"You didn't have to give away the emotion thing you asshole!" Renae slapped Helios still in Renaes body form.
"It wasn't really intentional. It just kinda slipped."
"How long are you staying as me anyways? This is creepy." She looked him up and down.
"Not much longer. A few hours anyways. I was worried that meeting would last longer and I wouldn't have a chance to slip away before it faded." He scratched the back of his head.
"In the meantime. Hold still." She grabbed a marker and wrote an X on his forehead.
"What's this for?"
"So I'm not imagining that I have a clone. Also so Adam will actually kiss me and know it's me."
"Still not kissing you till I see his face reappear. I know you'd just love to prank me." I laid back on our bed and sighed. "Besides, won't one of you have to stay here till it fades anyways? Won't people freak if they see two of you?"
"You do kind of have a point.. You have Renae duties till it wears off." Renae jumped on the bed next to me.
"Wouldn't it make more sense if you were the one out and about? That way it won't wear off while I'm out in front of prying eyes?"
"Yes that would be the smarter way to go but you gave away one of my weaknesses with the emotion crap so now you're going to suffer the remaining hours as me for revenge. I'm going to sit here and relax while I can." She smirked and tucked her hands behind her head.
"Fair point. Fine. But if someone sees me in a bra. I'll gladly break your arm in return."
"Fine, fine. Shoo, go away."
"What about the twins?" I asked sitting up.
"If Rosia has them I'm sure they're fine."
"Rosia doesn't have them." I looked to Helios who was staring at me wide eyed.
"Who has them then? Koda? Helios, you told me Rosia was taking them?"
"Not exactly.. I said a motherly woman was taking them.."
"No, you said your motherly woman was taking them, by that you meant Rosia didn't you?" She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up growing angry and concerned.
"I never said Rosia.. calm down." He took a step back.
"Where are my children?" She stepped forward in a threatening manner.
"Renae, calm down. Hera has them." I grabbed her arm but wasn't able to pull her into my arms.
"WHAT?" She screamed shaking the ground.
"She's the queen of the gods. Why are you so angry?" I tightened my grip on her arm.
"Hera hates any female who spends time with her husband which I have been doing a lot of recently! I swear.. where is she?"
"She said she was going to another world to ensure the childrens safety. I'm sorry Rae, I didn't know." Eros stepped in front of Helios.
"You let her take MY CHILDREN out of a world that was created solely to protect them?! How stupid can all of you be?" She snatched her arm out of my hand.
"We we're worried with the council coming, this was thousands upon thousands of vampires coming and all of them angry. We didn't know if they'd find a way to break the protection spell." I stood up and tried to hold her again with no success as she kept stepping back.
"You let her take my kids out of a world that was meant to protect them and everyone here from getting hurt. Then you think someone could break a GODS SPELL? You all better hope that when I come back, both of them are safe and not a single scratch has been made on either of them. If I see she has done anything to either of them I will kill everyone in here!" She screamed before running out of the room faster then we could comprehend.
"D-did she just threaten all of us?" Helios gulped hard.
"Yes.. yes she did." Eros looked around the room with guilt.
"Hera wouldn't hurt the twins would she? She's the goddess of motherhood or something like that right?" I looked to Helios for answers.
"Technically, she's just the goddess of marriage and birth."
"For our sake.. we better make sure everything's okay." Eros rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"I can't believe Hera would wish to hurt innocent children for the fact that Renae was spending time with Zeus!" I yelled at Helios.
"She won't hurt them, but Astraios is more of a threat then Renae realizes and Hera is the only one who would be willing to protect them from him." Helios whispered under his breath.
---Renaes POV---
"Zeus?" I called out as I walked back into his home.
"Elea? Didn't you just leave?" He stretched while yawning.
"I know I did but Hera has my children. Do you know where she is? She's not answering me when I call her."
"Why does my wife have your children?"
"Because Helios, my husband and my most trusted friend are complete fucking idiots."
"Do not worry. I'm sure she is here somewhere." He started twisting and turning looking around.
"Zeus, I don't have anything against Hera, but I know she gets jealous of anyone who spends time with you. She took them out of Empurity where there was a protection spell on them so no one could hurt them. I'm scared of what the outcome might be."
"Elea, I promise if she brings harm of any kind to your children then I will take action myself. Try to relax a little until we find them. I'll ask Death to help look and Hermes as well."
"Why would you ask Death?"
"Because he has to travel a lot for work anyways. It's easy to ask him to keep an eye out for her since he's already everywhere. Same with Hermes."
"I just hope it works." I bit my lip feeling my anxiety build. Even for a moment, I could feel some of the anxiety wasn't my own. Could Zeus be just as worried as I am?
We walked out the front door of Zeus' home and started looking, asking anyone who we came across if they've seen Hera.
