"What the hell?" I heard Adam yell. I rubbed my eyes and almost fell backwards in my disbelief. Renae was standing right in front of us.
"Did it work accordingly?" She walked to the mirror and smiled as she saw herself.
"Helios?" Adam asked as his eyes adjusted.
"It's still me. Just in her form. This spell will only last for the next three days. I know there have been some meetings that last a week but Renae should return before my three days are up." He looked down at his clothes and saw they were extremely loose.
"What would Renae wear to a meeting?" I looked to the closet.
"That one's easy. She would wear something she feels comfortable and strong in. Not something that makes her feel like a child playing dressup." Adam walked over towards the closet, still rubbing his eyes.
"How do you know that?" I asked as I watched him pull out a dress shirt then walked towards Helios handing him the shirt, before he grabbed some dress pants and a bra with underwear to go with it.
"Because I just do. It's something I learned when it was just us two for a bit." He had a hint of satisfaction as he searched his memories.
"I'll.. just go get changed." Helios said grabbing the clothes and walking to the bathroom.
"So do I look the part?" Helios came out and twirled.
"Yes you do. It's almost like you're twins or something.. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were Rae." I sat on the bed and felt uneasy about it all.
"Well it's a good thing you do know better and the council does not. Shall we head to the school and alert Jarrod?.. Oh, excuse me, should we go to the school and alert my dad?" Helios had grinned.
"Should I refer to you as her then? All the pronouns, no Helios, no he said. None of that?" Adam asked before reaching for the door handle.
"Yes. Just act as if I were Renae. I wouldn't touch that yet." She grabbed Adams arm and blew some powder on the door releasing the spell that was placed after we came in here.
"Renae? I thought you were going to Elysium today?" Jarrod said as he opened the door to his office.
"Yeah, well there was an emergency meeting with the council so I had to toss that idea. They're coming here in about an hour or so." Helios was pretty convincing as Rae, the hand gestures were accurate and even the mannerisms.
"What? Here? Why here?"
"How should I know? I just know they called Eros and wanted Adam and I to be here."
"We have to get the children to their dorms, immediately." He ran back into his office and spoke on the intercom. "Class, until further notice, is canceled. Day and night students will be staying in their dorms until further notice as well. If anyone needs anything teachers will be in the dorms with students. Please head to your dorm buildings now."
"What the hell Jarrod?" Mr K walked in. "Oh.. Eros.."
"Kevilarnot." I looked away in an attempt to ignore my anger.
"Mr K, there's been an emergency meeting called for the council and they are on their way here now. I was just informed myself." Jarrod stood up between Kevilarnot and myself.
"How can someone be so disrespectful to call an emergency meeting at a school filled with children?! Oh, my bad probably the same one who has no respect for their so called friends." He tried spitting at me.
"No it wasn't Eros.."
"Excuse me? I'm not the disrespectful one here Kevilarnot! How dare you disrespect me and our family for not even going by your name!" I yelled at him as Adam grabbed my arms holding me back.
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Helios- Renae yelled. "You two may not have the best past or the respect for eachother but at least have enough respect for me and my dad!"
"I-I'm sorry Rae.." Kevilarnot stopped fighting Jarrod and stepped back.
"I'll be polite if you will." I huffed snatching my arms from Adams grasp.
"Fine. I'll be in the dorms." He turned and walked out the door.
"I'm sorry.. Renae, do you know about Mr Ks and Eros' past?" Jarrod looked at her curious.
"I-uh.. No.. I just knew that they hate each other.. Adam told me back when we were wedding planning."
"Right.. well we have no time for that right now. Let's go fix up the gym for the meeting. We'll need plenty of chairs. It's the entire council right? Not just the disciplinary council?"
"It's the entirity of it. Ian called and told me so I know it's serious." I sighed and followed him to the large gym they used for the night students.
"Adam, Eros and Rae, can you start bringing in the chairs? They should be here any minute." Jarrod sighed taking off his blazer and laying it on one of the bleachers.
"Why doesn't Rae go keep an eye out at the front door for the council. They won't be able to get in if someone isn't holding the door open." I said trying to distract Jarrod from the lack of Raes speed and strength.
"Right. Go keep an eye out dear. I'll send Eros to come fetch you once everyone's in here. Adam, Eros get to work." Jarrod started picking up equipment that was left all over the gym and running as fast as his abilities would let him. Rae bolted for the front door.
"Thank you Eros. I was worried he'd catch on there for a minute." I heard Helios' voice ring in my head.
"Just keep an eye out for a shit ton of old vampires and make sure to greet everyone nicely as Renae would actually do." I thought to him before I ran to the supply closet pulling out all of the chairs I could. With all the chairs and the bleachers we barely had enough chairs for everyone. Luckily Adam, Jarrod, Helios and I don't mind standing.
