Chapter 10

•Saizen's mercantile border. Actually•

Amid the gloom and the relentless snowflakes falling like a billowing curtain, the Knights of Saizen do their duty by erecting a barricade and toll checkpoint. The hands of the merchant who has just arrived tremble because of the coldness of the place, more, that is not his only reason; His employer gave him a fake toll pass to continue his journey without interruption, but not everything always goes as expected, so now, on the side of the road, waiting for orders to be given and they send him to the jail.

To his surprise, one of the gentlemen approaches him with the paper in hand, already rolled up as it was initially.

–I'm sorry for the inconvenience.– the gentleman looks at the man before speaking again –I understand that his cargo is hallucinogenic plants. Medicine?– inquires

–That's right, I'm heading towards the capital of the autumnal territory– comments the merchant, keeping the piece of paper sealed with a fake postcard in his bag

The knight puts his hands on his waist, thinking for a moment, the merchant still nervous, looks out of the corner of his eye as the knight calls a subordinate who immediately appears on the scene with a hand on his chest in a solemn salute.

–You and someone else escort this man to the Grinzem tollbooth. He transports medicine and lately there are many thieves in the caves of the ports– orders

The youngest, dressed entirely in black, nods once and returns to the post shortly after arriving with a colleague, in the same clothing as his, the foreigner intrigued by them, details them together with his superior.

–Why are you all dressed differently?

The bright red orbs of the first youth pierce his gaze, making him want to refuse to have asked the question. Both young mute men load their sacks of provisions onto the wagon, one behind and the other in front with the driver.

–We are escorts, we must go unnoticed. In addition, leather is perfect to ward off the cold of the night– explains the young man sitting in the back

The chief knight orders them to open the toll gate and let the merchant pass along with his companions. The man with a sly smile, trying his humble luck, leads the horse to continue on its way to the city. Both young men remain silent, their commander as the wagon passes him, says goodbye with a nod and returns to the checkpoint.

–Send the bird after them– he orders, sitting down again in his command place

–Yes sir!

What that unsuspecting merchant did not know is that, with him were two experienced assassins from the empire who were authorized to collect information and return to the center of Kian to report. The bird is released and quickly sets off to the place where the other three men have gone.

–Wasn't the king's order my simple one?– That merchant did not seem to impose any danger– asks another gentleman

The leader sees the subordinate, makes a tired expression on his face, as if he had already explained that hundreds of times.

–But his merchandise does. I bet more illegal cargo is arriving through other ports that we have not noticed– he mutters

The younger gentleman just nods without daring to say more. He looks up at the path the other two knights have gone; even though they are young like him, they are in a different order than his, he wonders how those companions of his follow without hesitation the orders of the king without the slightest fear. How it doesn't scare them, to go into ambush in the middle of the night, in obvious danger.

The Saizen Knights are the strongest, the most feared. Some of the rumors that circulated about them in the other capitals were no less terrifying, however, that terrifying reference was made to the banner of The Four Moons of Saizen. The group of assassins commanded by the Grand Duke, being his main front, the one who led the king to several conquests. Not to mention the members of the paladin order.

The young man wondered then, Why were the other soldiers and knights necessary if the others were already strong in themselves? However, the young man answered himself by admitting that he too had the opportunity to advance along with his companions, but fear paralyzed him.

•Brentford Hotel in Kian Province, Saizen•

Lord Aleksei and his daughter, review documents of new transactions. The man with chocolate hair looks proudly at his daughter who, immersed in the papers, does not give up a little rest; however, doubt assails him for a moment, so he decides to speak, moved by the memory of that cold and inflexible gaze that he saw earlier on the sovereign king when he presented himself and according to what the duke of his region commented, it would be dangerous to lose sight of it in more illegal deals at the moment; for some nobles the presentation party gave the opportunity to judge the new king, however, the astute regent of Grinzem noticed something that none of them and preferred to watch quietly.

–This party was not good. The king has his eyes on some of us.– he suddenly announces

The young woman glances at him, asking the same question her father used to ask her when she was younger.

–Are you scared, Lord?– she scoffs –the business is going well, I don't understand your concern– she gets up from herchair and goes to the table where the drinks are waiting, pours herself in a glass and returns to her place – it shouldn't scare you that man, father. It will be easy to convince– she assures

–I don't think it's difficult for us to convince him. The difficult thing will be to get him out of the way– he confesses

His daughter rolls her eyes, remembering how she noticed Lady Kaioss go for the king when she saw how Lady Elijah was sullied by the very son of the duke of the summer nation; thanks to the blond's impulsiveness it almost costs them their best ally infiltrated in Eldinne.

–You made sure you got out of there before the king arrived, didn't you?– asks the man.

The girl sighs and looks back at the papers.

