Chapter 38

---Renaes POV---

"I am not allowing that idiot to meet my children! Do you know what he used to do when he came across families?!" I screamed as Adam held me back.

"I'm not the same as I once was! You can't hold that over my head forever!" Clemortte screamed as Eros held him back.

"YOU BEHEADED THE CHILDREN AND USED THEIR NECKS AS CUPS! I'm not letting you anywhere near my kids! I know exactly what you're feeling, you haven't changed at all!" I screamed again, this time more anger fueled me. I could feel his feelings pouring from him, he was as blood thirsty as the first time I met him.

"Rae, that's enough. On Empurity, give him the chance to at least meet the children. Why don't you want him too?" Zeus asked me grabbing my arm.

"Do you want to know exactly what he's feeling?" I hissed. "Do you?!"