---Renaes POV---
"If someone insults you, how would you handle it?" Helios asked me as we searched the mortal realm.
"Depends on the insult. Most of the time I'll just keep a smile on my face and kill them with kindness. If it's a really bad one then I'll threaten their existence. It just depends." I rolled my eyes thinking back to Poseidon's actions.
"I'll ask before I reply then." He sounded a bit afraid, I couldn't help but laugh.
"Did Helios tell you a funny joke or something?" Zeus asked me with a smirk.
"Kind of. Have you seen her yet?" I looked into the crowd of New York City residents.
"I have not. I'm more then sure she'd be here tho. The most people packed into a single city, it's like a platter of unfortunate souls for her to feast on." He sighed as we walked.
"It's a good thing they can't hear or see us. Maybe she's in LA?"
"Yes but they can feel our presence. Why do you think they're avoiding touching us? Everywhere is crowded but around us. Watch this." He reached out his hand grabbing the arm of a woman.
"W-what was that?" She looked around furiously before running away.
"Do you have to be so cruel? If you touch them give them a good feeling. Not a frightening one." I smirked and crossed my arms.
"Why don't you give me an example?" He crossed his arms mimicking me.
"Fine. Follow me." I smirked and began walking through the crowd till I saw someone who was suffering with the sadness I once had.
"What's taking so long?" He whined as he followed me.
"This one." I smiled grabbing onto an arm of a teenage boy walking. He had black hair and blue eyes, they were not his normal color eyes thanks to contact lenses but you could still see the brokeness he was trying to hide. "You are loved, do not forget that." I whispered. His broken look filled with confusion until I let go of his arm. He lifted his head and looked to the blue sky with a smile spread wide on his face.
"Wait a minute.. If we start spreading that positive crap around so much, Ate will want nothing more then to come to the area and cause misfortune. Keep doing that." He smiled as he grabbed the arm of a bystander and whispered nice things.
"Isn't that a bit..wrong?" I stopped and looked at him.
"What do you mean?" He let go of the man and stepped closer to me.
"I mean, we'd be using these people to draw out Ate, only for her to cause misfortune and ruin the moment of happiness that they had. It's like giving a mouse some cheese making it hold still long enough for the cat to catch it and us to catch the cat."
"I see your point.. fine. Whoever helps us, I'll make sure they get to keep their happiness and not suffer the misfortune. Does that sound good?"
"Great let's get to work." I smiled and started running around cheering up as many people as possible.
"THIS IS POINTLESS!" I screamed laying on the ground.
"I'm sure she's on her way.." Zeus panted laying next to me on the ground.
"It's been six HOURS! I'd rather be at the council right now! It sounds like so much more fun then catching people and telling them they're beautiful or loved or whatever. I have been sneezed on so many time I'm starting to wonder if a god can catch a cold!" I cried shaking my hands on my shirt.
"You're not a god right now tho.. but no, we can't catch colds.. neither can you." He said looking up to the sky.
"I wonder if she would be in Dubai.."
"There's too many people in this world in order for us to continue this. It has been six hours.. SIX HOURS and all I can see is an ocean of moody, angry, depressed people! Seriously, does anyone in this city know who the hell Saratonin is?!"
"Maybe we need to look at this from a wider angle.. What if we have Euphrosyne help us?" He sat up and nudged me.
"There's no way in any world, am I going anywhere near Aphrodite. I'm still shuttering at the last imagine that goddess burned into my seeing balls." I stayed on the ground and shook at the memory.
"You don't have to go near Aphrodite. Hold that thought."
"Euphrosyne, I'm so glad you're willing to help us." Zeus smiled watching her walk through the portal.
"I'm happy to help. I see the mortals have been suffering a lot recently. I was actually thinking of talking with Gaia about maybe less natural disasters so everyone can be a bit less gloomy." Her smile was bright and wide as she talked. She had short black curly hair and brown eyes with gold sprinkled in them. She was also tall, similar to Zeus.
"What are you glaring at?" Zeus smirked at me.
"You dang tall jerks." I crossed my arms and sat on one of the nearby chairs.
"I'm sorry Elea. Maybe this will help you feel better about your height?" She knelt down matching my height.
"No.. no that doesn't help at all! Can we get this done and over with please? We need a lot of happiness on this block." I rolled my eyes as I watched her smile widen even more as she looked over the city.
"This shall take no longer then a second." She lifted her arms, she looked to be waiting for a hug. A warmth emerged from her and spread all over the city. The air itself felt much more inviting and relaxing.