
The Four Stationary Realms

History advanced so much in these kingdoms that some records were lost, all of them living under the same government, calling the King of the Zenian territory Absolute Sovereign, the Frozen Kingdom, which is the master and lord of the entire territory, however, with the passage of time and the conquest of the three territories: Kaioss, The Kingdom of Spring, Grinzem, The Autumn Empire and Eldinne, The Kingdom of Eternal Summer; the territory became so extensive that the first sovereign of Saizen, ordered to establish houses of nobles and Lords for the regiment of the new communities that began to settle in the territories. The flourishing of the economy was due to the contribution of the four territories as a whole, but since the ice nation was the largest, it was the rulers of that territory who contributed the greatest amount of goods and production to the neighboring peoples. , Peace fell on the four kingdoms and their surroundings after consolidating the laws that maintained order in all aspects.

Moreover, with the passing of the generations, these laws were diminishing in quality and soon they were corrupted, to later be forgotten by those who had to take care of them and the people. The dynasty of the Zenian Royal House was stained by a long history of blood and war, or so describe it in the history books of the schools; With the nations now settled, the three links that border Saizen act as autonomous countries, but where the law is the only thing that links them to Zenian sovereignty.

Supreme Council of the Four Stationary Realms

It is chaired by four main members, who come from the four nations, each with skills according to their branch.

They are the right hand of the sovereign king when making decisions and issuing edicts or judgment. These four delegates coexist in the Cathedral of the Great Capital, which is in the center of the four kingdoms as the nexus that connects all the territories; the order is to maintain by these men who are given the task of inspecting, organizing, delegating functions and enacting laws under the hand of the king.

They could have more legal power than the king if he is not exercising his mandate or the provisional regent is not assigned.

Spring Kingdom, Kaioss

❝Spread the seed of discord among your enemies and you will prosper❞

Line of succession:

Current regent:

╍ Charles M. Kaioss and Avalia L. Kaioss ╍


╍Gisselle Altair Kaioss (eldest daughter); Azeg Ilay Kaioss (youngest son)╍

It borders the frozen and summer territory; it is located between both nations. Commodity exports occur in this area of the empire.

Autumn Kingdom, Grinzem

❝Annihilate who dares to break into your domain❞

Line of succession:

Current regent:

╍ Aleksei K. Grinzem; Milcá G. Grinzem (late wife)


╍ Lana Hiddean Grinzem (only child)

It borders between the frozen territory and the summer, has spectacular autumn landscapes and is the owner of the timber market in the region, and other miscellaneous, which have to do with the production of metals.

Summer Kingdom, Eldinne

❝Pride in the face of dishonor from enemies❞

Line of succession:

Current regent:

╍ Ibell F. Eldinne; Alcila B. Eldinne


╍ Mika H. Eldinne (eldest son, legal adopted) Elijah Greta Eldinne (youngest daughter)

It is in the middle of a flowery and autumnal kingdom. It is also called the “kingdom of the extreme south” given the temperature that its places reach. The giant of medicine and exporter of the explosive metal used in weapons.

Winter Kingdom, Saizen

❝Don't wage war, but be prepared for battle❞

Line of succession:

Current regent:

╍ Nathaniel C. Saizen (only and eldest son)


╍ Bruno E. Saizen (deceased father) Leilalí U. Saizen (deceased mother)

It is between the spring and autumn nations, also called the "kingdom of the far north", the cold temperatures are sometimes an impediment for the enemies to attack the fortress, since they freeze before they can arrive. He is the king in the manufacture of arms for the empire, great political businessman and skillful strategist, all decisions are made by the successor to the throne under the supervision of the supreme council until his coronation

•21 years ago •

• Fifth Elemental Kingdom •

The young princess with dark purple hair and radiant sapphire eyes manages to slip out of her aunt's gloomy diamond lair. The grotto built with traps and other gadgets to hinder the advance of any intruder almost cost her her life when she volunteered to steal the weapon that the Guardian of the Two Doors keeps hidden at the bottom of it, she fell loudly on the ledge of the cave colliding with the earth that is impregnated in his face, while he rolls downhill hitting his limbs with rocks that he finds on the way and they manage to tear his skin like fine delicate paper. With no time to anything since the Guardian, her own relative, looks for the culprit of the theft. The teenager did not count on her aunt being the one to notice her and immediately retaliate, but of course, her relative was so sick of ambition and power that being without a dagger her hysteria became so fearsome that it could result in the execution of several heads of family; but it would be a risk for the members of the Elemental court to take if they wanted to seal the sadistic guardian.

A war like the one of years ago, that was not a luxury to be allowed.

Upon arriving at the Royal Elatria house, the young girl knocked on the door with her fist, the first to receive her is a woman with lighter hair but the same tone and purple eyes like gems, distraught at seeing her only daughter badly injured, quickly takes care of the necessary things so that she can go abroad, like her other relatives.

–Say-Ka, your aunt will not give up until she has the dagger again, she knows that without the dagger she will have no power over the Elemental Kingdoms; If you manage to carry the dagger far, the generals of the other kingdoms will be able to seal it, it all depends on how far you can go.– she warns her

Young Say-Ka watches her mother maneuver her fingers, causing the water from the ornamental fountain to slide under her torn and frayed clothes, healing her wounds, restoring her strength. Her mother puts her hand on her cheek before putting a black cape with a ruby on the clasp over her.