–For your information, I am quite clever, father; That's why the business has prospered so much, don't you think?– the young woman insists pedantically

–I only worry about my only daughter– she replies having a glass of wine

The Lady cannot help but be dazzled by his emotionless comment, so she suddenly throws her chair back as she gets up, her father's attentive and questioning gaze irritating her infinitely.

–How did you care about our mother?– she exclaims

Immediately the irises, full of agitation and fear, turn into a mass of indignation that rises above all emotions; he puts the glass on the table and goes to his daughter, the girl stands tall in front of her relative, even if she is an older youth, she cannot let go of all the resentment she has towards the man in front of her eyes. Her cheeks are crushed by her father's fingers, the reflections of the light bounce off the rings he wears, illuminating the girl's face; her lips are pursed by the pressure and also by the continual hatred of him.

–Don't ever mention your mother among us. She is dead and so must remain– hisses with crackling fury

The young woman's belly fills with courage, she clenches her fists between the fabric of her tight-fitting dress region and spreads her lips as much as the painful pressure of her father's fingers allows her.

–Like my sister? Both must remain dead, isn't it?– he spits angrily

Aleksei can't restrain his anger anymore so he ends up slapping his big hand on the face of his daughter, both causing her to stagger until she lightly hits the back of the frame of one of the pictures in the room. She takes a hand to her cheek and covers it, the burning only reminds her how much she hates today's society, men and their rule, but at the same time they are so necessary, that plague called "man" cannot be eradicated. Or maybe she and her sister were born into the wrong family.

Sometimes she admitted to herself that she was envious of some nobles from the neighboring kingdoms; their families seemed to be more accommodating. If she had been the scared little girl of nine years ago she would have remained silent but she not longer wanted to be the prey, thanks to the fact that her mother never said anything, she died in a miserable way at the hands of her own husband, and her sister alike by protect her, the youngest and now that neither was there, she would have to defend herself.

–Get out!– she yells at the man in front of her

Aleksei, seeing how he has attacked his daughter, tries to get closer to her to help her, walks a few more steps, ignoring her order but then stops by poorly dodging a bottle that the girl throws at him and hits the ground in a loud way, breaking into pieces and spilling the liquid on the carpet.

–Go away! I don't want you near me, damn you!– she bellows at him like an angry dog

–I'm sorry, daughter, please– he says, clenching his fists.

–That was what you said to our mother, also to my sister, ah!– she yells at him

Seeing how the exaltation of the young woman ascends the scale, he decides to leave. It is a miracle that the walls and doors of the hotel rooms are thick, otherwise everyone would have heard that painful confrontation.

He sends the maids to his daughter's room to help her calm down, and he returns to his. He remains seated on the closest sofa, and as always his bottle of alcohol that he could not miss when feeling miserable as a rat.

•Real Zenian Castle•

•Nathaniel's POV•

Benhard returns a few minutes later carrying a steaming cup of tea and an aperitif on a tray, he stays with me for a moment until I finish the warm drink.

–I'm not a child anymore. I'll have tea– I reply under his gaze

I rarely see my secretary smile; something special must have happened tonight to delight me with the unusual smile of my butler. I look at him with a raised eyebrow after placing the cup on the porcelain of the support of this, as soon as he notices that I have seen him laugh, he regains his composure and keeps his hands behind his back, his bright yellow eyes transmit contained emotion.

–Is something wrong?– I inquires

–The trackers have been assigned, they are on their way to the capital with the merchant– he answers quickly

–Well, I'll take care of the rest later. You can retire– I say

He bows, says goodbye to me after removing the tray from the table; disappears without a trace, while I am torn apart by the assumptions my mind struggles to make. Where do they take the plants? Where do they process them? Who are they distributed to when they have been condensed? How long have they been doing that? Who are behind? I walk to the large bed adorned by a curtain and a blue and white bodice; I throw myself on the bed feeling my head explode from the intensity of my desire to find answers and also from concern that my father has not been able to solve such a troublesome matter.

I roll on the bed; I should call the members of the Supreme Law Council. I need to properly inform myself of the Four Stationary Realms and what I should do next, if this business is so intricate in the neighboring kingdoms, it is not just a matter of eradicating whoever is behind, rather, it would be better to purge the entire territory and uproot the problem, of course it will not be overnight. I doze off after a few minutes, hours, I don't know; but when I manage to fall asleep, some rays of the dim sun slide through the windows of my window.

•Hotel Brentford, Kian Province, Saizen•

•Elijah's POV•

At last I was able to sleep peacefully thanks to the fact that I was able to vent, the doctor arrived early to check my badly injured side; I have a swollen cheek while indecisively I bite my lip, he does the medical examination under the scrutiny of mother who observes in detail the bruise that went from light green to dark green in a matter of hours. The doctor removes his glasses and when I think he is about to finish, a shriek escapes me when he presses the center of the blow which has formed a small bulge in it.

