"Thank you Euphrosyne. That should be it for now. Tell Aphrodite I sent my warmest regards." Zeus smiled looking down the building.
"Thank you Euphrosyne, I really am grateful."
"Thank you both for allowing me to help. I'll speak with you both later." She nodded to us before she returned through the portal.
"Now to close this and find that brat." Zeus stuck his hand in the portal, freezing it. I sighed and looked down the building.
"How long do you think we'll have to wait?"
"Not long. Watch the clouds. First misfortune she'll bring is bad weather." He looked out to the water and planted his feet in that direction.
"Uhm.. Zeus?"
"Elea? What is it?"
"The clouds come from this way." I pointed in the opposite direction.
"I-I knew that.. I was just admiring the birds." He turned around quick and watched the skies with me.
"Rae! Vampires are demanding to be allowed part leadership of Empurity!" Helios yelled in my head.
"STAND YOUR GROUND! First of all. Be quiet till you have a chance to speak. Make sure your hands are shaking but just barely and make sure it looks like it's from anger, then say exactly this." I took a deep breath. "I will not sit here and be so disrespected. You're all lucky I am allowing this meeting to happen in the first place. I am not permitting anyone other then Helios and myself to be the rulers of this realm. If you do not like that then maybe I should introduce you all to my grandfather. For those of you who do not know who he is, he is Kronos, Titan god of time and King of gods. I may not be your kind in your eyes but I am. If you continue to treat me with the balant disrespect and lack of trust then I will have no choice but to involve the rest of the gods including Chaos, Hades, Zeus and so many more. If you think you can't handle me then what makes you think you'd be able to handle a GOD?"
"Damn.. even I heard that. You're using me in that phrase and it scares even me." Zeus giggled.
"Yes Ma'am.. I'll let you know how it goes." Helios said with a shaky voice.
"Helios is a titan god and you just obliterated his mind." Zeus couldn't but let out a hearty laugh.
"I'm sorry if I was a bit loud.. I can talk to them better when I'm using my mouth and not my head." I smirked.
"Do not fret. It was amusing while we wait. Those storm clouds are coming, but not fast enough."
"In the meantime.. Adam?" I smirked thinking of his grin.
"Yes Rae?" I could hear his smirk in his voice.
"I'm sorry this is taking so long.. How are things going at the meeting?"
"Not the greatest. Vampires are talking about revolting or starting a war if we don't meet their demands. Helios is doing a good job being you. He really knows how you stand your ground." His laughter came out a bit.
"That's because I just told him to say that whole speech. I have to go though, I love you."
"I love you. Be safe."
"Always." I smiled as the voices in my head became silent.
"Elea, they're coming in faster." Zeus said.
"Time for us to get to work then. I'll hold on and shut up." I laughed as he guided a nearby cloud for us to ride.
"Where the hell could she be?" Zeus gritted his teeth as he searched.
"Again, how is it so hard to find a goddess?" I rolled my eyes and looked over Zeus' shoulder.
"It'd be easier if I had access, ever since I threw her off of Olympus, I haven't had access." He sighed while continuing to search.
"Do you feel that?" I felt a spike of dread in my spine the faster we approached the west.
"I do. She must be that way. Hold on." He grabbed my arm and a boom of thunder pushed us forward, I felt like a flag flying in the air as he pushed towards the building dread.
"I wondered when I'd see you two." I heard Ates voice as we landed.
"Two seconds.. my heads still spinning." I said as I grabbed my head trying to adjust what I just felt. The ringing of the thunder still burned in my ears.
"Ate, you have no business interfering in Empurity. I will give you one chance to explain yourself per Eleas request, if that explanation is not acceptable. You will not be allowed your goddess status or powers any longer." Zeus stood tall reflecting his anger.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I simply placed a bid on how long it would last. Since Astraios is hellbent on.. oh, sorry I really shouldn't be bringing others into this." I couldn't see clearly but I could hear the smirk on her face.
"Astraios helped create Empurity, why would he be involved with it's ruin?"
"I already said it's not my place to be dragging others into this." I managed to see her crossing her arms.
"Enough of this. I am tired of your games. Ate, Goddess of mischief and ruin. I hereby strip you of your powers and abilities. Over the thousands of years of your life you still haven't used your powers only for balance. Your abilities will be bestowed to someone more capable and mature. You will live the rest of your life as a mortal among other mortals who have no capabilities as well." Zeus' voice was growing deeper, stronger. Hidden behind his voice was nothing but power. His emotions were clear, no regret or remorse. My vision was still blurred but from what I could manage to see, I saw a light or rather a power from Zeus' left hand was pulling a dark light from Ates body.
