Margret Williams
Alice would have been so happy if she had her twin sister Karen here to celebrate her 20th birthday. We would have had a huge party I only pray that some kind hearted family would have found Karen and raised her as their own child. We have been to the airport so many times yet I know in my heart Karen is alive, that one day somewhere in this world I will be reunited with my daughter. I can still remember that horrific plane crash as if it was yesterday
15 Years ago
(Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking we are experiencing some technical difficulties with the plane due to the weather we are trying to make an emergency landing in the water as we are still far away from our destination. )
A flash of light caught my attention as I looked out the window I saw the dark clouds above us as the planes went down. Suddenly the oxygen masks were released and we were told to put on the life jackets. When the doors flung open everything fell out of the cabinets. Fear struck us all; there was chaos as people began to panic. I watched in fear as the clouds part to show that we were approaching a whirlpool. The captain tries to keep the plane in his control but I can see that as hard as he tries the plane keeps shaking as if we are doing summersaults.
I hold on to my daughters Alice and Karen as tight as I can as I see the plane doors opening and seats getting loose as the plane catches on fire. To my right I see my best friend Taylor, during high school we had a fall out and in the situation that we are in I think back to how one silly prank caused us to become enemies. I just wish that I could ask for her forgiveness and be her best friend again. I see her holding her twin boys as I hold mine. As we look at each other we share a silent apology and understanding that no matter what the outcome will be we will meet again. Suddenly a suitcase falls from the cabinets above; I quickly push Karen out of the way before it hits her head. I watch as if I as if my heart is being ripped out as I see how Karen gets tossed (falling over people as they try to reach their own family members) around but she gets saved by Taylor. I try my best to get to them as the door opens behind them. I watch how Taylor pushes her son towards me as we make a hand link to hold each other. Suddenly with the pressure of the wind and the roaring of the thunder sounds in the background our handmade link breaks ,tossing Karen, Taylor, her son and husband out of the plane. I hold on to her son whose name is Stanley as we watch our family fall into the water far away from us. I pray they are okay
1 hour later
We were saved by a passing ship that helped all the remaining survivors. As soon as we reach land the doctors tended to us making sure that we were not hurt in any way. From that day onwards I vowed to protect and take care of Stanley as if he were my own. We have been to the airport so many times to try and find out if there are any more survivors and if Karen was with Taylor but up till this day we haven’t found them. even with all the technology in the world we cannot find out where Taylor lives.
Taylor Smith
My sons Stanley and Jason will be 23 years old next week. My Stanley I miss him so much every day. Today is Karen’s birthday .We are having a celebration for her birthday and getting her masters in technology. Today is the day I tell her about her mother.
Karen sweetheart can I talk to you for a moment? Yes mum. Karen do you remember that when you were younger I told you that my best friend is your mother? I still love you as if you were mine. Today I want to tell you about your mother Margret and your twin sister. This incident happened when you were 5 years old
15 years ago
When I first stepped onto the plane I never thought that something could go so wrong, as if I am watching a movie in slow motion. I remember waking up on an extremely hot island filled with bright green palm trees containing extremely ripe yellow bananas. The plane I was on earlier was nowhere in sight except for broken glass and plane parts floating in the water. As I think back to how this happened I quickly went searching for my family. I found a few other survivors we all stayed in a group as we searched for others like us. After many hours of searching we found shelter and food. As I walked up to a tree to pick some fruits I saw my best friend’s daughter. I quickly rushed over to her to see if she had any injuries. At closer inspection I found my son and this beautiful angel cuddling each other as they shook in their sleep. I had no doubt that they were dreaming in fear of what they witnessed on the plane while they held each other as if they were brother and sister supporting and encouraging each other that help will come. Little did they know that they would be safe and live as siblings till they were old enough to handle this trauma truth.
We were saved by a passing aircraft that saw our help sign as he flew above us. When we reached the closest form of civilization the doctors told me that the children are extremely afraid of the accident that we will have to pretend as if this never happened and if they did remember tell them it was just a dream. This was the only solution that the doctors and my husband could find, in which Karen (Margaret’s daughter) and Jason could recover. If not they will turn into an emotionless shells that will slowly eat them up from the inside with fear. I spoke to Jack, my husband and made him erase all traces of us. As much as I wanted to return Karen back to her mother, I knew that in doing so I could emotionally harm this princess that I vowed to protect as she fell into my arms on the plane.
Flashback of high school
As I walked down the corridors towards my locker I saw my best friend Margret talking to the most popular football player that Greenwoods High has ever had in history. As I approached I overheard Alex telling Margret that they should date just to make me jealous so that when my heart breaks he can be my knight in shining armour saying how much he likes me that he only did this because he wanted to see if I liked him as much as he liked me. I watched as Margret agreed to this idiotic idea because she knew I had a crush on him and that as long as he was famous I will never talk to him which in return will attract the attention of the schools queen bee who thinks that she owns the place. I came out of my hiding spot and slapped both of them. I felt betrayed and so angry at Margret that I broke our 17 years friendship. As I turned to Alex I told him that whatever feeling I had for him is now turned to hatred and that if he has any self-respect left he will never speak to me again.
As I look back at this incident Karen and I both laugh so hard that tears end up rolling down our face as we come to the realisation that so many years of our lives were wasted for no reason. I may have felt hurt in that moment but as I think about it now I know that Margret was only trying to help me get over the fear of rejection so that I could open up and tell Alex how I felt.