Chapter 51

Time was moving slow. Each step taken was another step he wasn't prepared to take. His hands dripping with fear. He had known her since childhood but he couldn't unsee what he was shown. His shirt began to soak with dampness, his heart pounding and his sight was tunneling as he saw the house come into view.

"Leon? Lily?" Eve said as she stepped out of the house. As she ran into her best friends arms to give her a hug, Leon's eyes refused to leave her. He saw her beauty before but now, all he could see was her shining ever so brightly.

"Leon." Lily said waking him from his day dreams.

"What?" He said taking his eyes away from Eve.

"Eve asked you a question? Are you okay?" She pulled away from Eve and stepped closer to him.

"Oh uh, sorry. I'm still confused about how we got... hi." He smiled looking at his shoes then to Eve.

"What are you doing here?" Eve smirked.

"We uh, we were... Lily?" He turned on a dime and cleared his throat.