Chapter 37

--Narrators POV--

"Rae?" Zeus whispered as emotions started flowing through his body.

".." Renae fluttered her eyelashes, the light poured into her eyes causing temporary blindness, then they burned at the memory of her loves lifeless body.

"I need Clemortte in here!" Zeus yelled refusing to release Renaes hand.

"What happened?" Helios asked as they ran in the room.

"She woke up." Zeus reached out and grabbed Clemorttes hand and pulled him closer so he was in Renaes vision.

"But you just said-" Adam started as he froze when she turned her head to look at him.

"I was wrong." Zeus said.

They all stood frozen as they watched, partly in fear and the other in excitement as Renaes eyes continued to flutter adjusting to the light.

"Wh-what..?" Renaes voice was quiet and fragile as she fought to sit up with no success.

"What do you remember?" Helios asked leaning over Zeus.

"A-Adam... he was..." Tears began to form in her eyes as she continued to fight to sit up.