Chapter 31- The Ruling Battle Part 2- Helios Secret Rage

"Number one-sixty-five has turned the battle in his favor!" Rosia screamed into the microphone. "How will two hundred be able to turn the battle!"

I kept my gaze fixed on Helios. Zeus and I were the only ones who knew the trouble Helios was really in. She trapped him underground but being caught in his own fire will burn us all alive if he stays down there much longer.

---Helios POV---

"I will ask once more!" I screamed fighting the new growing vines wrapping around me. I'd burn the ones touching me but if I do much more nobody up there will be able to survive.

"Ask what? For me to lose?" I heard the first words from her voice was muffled.

"Take me out from underneath here or everyone will die. The only ones standing will be Elea Zeus and I."

"Your words cannot alter your loss. Admit defeat or you shall remain under the planets crust until the time is up."

Finally having enough I took a deep breath. I tried my best to keep my nerves calm before I remembered Cronus had taught me a physical move ages ago. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I clenched my fist and counted to ten holding my fists ready. I managed to get my feet on top of the vines as I mentally said ten I kicked off as hard as my strength would allow me forcing the vines to shatter beneath my feet. I raised my fists and punched the ground above me and saw the daylight. As I crawled out of the whole I saw the witch standing there with complete shock on her face.

"I asked you nicely. I will not go easy anymore." I growled standing up. She held horror in her face as I ran towards her grabbing her throat.

"N-no!" She coughed between breaths.

"I've had enough OF YOU!" The words belted out of my mouth and I ran and threw her into the wall. I watched as the stone began to crumble around her body.

"Helios, that's enough." Elea grabbed my shoulder before I went to finish her off.

"She almost killed everyone here simply because she wished to win!" I grabbed her arm, as I grabbed her arm I watched the skin around where my hand sizzle like I was holing her arm on the surface of the sun.

"I know, but she did not. Ignorance is not an excuse but she had no idea the power that you held onto. Only you did. Zeus already called off the fight. He deemed her irresponsible and too incapable of controlling her emotions." She kept her eyes on me as if I was not torching her hand off her arm.

"I see." I let go of her arm and walked up the stairs to speak with Zeus.

"That was a bit intense but let's continue to the next match!" Rosia broke the silence filling the colosseum.

"Helios? What are you doing up here?" Zeus smiled as I sat next to him.

"Why'd to stop my match?"

"She was trying to win a battle that would have ended with an explosion killing everyone here. I deemed her irrisponsible for the position she was fighting for."

"That wasn't your place to decide that. She did not know of what would have happened."

"Yes she did. She has access to her third eye so she can see bits of her own future. She was reckless."

"Did you tell Elea?"

"No I have not. Elea would have jumped down there and interfered.

I looked down to see Elea carrying the witches corpse to the healing witches. Zeus was right with his course of action. I would have done the same.


"Only four opponents left! Renae, Helios, Alexander and Dreal! The next fight will be Helios and Dreal. That winner will have the chance at snagging the first seat in the position for ruling Empurity!" The crowd began roaring.

"What? I was supposed to fight Renae!" The man who I was supposed to fight screamed up at Rosia.

"I'm not the one deciding who fights who. It's at complete chance. You will be fighting Helios or you forfeit your chance at the title." Rosias annoyance was present in her voice.

"I.. I forfeit." He looked at me with anger before retreating.

"Then Helios is the first ruler of Empurity!"

"Not so fast!" A voice called from the entrance.

"Astraios?" I saw Zeus mouth in shock.

"What are you doing?" Rosia was confused as everyone in the colosseum.

"I want to fight Helios for that first ruling position, and I want to fight him with all our powers!" He walked into the ring and glared at me with daggers for eyes.

"I'm not sure the judge will allow this since you're a late entry."

"What is this nonsense?" I yelled in frustration.

"Astraios, if you wanted to help rule Empurity you should have said something when you helped me create it." Elea stepped forward and grabbed my shoulder.

"It's not just about ruling Empurity. I have issues with Helios that I'd like to settle in good old combat."

"Astraios, you cannot battle another god here. You'd be destroying everything in this world." Zeus hopped down from his seat.

"I came with precautions."

"I vote we take a break and discuss this!" Elea shouted as Astraios kept his angry gaze fixed on me.

"Everyone stay where you are. Us gods will be having a quick meeting." Zeus snapped his fingers flashing Elea, Astraios, himself and I to a private location.

"What is wrong with you?" Elea walked over and slapped Astraios.

"Son of a.." He grabbed his face.

"Elea, enough of that. Astraios, if you have issues with Helios you know how to handle them. Not engage a world of battle hungry vampires and all other creatures." Zeus grabbed Eleas shoulder and stepped in front of her.