"I'm sorry you two, I haven't seen her." Athena scratched the back of her neck and looked at me with pity.
"Thank you Athena.. please let us know if you see her or the twins." I sighed and stepped away.
"I found her!" Death yelled as he ran up to us.
"Where is she?"
"She's at Kolob. I just barely saw her when I was traveling back and forth delivering souls."
"It's a star, some consider it a planet but it's not to far from the throne, come." Zeus ran past me.
"Hera?" Zeus and I called out as we looked around on Kolob.
"Is she even here?" I grabbed my hair and fought the tears.
"Elea, relax. I'm sure we'll find her soon." Zeus was concerned for my emotions.
"What are you two doing here?" I turned around and saw Hera standing there alone.
"Her- where are my children? I know you took them from Empurity." I began walking towards her, I was trying not to be angry but it was all I could feel.
"I do not have them." She took a step back.
"Hera, give Elea her children now." Zeus grabbed my arm and held me back.
"I do not have them. I was being honest." She seemed to coward to Zeus.
"Zeus. I'd like to speak with Hera alone." The rage inside me faded away when I saw her fear.
"As you wish. I'll just be.. over there."
"Hera.. are you scared of your husband?"
"It's not that I fear him. I fear his anger and his actions of that anger."
"Hera, I know you have my children. I know you're scared of what Zeus would do if he found out you took them to spite him or me, you know I'm the goddess of empathy so I can feel everything your feeling. I also know you are jealous he's been spending time with me but the first thing you need to know is, he's my uncle and I'd never do that, and two, we've been talking about how he can fix or better his relationship with you."
"Yes. I'm not trying to justify your or his actions or persuade your feelings but I'd like to have my children back."
"I know.. but I really don't have them. Leto took them from me when she saw I was holding them. She was worried I'd hurt them. Elea, you need to know I was trying to protect them. Something is coming. I'm not sure what but it's nothing good." She grabbed my arm, she was trembling. I could feel she was sincere and even frightened.
"Do you know where Leto is?"
"Elea, you must keep the twins out of Empurity until after the fight in three weeks. Please trust me on this?"
"Hera, I trust you because I feel your honesty, but I need to see my children. I'll decide once I see them if I'll bring them home or not. I'll leave you and Zeus alone after I speak with him." I walked over to Zeus and took a deep breath.
"Does she have them?" He asked.
"No, Leto does. Don't punish Hera, she was just trying to protect them. You two need to speak tho so I'm going to go find Leto."
"Alright.. should I talk to her about the stuff we discussed?"
"I'd start with the fact that you two need help. Honestly you two need a couples counselor or something. However, you need to apologize to her for your anger. I know you have a short fuse and she's the one who suffers from it the most."
"Right.. well Leto is usually in Agartha."
"Thank you. Bye Zeus." I gave him a quick hug before I waved goodbye to Hera.
"Thank you so much Leto." I held onto Owen and Eve feeling relief finally wash away my worries.
"I didn't feel comfortable leaving them with Hera, I knew she didn't have any children recently, I didn't know they belonged to you." She tapped Eve on the nose and smiled to me.
"Yes.. do you mind watching them for me a while longer though?"
"I'd love to.. but why?"
"Something is about to happen in Empurity. Heras fear was too strong to ignore. First Ate tried to poison me, she mentioned something with Astraios and now all vampires want to have a brawl and fight to be the top dog of Empurity. It's probably best to leave them with you until things can calm down a bit." I handed Eve back to her.
"Of course. You're welcome to come and visit them whenever. I'll be sure to keep them safe no matter what." She took Owen in her free arm.
"Thank you but I'm pushing the fight up to tomorrow. The less time I have to spend away from my children the better."
"I understand. We'll be here." She smiled bouncing them on her hips.
"I'll be back soon lovelies." I kissed both their foreheads before returning to Empurity.
"Where are the kids?" Adam asked as I walked in the door.
"They're staying with a friend. The fight's being pushed to tomorrow. Where's Helios? I need to make the announcement."
"I'm right here." He came out as himself.
"Why are you pushing the fight to tomorrow? Why didn't you bring the kids home?" Eros asked concerned but irritated.
"Because for the time being, they're safer then you three. Don't forget I'm still angry. Helios, let's go."
"Yes.." Helios said following me out the door.
"I understand you're angry and rightfully so but do you think it's necessary to push me off like that?" Adam came running outside.
"I'm not pushing you off. I'm trying to calm myself down before I do or say something I'll really regret. Hera may be a goddess but she is also a stranger to our kids and you. I only know her from helping her children and even then I still never met her before today. I understand you did what you thought was best to protect them but you gave our kids, our babies to a complete stranger and right now, the amount of anger I have is to large for you to understand."