A strange encounter.


I felt a sharp hold on my arm, someone's fingers were digging in my skin, I can't move, my body is stuck in a state of horror. His eyes we're drowned in anger, his firm hand grabs my hair as he leans closer to my face.

He opens his mouth and yells something but blood rushes to my ears, too numb to hear anything.

A sting strikes my cheek as his palm hits me,

Too shocked to move

Too numb to feel.

He drags me Across the hallway with a jerk he opens the shinning doorknob to an empty street, marks of his fingers gets left behind on my arm as he kicks me down the road, stumbling I fall down on my chest my face in the gravel but before I could get up a bag hits my head, I tilt my head to witness the heartbreaking view, the served nightmare in front of me.

Where my grandfather pushes me out his eyes painted in the horrific color of disappointment, my grandmother throwing my things out her face in an unusual show of disgust.

Only my mother by my side as they threw me out of my house. '

The tips of his fingers were shaking every hair on his body tensed up, his lips were dry and chapped and hair damp in sweat. His breathing was slow as his emerald orbs opened from the hideous dream. Taking a deep breath percy lifts himself up from the bed, legs hanging down and his head in his palm as he calms his heart.

His green eyes peek through his fingers obsidian hair trickling on his tips his eyes travel to his phone, he wants to call her,

His mom.

But past tells otherwise,

'I have already troubled her enough. '

Percy's memory might not be sharp but he remembers, every tiny detail of the night he came out to his family and how he got both himself and his mother disowned.

He shakes his head trying his hardest to focus on anything... Something.

He subconsciously licks his lip getting up only to trip and fall on the floor.

His legs really were numb.

"By that sound I assume you are up fag, come down and make something! " Came a yelling voice.

'How noble of him to wait for me to wake up.' He thinks as he smiles smugly and gets up to wash up.

Percy as you can comprehend was a child with a messed up past. He was a boy who smiled at everyone, who everyone thought was an open book, someone who was easy to understand.

But no he was someone who hides his tears behind a smile, he has lost himself so many times that now he doubts who he really is.

No one knows,

Not even him.

He came and made his way to the closet. His body working like a robot in a game he is just staring and doing what he always does. Every morning compelling himself to exist.

He goes down his filthy-excuse-for-a-father is no where to be seen.

Not really caring he makes his way to the kitchen to make his usual breakfast.

When suddenly a familiar melody filled his ear. His phone was ringing.

His finger brushed on his phone picking up the unknown number.

"Hello." How long has it been since he used his voice?

"Um.. I-" A dulcet voice mumbled, a smile played it's way on the lips of the green eyed boy.

'Nico.... '

He thought.

"I-is this persues cullen? "

"Well you did call him. " He meldelled with a chuckle.

"Oh so, I wanted to talk to you about something you said the other day. "

Percy knitting his brows turned around leaning his back on the rough counter.

"About what? " He softly asked.

"Uh it would be easy to explain in person. Do you mind meeting in the same coffee shop today?"

He tilted his head in confusion. "Don't we have school? "

He heard a small laugh on the other line.

And Percy was sure his heart tripped a beat.

"Read your mails, cullen." The cherry voice said.

Letting out a breath he didn't knew he was holding. He smiled but it soon faded away as he saw his step-father approaching. Like a gist of wave he turned around and mumbled a small 'sure at 4 in evening' he ended the call and stood there for a the verbal torture.


'Was he in a rush? ' thought nico as he placed his phone down and leaned back on the bed his head falling softly on the covers. The tickling of clock along with a small chatter of his family was slowly creeping on his nerves, so he closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath.

His thoughts slowly wandering to his meeting with the boy,

'I need answers.' He whispered.

His mind was now caught in a constant gif of what was happening again? Why did the star player look so nervous near his father? Why does he stutter around him? Who is he gonna take?

"Nico come down! "

Why is his mother calling?

Signing he got up and made his to his phone and pushed it in his pocket.

He went down and plumped on the sofa. "What is it mum? " He asked. "Nothing really, we just wanted to check up on you. How is everything? "

Nico's eyes squinted and he looked rather amused not in his existence of 17 years has he ever heard his mother say that. So why today.

"Just tell me what you want mom I have stuff to do. "

"Well I care about you and-" She started but Nico cut her off. "Such a dubious sentence doesn't suit you mother."

"Don't talk to your mother-! " This time his mother cut his father.

"No need dear."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stood upright.

"Well then I will not beat around the bush, me and your father" She said pointing at the man behind her waiting for his coffee. "We're planning something for you. Are you free this Friday? We want you to meet someone."

This time Nico's face was dripping in confusion. He simply shakes his head and said "I have to go and watch this tournament in Jersey I will be gone for two weeks." With that he gets up "Why two weeks"

"Look guys if you got a problem talk to the principal but I want to go there so don't ruin my fun."

With that he leaves before they can babble their homophobic drama.

He goes out of the small house his nose instantly getting a little sniffle of the oak trees. His eyes we're about to drift off to the pavement but then he saw someone. The black leather jacket and hat caught his attention and he knew it was the man who kept popping up in school.

Did he actually follow him home?

The odd thing was the man with lean build was walking away in the woods across the street. Nico decided that he did needed answers and he needed it now.

He started walking making his way slowly towards the man who rendered unknown about the others presence. Slowly the man made his way to few blocks away.

'I thought he will go inside the woods'

Nico thought.

But the man got out of the canopy and headed to a house. Nico's eyes drifted to a specific part of the street,

A gym.

A coffee shop.

This was the same place he was meeting percy. But why is the man going into a house.

He stepped a little closer now the man was inside the house and Nico on the other side of the street.

He walked quietly some strangers giving him a look.

He ignored, he was used to looks anyway.

He stood on the door but obviously he couldn't go in but heard faint voices.

'He had fight I think.'

'You think!?! Be sure. Jersey is going to be our last chance those bullys did nothing to him and you know who is getting impatient.'

'I know! Stop screaming! I am not your son! '

'Whatever just do your work Bob and do it right this time. '

With that Nico heard faint footsteps gradually approaching him. He quickly ran towards his home with full speed and stopped only in front of his house.

Hands on his knees catching his breath. He concluded something.

One of those voices were of his math teacher.