Chapter 4... Lucy and Sam

Lucy white P.O .V

As I open up my email I see a wedding invitation from my friend Nia Brown who is getting married to Roy Charles. I still remember the day I met Nia and Roy in play school

15 years ago age 5

Today is my first day of school. I looked around and see the parents dropping off their children while giving a hug or kiss. I am guessing to reassure them that they have nothing to fear. I look back at my parents as they tell me encouraging words to help dissolve my fears. Mom tells me that if I ever feel a panic attack coming I should count to ten, breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. Dad told me that he has already spoken to the principal and teachers who have assured him that if I ever felt panic to tell them and they will help me.

I enter my classroom and hang my bags straps behind my chair just like the other kids do. The teacher Mrs Penny tells us to take out our colouring crayons as we wait for her to pass out our worksheets. As I turn around on my chair to open my bag, to get the crayons my elbow mistakenly hits the pencil case of the girl next to me on the floor. I quickly reach down to pick it up. I return the case while saying sorry. I look up to be met with blue eyes ( I can slowly feel a panic attack coming.) Hi my name is Nia and you don’t have to worry about my crayons. Okay in fact I should be saying that I am sorry for leaving it so close to the edge that I never see how much of your table space I was taking. As soon as she says that I relax, this was the first time that my attack went away without having to get help from mom or dad. It’s okay my name is Lucy. Hi Lucy nice to meet you.

Soon it was lunch time and we were allowed to play outside. I wasn’t watching where I was walking and stood on a boy’s foot. He wasn’t in our class because he looks to be at least 8 years old. Oh my God! I am so sorry I didn’t see where I was walking. I was starting to shake as I felt scared, suddenly I heard Nia’s voice, come on Roy she didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s okay little girl you didn’t hurt me. Lucy this is my best friend Roy we travel together to school because we live next door to each other and Roy my new friend Lucy.

I learnt so many things in school and played a lot of games. When it was home time I didn’t want to leave I was having way too much fun. Dad told me that tomorrow is a new day and I will be able to see my friends again. I waved goodbye to my friends as dad put on my seatbelt. I can’t wait to see what new adventures tomorrow has for me

Sam Brown P.O.V

Mom I am home from work. Sam supper is ready please go freshen up while I set the table.

5 minutes later

Wow mom, all my favourite dishes what is the occasion? Sam I want to tell you something very important. This happened 25 years ago when you were born and I was your nurse. I don’t remember all the details about that day all I remember was that the hospital was doing maintenance in the maternity ward. You were born about an hour ago when the accident occurred. Your parents name are David Brown and Mary Brown. That is the only information that I have on them. During the fire outbreak the files containing all details were burnt. I just thought that since you are a doctor at the same hospital maybe you can talk to other staff who might be able to help you. Thank you mom for telling me and thank you taking care of me for so many years. Mom my friend James Charles invited us over to his house to play Xbox and he mentioned something about a special announcement. Since it’s the weekend and we both are free I thought of joining them. Please come with me mom James told me to bring you also because his parents wanted to see you. Okay son let me just change.

As I knock on the door to James home Nia opens the door. Hi Nia what a pleasant surprise I didn’t know that you will be here also? Hey Sam it’s always nice to see you. I hope this time I get to meet your mom. Yes Nia this is my mother Anna and mom this is Nia It a pleasure to finally get to meet you. Come in Sam everyone is waiting for you so we can announce the good news.

Attention dear friends and family Nia and I have something to say (I turn to see Roy standing on the stairs) I have known Nia since we were kids and Nia and I have decided to change this friendship to something more special. Today when I asked Nia to be my wife she said yes. So ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together to welcome future Mrs Nia Charles. Wow I am so proud of you Nia, I have always looked at you as if you were my little sister just as I know you take me as your big brother. Remember I told you that one day your prince charming will come, well looks like you did not have to look far since prince charming has been right next to you the whole time. Nia walks away to speak to James as he welcomes his sister in law. Mom I want to introduce you to Nia’s parents, this is uncle David and aunty Mary. Uncle this is my mother Anna. Anna it is so nice to finally meet you Sam has told us so much about you.

Anna Mackenzie P.O.V

Mom James is calling me. I will see you later. Okay let me know when you ready to leave. Now that Sam is with James I need to talk to you Mr and Mrs Brown. Oh Anna is everything okay you seem to be disturbed about something is there some problem that you need our help with, please tell us Sam is like family to us if you need anything we are here to help.

What will happen next when the past is revealed how will Nia and Sam react?