Chapter 32- The Ruling Battle Part 3

--Narrators POV--

"Then I have the right to kill her as well!" Alexander screamed as he dashed for Renaes heart.

"I don't think so." Renae sighed and closed her eyes. Barely a centimeter away his claws were stopped by the force of the spell Renae had placed on the world.

"W-what is this? Why can't I move?" He screamed shaking trying to thrust himself into her chest.

"If you want to kill me, you'll have to wait until my children are old enough to protect themselves. If you truly wish to kill me, then you have to do your part and make sure this world is turned anew, for the soul purpose of returning all of us to Earth. I'm not scared of death since I am a goddess, in fact I'm actually friends with death himself, but he likes to go by Grim so I suggest you be respectful of him since I've asked him to come instead of my favorite uncle Hades." Renae smirked looking at Alexanders claws.

"I'm right here, I can hear you!" Zeus rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Sorry, Hades is my favorite forever and always. Deal with it Goddio." She smiled as she stepped away and approached Alexander from behind.

"I would be smart if I were you, goddess." Alexander fought his grin as she got closer to him.

"I don't plan on doing what you hoped. I'm not doing anything you expect of me. You expect me to show you mercy like I did all those years ago, but then you also expect me to cut off your head since you expect mercy so what is it that you think I'll be doing?" She snickered as she circled him.

"What's wrong with Renae? She doesn't look like herself." Adam gulped in fear.

"There's something wrong with her aura." Eros clenched his fist, shaking with fear, he's only seen this happen to one other person in his life that he wished to never see again but was left with no choice.

"Just kill me already. Or do you plan on making everyone else do your dirty work?" Alexander groaned trying to fight off the spell.

"I'm not going to kill you or have you be killed. I'm going to punish you." She chuckled as she bit into her arm and ripped off pieces of her own flesh.

"Zeus, we need to stop this!" Rosia exclaimed fearing for her daughters life.

"I-I cannot.. I've seen this ritual before.. I took an oath to never.. I cannot stop this but we must get everyone out of here while we can!" Zeus stood up. "Everyone stay calm! We are enacting an emergency evacuation! Do not panic, do not run, just stay in your seats and think of a.. flower." Zeus improvised as the crowd whispers slowly melted into panic.

"Don't you dare Zeus!" Renae screamed at the top of her lungs. "Or I'll come after you next." She turned her head, blood pouring from her mouth and her eyes burning a bright golden red.

"W-what's wrong with her?" Helios exclaimed trying to stand with no success.

"She's using her goddess abilities to keep us trapped here?" Astraios tried to move from his spot as his feet were sinking into the ground.

"What do we do?" Rosia cried to Adam standing next to her.

"Renae?" Adam called out with more fear he had ever held in his heart before.

"Renae is not here. I will not allow that spineless thing interrupt me again!" Renaes voice began to alter, a demonic presence filled the air of her voice and sent shivers down everyones spines, Gods included.

"Is that?" Astraios asked choking on his own words.

"I'll start by giving you my blood and flesh, excusing you of any and all spells I have placed. I will proceed to do so with everyone here and this world will be brought to it's knees!" Renae laughed hysterically as she leaned over Alexanders mouth and smashed her lips into his.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Zeus screamed unable to move himself.

"You, have the capability to die, by my hands here and now. You cannot interrupt in this ritual. Olympus will finally fall by my hands! Even if I have to borrow them!" She screamed, shattering eardrums of everyone in the vacinity.

"Deimos, you cannot do this!" Astraios screamed.

"You'll die as well." She smirked as she took another bite out of her arm, squirting her blood on the dirt.

"Zeus, oath or not, you need to do something." Rosia cried.

"Elea?" Death asked as he stepped through the portal.

"Perfect timing my friend. Everyone here is to die. Let's get to work shall we." She wrapped her arm around him as blood flowed from her veins and mouth.

"What the hell is going on here?" Death tried to back away with no success.

"I was worried you wouldn't want to help.. so I added that into the bud." She grabbed deaths face and poured the blood and flesh from her lips into his mouth.

"I-I can't breathe!" Alexander screamed trying to spit out the blood.

"Swallow it and you will be able to breathe again. The world is run on the strong eats the weak, it cannot run any other way and the fact that Elea is trying to change that is pissing me off. I've managed to save most of Greece before I was cut down, so I will return the favor now."

"W-WHERE"S MY WIFE?!" Adam screamed finally able to move a foot.

"Oh, so you're Eleas twin flame correct?" She smiled as she dropped death on the ground and jumped, landing in front of Adam.

"..I am." He clenched his fists. He could see and hear his wife but he knew it was not her.

"Whether you believe me or not, I am Elea. This is her body so if you wish to kill me, you'll be killing her too, and don't hope on the fact that she's a goddess that automatically she'll be saved, I have possession over both this stronger body and her goddess form. I have for a little while now." She winked as she closed the space between the two.

