Chapter 40

---Evelyns POV---

"I can't believe he tried to force you into marrying him." Lilly laughed as we walked into the restaurant.

"Keep your voice down. If my dad hears us, he'll kill that guy and I'd rather avoid all that drama." I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

"Are you going to see your mom tomorrow?" Her expression turned a little pale.

"I don't know.. we'll see how it goes." I shook my head and looked to the cashier. "Can I just have a cup of O positive please?" I pulled the money out of my purse and placed it on the counter.

"You come in here everyday and order the same thing. Don't you ever get tired of it?" He smiled and handed me my cup.

"Is that code for you're getting tired of me coming in and ordering the same thing?" I sipped on my straw and watched as he counted my change.

"Absolutely not, you're the highlight of my boring days." He smirked handing me the change.