Chapter 1
Hello and thank you for coming here today for the launch of my new book. My heart broken wife. I have written this book for the love of my life and my best friend who is now my beautiful wife. A month ago after our wedding we were in a plane crash. Nia and I both survived however due to hitting her head on a rock when we jumped into the water, out of the burning plane, my wife lost her memory. The doctors told me in order to protect her from causing more damage to her brain by forcing herself to remember, I could lose her forever. Which is why I wrote this book for her. This book starts from a time when we were children, full of life. That unfortunate day still haunts me as well as our friends. We were excited and full of energy as if we ate a box of ice cream however nothing could prepare us for the events that occurred which destroyed many families.
15 years ago third person over watching the events that are transpiring
Today would be that day that all the children were very excited, they cannot seem to sit still. As hard as the parents tried to calm them down, nothing seems to work. All the children are going to Disneyland.
(Flight to Disneyland departing soon) As everyone is boarding the plane, looking out of the window we see the sun is rising since it will be a long flight, we are leaving very early. The sky is clear, not a cloud in sight.
(Ladies and gentlemen we are now mid-way to Disneyland however the weather seems to be changing it seems an unexpected storm is approaching)
I looked back out the window to see that we were heading towards a huge dark cloud and I thought to myself it could be an electrical cloud. As we got closer I could see lightning striking directly towards the plane. Suddenly all the lights go off and the oxygen masks fall out. I put on my mask as I hear the air hostesses explaining to the others how these masks work and how to put them on.
(Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we are experiencing some technical difficulties with the plane due to the weather. We are going to make an emergency landing in the water as we are still far away from our destination)
At this point all the passengers became hysterical. Suddenly we hear a lady screaming. I turn to my right to what is wrong. We hear on the intercom the air hostesses asking "is there a doctor on board?" Due to the stress of the events a lady is going into early labour. At this point I quickly jumped out of my seat with my bag to go and help since I am doctor Eric. We gently make the lady lay flat on her back, on the floor as I quickly ask for a few things that I require like hot water and towels. As the air hostess brings all the requirements that I need I cover the lady while her sister(I assume) tries to comfort her. I hear her breathing going shallow I quickly ask her permission if I can check to see if she is crowning (if the baby's head is coming out) since she is getting tired she will pass out soon if we dont get the baby out now there will be more complications. I look again as I see the baby's head I tell the lady to push for 10 seconds then stop for a break. We repeat this process a few times till the baby comes out. I cut the umbilical cord and wrap the baby to keep her warm, I placed the new- born in her mothers arms.
At this point I watch in horror how the effects of the stress are affecting her I quickly check her pulse which was slowing down. I look down on the floor as I see blood coming out from a cut on her leg due to falling from the violent movements of the plane. This lady is losing too much blood. I attempt to quickly stitch her while she is busy with the baby, she doesnt seem to feel the pain of my needle since I had to give her an injection for all the pain she was in. I see her eyes closing, I hear her asking the young couple next to her if they could watch over baby Carol. She gives them a letter with some sort of details on it. I watch as the mother tells her baby how much she loves her and that she will always watch over her. The mother hands the baby over to the couple. The couple look at each other with smiles on their faces, they reach for the baby and place her on the ladies chest inside her life jacket, the man says " we have been childless for so long. I think this was the reason. We were meant to look after your bundle of joy as you leave to return back to the Lord. Do not worry we will protect her as if he were our own, this gift from God"
The new mother touches her baby with a smile on her face knowing that her daughter is in good hands as she took her last breath. In all my years as a doctor I have never witnessed such a miracle. I cover the lady as I look around all the other passengers are crying as we bid farewell to a strong mother who loved her baby more than her life, she knew she would not make it so she said her goodbyes to her baby.
The condition of the plane is getting worse as we get closer to the water the doors swing open due to the impact of losing control of one wing. I watch as a mother of twin girls tries her hardest to hold on and protect them from all the bags that were falling out of the cabinets above. I watch as the mother pushes her daughter out of the way before a suitcase falls on her. This little girl, 5 years old, was being tossed around the plane as people were trying to find and get to their loved ones. Thank the Lors this girl was caught by a mother who was holding onto her twin boys. By the looks on the mother's faces they know each other somehow. I continue to watch as the door behind them swings open, I try to get to them, tell them to move out of the way but I saw the girls mother see what I was trying to show her. The children quickly grabbed each others hand to make a link so they would not fall out but the sons hand gets hit by a bag which causes him to break the link. The boy holds tightly onto the girls hand as they fall out of the moving plane with his mother not far behind. The little girls mother is still holding onto the other twin boy and her daughter tightly as they cry for the loss of their loved ones.