Chapter 52

"Is he alright?!" Andrew ran into the apartment the minute he could no longer hear Threxs' screaming.

"He's okay, a bit of a mess though." Typhon said as he wiped the sweat pouring from Threx's forehead.

"He's a squirter, I like it." Dagon laughed atop a ladder, as she was wiping blood from the ceiling.

"He's okay though?" Andrew asked walking closer to see Threx clenching his jaw.

"I'm okay." He pushed in a huff. "That hurt more then my heart trying to stop." He sighed letting his jaw relax.

"Good thing you told us to hold you down, I didn't think a little half blood would've been so strong." Chemosh smirked untying the ropes.

"You'd be surprised..." Andrew started "Wait, half-blood? You're just a half-blood? Your mother was a mortal then?" Andrew looked to Threx then to Typhon seeing his eyes grow.

"It's an instance we do not speak of. It would be appreciated if it stayed at that." Typhon growled before walking away.