"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I'm snapped back to reality at the sound of Louis' calm voice. He sits on the dirt beside me and gazes at the beautiful crystals above.
Neither of us say anything as we're enveloped in deafening silence. I expect him to ask me about my behavior earlier but he doesn't.
"What about your parents?" The words escape my lips before my brain could process it. Why would I ask something like that? It's none of my business.
He doesn't reply immediately but he eventually says: "Dead."
Ah shit.
"Mine as well." I didn't expect him to hear it but he did. He pinches his eyes closed as if he's in pain.
"That's why you got so mad at me, I'm sorry." He looks at his feet, avoiding eye contact with me.
"How did they die?" I find myself asking.
"Have you ever heard of SL and RP?" I nod as my mind goes back to the time my dad informed me of them. RP is a famous electronics producing company, it was owned by the son of a billionaire, Paul Aaron.
SL is one of the most famous makeup and cosmetic producing companies in the world. It was owned by Margret Aaron....
My eyes quickly meet that of the boy I thought was nothing but a waiter's. Now that I look at him closely the dots start to connect.
"Louis Aaron."
A small smile stretches across his lips at the mention of his name. "So you've heard of me."
As the heir to the most powerful Mafia in the world it's an obligation to know these things. The Aarons are one of the richest family in America.... Legally, at least.
"But how is that possible? What are you doing working in a diner? What about your sister?" I'm usually up to date with information like this. I guess so much has happened.
"My parents were divorced long before my sister was born. There's a lot of things the public doesn't know." He says, picking up a twig and twirls it between his fingers.
"I'd like to know."
He gives me a crooked, taunting smile. "Would you now? If I tell you, do you promise to be nicer to me?"
"Good enough," he chuckles to himself but the sadness is very much evident in his eyes. "My parents divorced when I was three but the press couldn't know that because it'd ruin their image. Eventually, my dad married another woman and they had my little sister, Kelly. But my stepmother was kept a secret which she hated. Everyone believes Kelly is my mom's daughter. My mom would've never admitted it, but I knew she still loved my dad so she went along with it. Ten years passed, I was in school when police officers came looking for me and told me my mom was murdered in a parking lot. Someone had shot her. She didn't like security guards following her all the time, but if she had known their importance...." His voice breaks at the end but he clears his throat before continuing. "Mom actually left her company under my name but since I was still a minor it was given to my dad. I also had to live with him, it was the first time I actually met Kelly and my stepmother. I bonded with Kelly immediately, I love that girl with everything I have.... My stepmom seemed nice at the time. It took a while for me to get over my mom's death but I finally felt like my family was complete.... Of course, it could never last."
"What do you mean?" My interest spiked as he continued.
"I turned eighteen and a few days later my dad died. My stepmom accused and blamed it on me, threatened to tell the cops if I didn't leave and never show my face again. I told her she didn't have any evidence.... But then she threatened Kelly's life. I thought she was bluffing, I mean who would hurt their own daughter? To prove her point, she cut off one of Kelly's fingers right before my eyes." My eyes widen in surprise, that's not something you hear everyday. "That night, I saw her true colors. All she ever wanted was money and power. And she got it."
"Wait, so you left?!" I ask in disbelief.
"I had to."
"But you're a public figure, didn't people notice this?!"
"Like I said, she loves power. Probably paid some people to shut up." He says in a bitter tone.
"You could've told the cops, she can't get away with that! She--"
"Has power. She has people in the FBI, there was nothing I could do!" His voice comes out loud, shocking both of us. But then I see the tears forming in his eyes before he breakdown. "There was nothing I could do." His head falls on his hands as he weeps.
I didn't know what got over me but the boiling anger within me was beyond my control.
"I'll bring back your sister, I promise."