–The gem will hide your true appearance, Say-Ka. But, it does not guarantee that they will not find you, even if your appearance is different, the essence and blood of the children of Arittre, The Goldsmith, is into our veins so our blood is mixed with the gems, they will notice your essence, my daughter– their expression stains with anxiety but there is no other option

The young woman nods without showing any weakness –I understand, mother. I know what I have to do, I must to die to protect the dagger– confesses secure in herself

First lady Kimi-Han Elatria's majestic purple eyes are damp with dismay and pain. Behind them, watching the scene with regret, is Erittre, the queen's younger brother.

–Be careful, daughter– she gives her the last words of farewell until she sees her lose herself in the great white beast that disappears among the lush trees of the extensive garden.

Kimi-Han falls to the ground in lament, and it is Erittre who supports her, both looking towards the place where the young woman has disappeared.

–My husband first, now my daughter, how many more will I lose?– she murmurs letting out the tears that burns inside her

–Say-Ka is strong. She will be able to do it, she will be able to protect the dagger ... and also, a descendant– says Erittre

–He is very young, Erittre. She will end up like any other maid in some stationary realm; he did not deserve that fate– she comments

-Maybe, destiny is not something that we must fulfill out of obligation. As long as we are alive, we might have a choice– finally says his brother

The queen smiles, wanting to be able to believe his words, only to be able to, but ...

The door is slammed hard until it is knocked down, the diamond soldiers stumbling in formed against the two lone individuals who lie on the ground still assimilating the scene. A majestic woman with hair so pure and immaculate white with red robes and encrusted with precious stones makes her way through the multitude of soldiers made of the precious shiny material, if it were a divine commission, the Queen would have fallen at the feet of magnanimity of the diamond soldiers, but she knew of their atrocities.

–I know your daughter has stole the Whispering Dagger. Where is she?– the woman asks with a voice as icy as the jewels that go in the fringe of her embroidered dress.

–She's your niece!– Kimi-Han exclaims with a trembling voice

–She is not since she challenged my authority.– She turns around, the sleeves of her dress so long that they occupy her arms completely until only the tips of her fingers are visible, both of them crawling across the exquisite polished floor –to no one in this house, alive– orders

The blood of the line of rulers of House Sapphire Elatria that day spilled like wine in a goblet to the satisfaction of its owner, leaving House Elatria desolate. With only one survivor wandering around.

•Some months later. Saizen Fortress•

Have been a some months when a young of the Elementals Kingdom come out of his territory sent by his regent to the stationary kingdoms to search for the young princess of the Saphire House and know if she was alive, the young begins to give up, when in his travel crossing through Saizen, he notice a young lady with black hair and so pure and shiny skin. Immediately, he notes her blood essence, that peculiar smell was only of the Fith Elemental Kingdom and no one else. She carry on her arms, a child, with a pure and white skin as her.

His heart start to beat strong in that moment. He found her! He walks close to the big door of metal and he called her name. The young lady who was with the little boy in her arms, turn up her head and her eyes lit up when she saw him.


Later, in the great hall, the emperor checks out the young man standing before him. The princess Say-Ka has said that he's a friend of her family and he has been sent to take care about her and her son from her aunt, the Two Doors Guardian's, who wants to kill her and her descendant.

After talking with they both, the emperor stays alone with his wife. The Empress holds the body of the small child with a little suspicion, it has been a couple of weeks since the biological mother has given birth; she still has some resentment towards this boy because of his origin.

It's not her blood!

And the resentment is nothing more than with herself, since being sterile, she has not been able to give an heir to her husband, and he has not consented to disobey the laws of the empire, he should have a child at least.

–He will grow up and be a great prince– the Emperor puts his hand on his wife's shoulder

She is still speechless, she just nods. She is speechless, this child will never look like her, just thinking about this has made her jealous of the gift of the Princess of the Sapphire Dynasty.

She takes courage to ask her husband.

–What will happen to Princess Say-Ka?– inquires in a low voice

The King shakes his head.

–The princess .. she must stay here until she can go– he says

–Isn't it risky for her?

–It is even more dangerous for her to remain in the Kingdom of his parents. Her aunt, The Guardian of the Two Doors wishes to kill her– he replies

The queen can only frown.

–I still don't understand. Why did she agree to this rental arrangement, just to leave after?– express

It is the husband's turn to hold the baby. He observes him with attentive eyes, without taking his gaze from his eyes for a second, since the child was born, a few weeks before; the first time he saw it, something truly chilling awoke in his being.

He couldn't describe it.

However, Princess Say-Ka had more secrets in her kingdom than they could imagine, they were still young, and the princess even more so.

Maybe, there was something, that she couldn't just express just because.

–Let's not talk about this anymore. We do not have the right to flinch in this kind of matter. We agree to give her what is necessary until she can leave.– He says

The wife nods and with a small smile plays with the tiny fingers of her putative son.

She was sure it was not her son, but she could take care of him.

•10 years later, Eldinne Territory, Great Welcome Party•

–Bruno, friend!– Lord Ibell approaches with his wife to receive the couple who with radiant clothes have entered the place

Princess Say-Ka silently and trying to attract much less attention enters with them, she holding the arm of the Empress of Saizen.

–Okay, Say-Ka, nobody will know anything– murmurs the Empress

–I've only been here because I still want to stay close to my son, and because you've insisted on taking care of me, but ... What if they get hurt because of me?– the young woman says hurt

The Empress claps her hand.

–Stay calm. A queen must be stoic above all else.

The Empress had right about it, after all