"Give me back my wife." He clenched his fists so hard, his nails cut half way through his palm. His hands bleeding caused attention of Renae and earned a smirk.

"Do I make you nervous?" She bit her lip. "Because I just love it when I can get a mans heart racing." She whispered in his ear.

"It's a good thing I don't have a beating heart." He growled.

"Then I guess I have no use for you." She grabbed his face, examined it and fought the tears Renae was trying to push through to show she was fighting. "Goodbye lover." She pressed her lips into his. Inside Renae was screaming as loud as she could with no control over her own body as Adam tried to push her off.

"Stop this! Please!" Eros cried unable to grab Renae and pull her off of Adam.

"You shall remember this, for the rest of your time in hell. You've brought destruction and will not be able to have paradise like you've begged all your life. Elea was the one who ruined my chance at love and success so I'm simply returning the favor. Don't take it personally." She laughed as she reached her arm into Adams chest.

"R-Rae.." Adam was barely able to get out as she squeezed his heart in her hands.

"How does it feel to die by the hands of your lover? I bet it hurts." She laughed while tears began flowing heavily.

"I..I love you." He smiled as he dropped to his knees, his heart remaining in Renaes hands.

"Well that was boring." She tossed Adams heart over her shoulder and licked her fingers as tears of blood came crashing out of her eyes.

"W-What have you done?" Eros dropped to his knees, freed from the spell. He grabbed Adams body and looked at the whole in his chest.

"He was nothing but a pebble in my shoe. As are you." She growled stepping towards Eros.

"STOP THIS!" Zeus screamed, Eleas emotions were so strong, they were washing over everyone within the world and nearby planets as well.

"I've fought to be able to kill you, so now I wi..-" Her body began to twitch. "So now I wi-" Deimos fought to take back control of Renaes body.

"What's happening now?" Eros cried as he continued to hold Adams corpse.

"NO!" Renae screamed, pushing Deimos completely out of her body. "HOW DARE YOU?!" She screamed again as Deimos' body went flying through the air crashing into a nearby wall.

"H-how'd you push me out! You couldn't have?!" Deimos yelled scrambling to her feet.

"Renae?" Eros cried. Renae turned her head and saw the horror in front of her, still holding the lifeless corpse.

"ZEUS NOW!" Helios screamed as he ran towards Eros. Zeus nodded his head and took a deep breath. Within the breath he pulled everyone within the world but Elea to Elysium.

"AH!" Elea screamed in pain. Air was being sucked from other planets close by as she screamed. The torment that was burning in her began to force out in her screams of anguish.

"WHY?" She cried as the tears of blood washed down her face, air spinning, the oceans began to completely drain as the air spun everything around her body. Unable to escape the pain breaking her very soul, for the first time in her entire existence, she wanted to kill. Her body began to break and shatter as the air, water and earth spun around her.


"What's going to happen to Renae?" Eros asked still clinging to Adams body.

"She'll probably destroy everything close to Empurity. She suffered the greatest loss anyone could have gone through, and since she's the goddess of empathy, all of us will be feeling her pain until eventually her body gives out and she herself becomes the center of the biggest planet in creation." Astraios wiped the tears from his eyes.

"C-can't we help her?" Jarrod cried as his chest was caving.

"There's noting we can do. That is why most of the time I do not allow gods to have twin flames but with Elea, she had the ability to love stronger then anyone or anything so she had no choice in the matter." Zeus dropped his head feeling all the pain Renae was emanating.

"I-is he really dead?" Tyler asked walking towards Eros and Adam.

"Yes.. he is.." Zeus dropped to his knees. The pain he felt was unbearable compared to what everyone else could feel. Zeus had an unspoken connection with Elea since the day she was created so most of the time he could feel exactly what she would hold in her heart. Her heart, always filled with love and compassion, was now reduced to anguish, torture, flames and ash. It hurt Zeus more then he'd ever be able to express.

"Zeus?! What happened?" Kronos asked running alongside Poseidon towards Zeus.

"Sh-she.. Her twin flame.." He pointed to Adam laying Eros arms.

"He's.. dead?" Poseidon asked shaking in fear.

"Deimos.. Deimos possessed Elea and killed her twin flame with her own hands.." Zeus choked on his words as he tried to explain.

"How did she?" Kronos asked.

"She just.. I don't know." Zeus looked up and searched for Deimos. "She must be around here somewhere." He stood up and began searching.

"I'm going to help Renae." Poseidon bit his lip and closed his eyes grabbing Zeus' arm.

"No, she'll suck you into the planet and you won't be able to escape."

"It's worth the risk if I can save her. She has children after all, I think she'll be able to hear me out." Poseidon opened his eyes allowing the tears to escape.

"If you think you can.. be safe brother." Zeus knew he could not fight Poseidons decision so he let him go, even if he knew he'd never see his brother again.