Chapter 19

"We can't survive on nothing!" A vampire screamed from the crowd.

"In this world, time is nothing. Except children, they will age as normal till they hit their prime age and all the elderly will be reversed in age. There will be no fighting or killing. This world is to rehabilitate the evil that has overcome all of us!" I said as calm as I could.

"None of this makes sense! We have to kill in order to survive! What about those who are trying to kill us? Are we just supposed to lean back and let it happen?"

"No that is not the case. Anyone who wishes to harm another will be allowed to fight in the coliseum in Rome once a month to let out aggression. Anyone who does not follow the rules will be sent to Hades before they can commit the crime and they will be sent to him as pure mortals so they can experience true punishment for their actions. The only things anyone can fight over is possible fame in the coliseum. If anyone wishes to end their own life, they will have to come to Helios or myself and make your plea. If the plea is reasonable we'll allow you to ascend to Elysium with lost loved ones."

"What happens to earth?"

"Earth is in it's own hands now. Only humans, animals and paranormal entities can reside on earth either until we can learn to live peacefully or for eternity."

"What are we supposed to eat?"

"If you really want to eat then, Renae will be working on creating a food chain around the world that will employ witches to create whatever food your heart desires. In twenty four hours the way we live will be completely different if we do not have creatures working to keep plants for electricity and anything else we may need." Helios spoke up and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"If time doesn't move how does that make any sense?" I spotted someone from the vampire council ask.

"Because in my personal opinion. You never realize what you have until it's gone or until you have to work for it. If we really wish to cleanse you all of selfishness and hatred then we need to work and surpass humankind. Humankind has been given a second chance without all of you because all of you have made life harder for them. If we can make our world surpass theirs then that's a step closer in returning to earth."

"Maybe we should just kill those two before they can send us to Hades." A voice rang out but I couldn't identify who said it.

"Hades has direct access to this place. You can attempt assassination attempts, I invite you to try and kill a god. If the god of all gods couldn't kill me, I doubt the hoard of you could." Helios mocked.

"She's no god!" I heard a familiar women’s voice yell. I looked down to see Annette. Without hesitation I jumped from the chariot and landed directly in front of her.

"Would you mind repeating that?"

"I would mind actually. You've been a thorn in my side ever since I met you. I knew I should've killed you on sight." She slowly stepped closer and protruded her fangs.

"You should know my real name before you sink your fangs into my throat-" She lunged at me but before she could even touch me she froze where she stood. "I tried to warn you." I sighed.

"Elea? Are you alright?" Hades stepped through a portal making the crowd jump back.

"Hi Hades. I'm fine, the spell works just fine. Remind me to thank Gaia for placing it for me and Khaos too. I don't think it would've worked otherwise." Gasping emerged from the crowds as Hades circled Annette.

"I'd like everyone to meet a good friend of mine. He doesn't show mercy to those who hurts those he cares about. So I shall say one more time, if you break any rules and try to fight or kill outside the coliseum then you will be sent to Hades as a mortal."

"Should I take this one?" He glared at Annette who was still frozen but sweating profusely.

"I think she learned her lesson. Take this as your first and only warning. We will not spare anyone else." Just as Hades took a step back I placed my hand on Annette’s shoulder and she fell to the ground.

"You.." She huffed.

"I know you don't like me, that's fine, but you will follow the rules or you will be punished." I circled her like a vulture. "Next time maybe let me finish speaking. My name is Elea, daughter of Erebus and Nyx. Goddess of Empathy. I am, in fact, a vampire, wolf and witch hybrid. I don't know how, but I am. If you wish to kill me or my family, you will not go through punishment, you will go through pure torture. Have I made myself clear?" I leaned forward in front of Annette who was gritting her teeth.

"Yes. Crystal… clear."

"I suggest you show a little more respect." Helios landed his chariot behind me and slowly approached burning every vampire but they were not able to run and hide.

"Yes, I understand. Please forgive my rudeness." Annette pushed out through the burning. I pushed Helios back onto his chariot and we rode back up into the sky.

"Hades, I'll see you later. Would you like to come over for dinner?" I smiled to him.

"I'll be there. I'll bring Persephone!" He waved goodbye before he vanished.

"Now, if any of you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shut up and deal with it." Helios started.