"FATHER PLEASE!" She cried in pain. In a flash I could feel pain from Zeus, it was only a second but I knew the pain well.
"You have been given enough chances."
---Adams POV---
"We won't be seeing Hedes if we don't break your rules but that does not mean we will comply!" Annette screamed over the roaring crowd.
"If you wish to not comply then you have no use here. I'll restore your humanity and send you back to the human world. You will not have access to any of the abilities you have now. Go ahead and riot and refuse what you must do but that does not mean you'll be granted to go back to your normal lives of destroying anything kind or nice the world has to offer. That is the reason you all have been brought here in the first place!" Helios screamed in Raes voice.
"We'll riot! We can destroy homes and wreck this world!" Someone in the back screamed.
"Did I not already say you'd be sent back as a mortal? The whole point of all of you being here is to make you all realize you are corrupted in every aspect! You wish for power? Go and fight in the Colosseum! You wish for money? Then go and get a job and start from the bottom! I realize everyone has gotten used to being high on the food chain but there is no food chain here. Continue to act macho simply because it is what you're used to then you will suffer the consequences!" I sighed in Helios' feeble attempts at calming the crowd.
"You're only making them more angry. You're challenging their power instead of making them see they need to earn power here." I told him in my head examining Ians face, he was too calm during all of this.
"That's what I'm trying to do. Let me focus." He glared back at me. If I knew it was Rae, I'd be concerned with that glare.
"Then show us your power! If you think you can rule us then show us how unstoppable you claim to be." Ian stood up and smirked at Renae.
"I do not fight. Not unless necessary."
"If you wish to claim power over everyone why not follow the rules? Is it not fair if you just step up and claim we all have to follow you and abide by yours and Helios' rules? You tell us to shut up and follow these rules but you do not yourself." The crowds roars became silent as they looked to Ian with curiosity.
"I am not claiming power. I am stating what has happened. I had a hand in creating this world. I am trying to have everyone understand if you wish to continue surviving then you'll change your ways."
"What do you mean continue surviving?" Ian stood back shocked.
"The gods.. I promised not to say anything but if it gets through to you then I have no choice." She sighed. "The gods decided if vampires and all other mythical creatures continue to act as scum, then that scum will be removed. This world was named Empurity after it's goal. We are trying to Purify any and all evil so we can save you.. all of you." The room fell silent from shock. I myself felt the shock overcome me.
"That's a load of bullshit! The gods would never be able to erase all mythological creatures!" Someone in the middle of the crowd screamed over the silence.
"Do you really believe they would not do it? They sent all of you to this world. They helped me create this world. Is anyone familiar that Kronos ate his own children for the sake of his own crown and ruling? He did not want to be overthrown so he ATE his children. Do you really think they'd care about a bunch of mythological creatures who only make them work more?" I stepped forward irritated with the ignorance.
"Thank you Adam.. but I have to agree with them in some cases." Rae grabbed my shoulder.
"What?" Eros asked concerned.
"If you all wish me to show my true power.. in exactly three weeks, I'll be at the Colosseum to show I am qualified for this position. If anyone wishes to challenge me then you are welcome but if no one can beat me, there will be no more arguing. No more outburst and non-compliance. Does that sound fair?"
"Excuse me?" I asked grabbing her arm. "This is my wifes life you are putting in danger, are you going in her shoes or making her fight?" I asked him in my mind.
"Don't worry Adam.. I need to do this. I am the strongest of all of them and besides, No one can be killed. Trust me to do this." I heard Renaes voice in my head.
"You want to fight?" I asked her letting go of Helios' arm.
"Not that I want to, but it's necessary if I want to keep order." I gritted my teeth and stayed silent.
"Is there anything else that needs to be addressed?" Helios asked the crowd looking as strong as Renae truly is.
"What about Helios? He's in the same position as you trying to rule us with no-" Annette stood up.
"If you wish Helios to be there then he shall be. I must remind you tho, everyone still has a disadvantage to the sunlight and Helios is the god of the Sun. If you wish to be fried then that's your option." She sighed.
"Never mind.." She sat back down in her chair.
"Helios believes if he is being challenged then he will be there as well. There will be a total of two positions available to claim this world. Helios and myself will be fighting for it as well. Everyone in Empurity has a chance at claiming these positions. If there are any objections then go ahead. However in the fight, we will not be holding back at all. I might simply because I feel your emotions but it will not last long before I get angry and feel nothing more then my anger."