"It wasn't just the issue. I'm tired of simply watching all of my planets have life and enjoyment while I'm stuck on small stars with no one."

"What is your issue with me? We hardly ever speak." I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

"We hardly ever if at all speak but my issue is you! Your ruling of the sun and now Empurity as well? You're the center of the universe and yet you want more!"

"I was asked to help! Since the sun is a weakness to vampires."

"Astraios, I did ask Helios to help. If you want to help, I think having three gods is better then two though.." Elea made sure she stood between the two of us.

"Excuse me?" I said with disbelief.

"Think about it. We were going to split up the continents after we had everything settled in right? I think if we have three gods, each god can take two continents and we call all split up Oceania. It will give both of us more freedom. Not to mention I'll be able to spend more time with my kids."

"I actually agree with Elea." Zeus started stroking his beard, as he usually does when occupied with deep thoughts.

"Why would I want help from someone who wishes to fight me?" I yelled over their thinking.

"He didn't really want to fight you though. He was just tired of being lonely." Elea smiled back and forth at the two of us.

"I-I was not."

"Astraios, I can feel what you're feeling. No need to be ashamed of your feelings. Not with me anyways."

"Do I get a say in any of this?"

"Okay, let's put it to a vote. Since Zeus is the god of gods the three voting will be Zeus, Helios, and myself. All in favor of allowing the three rulers of Empurity include Astraios?" She raised her hand. I crossed my arms and sighed as Zeus raised his hand as well.

"Fine, but you're going to be the one to tell everyone in Empurity. They were already angry enough with us just deciding we were the rulers."

"I'll handle it.." She rubbed her arm while she thought of how to tell them.

"Perfect. Let's go. Elea you have one battle left." Zeus smirked before snapping his fingers once more making us reappear in our original spots.

"What the hell?" Rosias voice filled the air with the help of the speakers.

"Rosia, can I borrow this real quick?" Eleas voice took over control of the air.

"I just want everyone to know, after my final fight with Alexander the winner, Zeus and Helios since he already won his spot will be deciding if Astraios will be allowed to have a third ruling position in Empurity. If there will be no more interruptions then we'll begin the final match." The crowd roared with energy and excitement. I rolled my eyes before taking a seat up with Rosia and Zeus.

---Renaes POV---

"You must be Alexander." I smiled with excitement that this was almost over. He glared at me and nodded.

"Not much of a talker?" I stretched my hands over my head.

"Not with my opponents."

"If I hadn't agreed to this tournament then we wouldn't be opponents, and not to mention after the fight we won't be opponents."

"Right now your my opponent. I'd like to start the match now!" He yelled up to Rosia.

"AND BEGIN THE LAST MATCH!" She yelled causing the crowd to burst with cheers.

"I don't want to hurt you." I sighed digging my heels into the ground.

"That should be your intention when fighting someone." He kept his glare fixed on me. I was confused when I realized he had no emotion. I didn't even know what he was. A wolf? A vampire? Or maybe a witch? He appeared human-like.

"Aren't you going to rush me? Like you did all your other opponents?" He asked slowly approaching me.

"Something tells me I need to be careful with you." I looked closer at him, he had his hair tied back and hidden under a bandanna.

"Smart move. Anything else?"

"If I figure something out, I'm not going to tell you. That's just not smart." I smirked examining him closely.

"You don't remember me do you?" He smirked while removing his bandanna.

"No? Should I?"

"You're the one who cursed me." He smirked and threw the bandanna to the side.

"I'm sorry? I've never cursed anyone before." I froze and stared at him.

"Wh-what? You don't even remember me? I w-was one of the children that ran to your temple begging you for help with Eros!" He pointed to Eros in the crowd.

"Uhm.. The other kid, from what I remember disrespected all gods, me included, and tried to burn me when I tried to help. That kid?"

"What? I didn't do that!" I could feel the deceit and worry washing over him.

"I hoped that you're time with Hades would have been enough to make you learn your lesson to be disrespectful." I took a step towards him and felt the ground beneath me begin to shake.

"You better watch where you step. You've gotten some new powers but so have I." He smirked.

"You think you can intimidate and manipulate me? All you're doing is pissing me off. I'll give you one chance to admit defeat or I will kill you. I know exactly what you're feeling and I know exactly what you're attempting."

"I thought no one could kill anyone here?" He smirked taking a step towards me making the ground only shake more.

"ALEXANDER!" Zeus screamed. "Be cautious with what you are planning. Elea has every right to kill whoever she wishes in this world since she is it's creator. Do not forget that, even if you do win and succeed in becoming leader." He sat on the edge of his seat causing a wave of murmurs from the crowd.

"Then I have the right to kill her as well!" He screamed rushing towards me, specifically, my chest.