"Now what Helios means is, if you have any questions, we will be keeping all phones working regardless of the volunteer thing Helios spoke of earlier, there’s a number you can send a text message to or call and they will answer any and all questions. As for now, you're to continue living life as normal as possible with no violence. No wars, no fighting outside the coliseum, no thieving, and attempt to get along with one another. I know the biggest rivalry is between vampire and wolves so I implore you all to get along. Try to help each other and show kindness in every aspect you can. I will be working part time as a counselor if anyone needs the help. Do not worry about anyone else around the world, Helios has been able to show them this like a projector in the sun so everyone around the world can see this message, in their native tongue as well. No one has been left out and I expect to see kindness be the only thing I see from now on. Any questions now before we give you all the number and we all head home?"

"Why do we have to change? Humankind has been evil themselves! They're money and power hungry, just as bad as us!"

"Humankind had been cursed since the beginning of time. A heartless witch cursed humanity with an eternal curse that I had to break so they could survive. They are having a second chance to do things right. If they mess it up they won't be able to blame us. You're not being punished, we're all being given a second chance here as well. Earth has been sent down a path of destruction, here we can create the world our children deserve. We have a chance to survive the way we deserve. Don't make me regret it. Helios, take me home please."

"Yes Elea." With that, he whipped the reigns and we took off.


"Oh my god, it's true!" Tyler screamed as he wrapped his hands around my neck the second I stepped off the chariot.

"Yes Tyler, I'm back… can't breathe."

"I don't care, I couldn't breathe the entire time you were gone. Don't ever do that to me again!" He started crying.

"I'm happy to see you're back.." Braxton scratched the back of his neck as Tyler kept squeezing the life out of me.

"Can I have some help?" I coughed out.

"Okay, that's enough dude." Jefferson came up behind Tyler and picked him up forcing him to let go of me.

"NO! GIVE ME BACK MY RAERAE!" Tyler started kicking and screaming like a child throwing a fit.

"I have other people I'd like to hug you big baby." I smacked Tyler as Jefferson put him down.

"Fine." He crossed his arms and sat on the ground.

"Thank you little Jay." I smiled giving Jefferson a hug.

"How are you feeling with all of this? I mean it's all been pretty confusing to me but how are you handling all of this?"

"All of what? The fact that I'm an actual goddess stuck in a body or a vampire-wolf-witch creature thing? The fact that I'm a part ruler of a new world?" I laughed nervously.

"Well, I was more or less going for the fact that Dad went psycho, your kids are probably going to be walking soon and somehow you were brought back from... wherever the hell those gods took you. How do you even feel knowing you got taken away to begin with?" He let me go and stepped back trying to examine me.

"Honestly.." I took in a deep breath and looked at him and told him through my thoughts, since I didn't want anyone to hear. "I feel broken. I was taken away from my family and had to miss the most crucial parts of my children’s lives. I have Apollo to thank for taking me away but I understand stuff needed to be done. I hate myself most of all. I could never really hate anyone else but I really hate myself with all the stuff that’s happened. It's left me heart broken but in other ways I guess I'm stronger for it all.. I guess I have no room to complain because I get to be with my family again after not too long of a time period but still. I feel broken."

"H-how'd you do that?" He took a step back and looked around.

"Rae, warn someone when you do that mind thing." Eros laughed as he dropped his hand on my shoulder.

"What mind thing?" Tyler looked up at me.

"This thing. Telekesis type bullshit." I smirked.

"Whoa, Can I do that too?" He stood up and started getting excited.

"You can try. Just focus on me and think, talk normal but in your head." I said out loud.

"Like this?" He scrunched his nose and actually kept his mouth shut.

"You don't have to break yourself but yeah. The five souls are connected so we can all be telepathic with one another I suppose. So if you want to talk to Adam, just think of him, just don't break your brain. It doesn't work for anyone outside the five souls and Helios, so it’s like our own personal walkie-talkies I guess."

"Dammit Tyler!" I heard Adam yell.

"Guess that answers that question." Eros and I laughed.

"There's my girl!" I turned to see Mr K running towards me with open arms.

"Mr K! I'm so happy to see you." I smiled as he lifted me in his arms.

"I can't believe your back!" He laughed as he continued to hug me.

"Technically I brought all of you here but same difference. How have you been?" I stepped back out of the hug but he grabbed my hands.

"I started dating! I met a beautiful mermaid that wants to be a human!"

"A m-mermaid? They never talk to anyone outside of their own kind? How'd you even meet?"

"It's a long story, while you were gone I was on patrol and I've been helping with everything, there was a water like spirit roaming the nearby forest and turns out it was just a mermaid stuck in a water based tornado caused by some angry witches."

"Not my fault." A group of witches walked up making the welcome party outside the school quiet down.