door. He was laying in bed. I walked over and gently shook him awake.
"Hey old man. We're home like I said we would be."
"Rae? Th-that wasn't a dream?" He sat up and looked around and wrapped his arms around me.
"It wasn't a dream. Are you feeling any better?" I pulled back and looked at him. His eyes were back to his normal hazel color but they still held pain.
"I-I think so? Everythings a bit of a blur honestly." He scooted forward and sat on the edge of the bed.
"You don't remember when you went territorial?"
"I did? Then why am I still alive?"
"Because I couldn't kill an old bastard like yourself." Adam stood at the doorway with his arms crossed.
"Adam.. you broke one of the councils rules for me?" My dad stood up.
"Actually, I broke the councils biggest rule for Renae. I couldn't let her come home to no father."
"Adam.." I felt my heart throb.
"That was touching but we need to make that announcement. Now." Helios voice boomed in my head.
"Shit.. Can you guys stay here for a little bit. I'll be right back. Helios, come pick me up." I stood up and started walking past Adam.
"What's the matter?" Adam grabbed my hand.
"Well, Helios needs help with the announcement. I'll just be gone for a few minutes." He squeezed my hand. I leaned forward to him and talked to him in my mind. "If you want to hear my voice just think of me and say something in your head. I won't be long I promise."
"Be safe." He kissed me before releasing my hand. I nodded my head and kissed my children before walking out to Helios Chariot outside.