–Continue applying ointment, it will heal in a matter of days, with respect to the wound on your arm there is no major complication. If the pain from the blow persists, call your GP; it is not wise for her to make any physical effort– advises, bows before both and leaves the room

Damn Travis Montgomery. A string of curses comes out of my mouth in a low voice, hoping that my insults will somehow harm the culprit of my ailment. Mother looks at me with a tired look that silently rebukes me, I lower my head and a couple of minutes later I see her go to the table where the maids put the tray with tea and snacks.

–Your father left first by another shorter route for business. If he had seen your side, he would have screamed at the sky– gracefully, mother takes her cup and sips her tea. Wait before speaking again –Those injuries, was the culprit Travis? I need you to tell me everything in detail, your father asked me to talk to you and tell him something significant about the wound on your arm. What should I say about the one on your side?– she takes another sip of tea

If I did not know her, I would say that she is totally serene. However, to Glenda, who is standing on the side of the room, and to me, it is evident that Mother wishes to scream and shout curses from the rooftops no matter how noble her blood is.

Mother's gaze hangs over me, but I can understand that she's not mad at me; Despite the arranged marriage that a mother obtained at an early age, the difference between her case and mine is abysmal. Father respects my mother, takes care of her, little by little mother has been showing more affection towards my father than I ever imagined seeing between them; I think that from a very young mother she began to explain to me what caste marriage implied and what it implied, she also told me how she ended up married to our father; I never imagined it but little by little I began to see myself in that mirror, however, I was terribly wrong in thinking that the same thing would happen with my fiancé as mother when she was married to my father.

I play with my hands anxious to tell her what really happened to her, regardless of whether she believes me or not, I bite my lip and decide to tell her, I get out of bed carefully to get to her.

–Actually, Travis and I have never gotten along. He has a lover apart from me, she is the princess of the Autumnal kingdom. The same thing happens in all social gatherings: we arrive, we introduce ourselves and then he leaves me alone; yesterday was no exception but for him, it was not enough. He wanted to take me by force, so I resisted, he threw me against the benches that are under the bench and I hit my side. The wound on my arm, I did it when he pounced on me, I cut myself with the thorns of the rose that was tangled there– I confess

I take the time to tell my mother how things really happened, and what has been happening, fearing that she will not believe me. She stares at me.

–I understand– did she say "I understand"? I don't get out of my astonishment until he speaks again –to be honest, I don't think that young man ever loved you ... the way he addresses you lacks respect or affection; But you know I can't go against your father. –she extends her hand in genuine concern. –If you had witnesses to it, you could manage to break the engagement.

–I got them. Two witnesses– I say right away, I don't want to be tied to that phenomenon for another minute.

–Then that will be enough. We will speak with your father as soon as we are reunited, let's hope and it will be sooner than that, that the duke comes to bring a scandal to our house– she wipes her hands dropping the crumbs of the cookies she has been eating

A couple of tears come to my eyes for being able to enlist the support of one of my parents.

–Thank you, mother!

She embraces me gently, and gently pats my back, which is also sore; her gaze goes straight to the bruise that now adorns my body like a smeared and unpleasant paint, her lip rises in annoyance and hits her fan, which now lies between her hands, against the opposite palm, slamming it shut; Glenda, who was still distracted by getting my clothes ready, jumps in place when she hears the sound of the wooden chopsticks holding the artifact, slamming shut. She lets out the contained air, in a silent sigh, we both know that mother is really upset, her ears have taken that peculiar shade of red, she looks back at me to express:

–If we fail to speak to your father and we fail to act before the appearance of the scandal; I will help you cope, but I will do it discreetly as far as I can, my daughter. Let's keep this a secret from everyone else– she urges –I can't be that against the law either. Damn laws, they made my daughter get hurt

A little laugh escapes me seeing how mother bites the nail of her thumb, it is at last when the tension decreases and Glenda and I can laugh like two girls in complicity. I release the contained air, and relax. That morning I stay in the room, but then I am thrown out of it by Glenda and the others, who urge me to go and visit the borders of the hotel pavilion; so without more than making my way at a slow pace along the line of the planters, one had a shower of snowflakes falling, making a veil in my hair. I raise my hands and watch them fall into my palms, they melt quickly filling my hands with cold water.

As I walk towards the pavilion, I notice who I least want to find. Lady Grinzem, meets another pair of girls seated under one of the enclosures of the great pavilion; the same where I sat yesterday afternoon when I was crying.

I clench my fists, now just remembering it makes my blood boil. The auburn hair of the Lady of Grinzem flutters in the icy morning wind, she wears a rather long fur cape with animal hair at the neck that makes her look truly exultant. If I did not know about her personality, I would go so far as to affirm that she is a beautiful woman, but that is not the case. Ignoring their smiles and laughter I walk a little past them where Lady Kaioss talks to a young man, perhaps our age, accompanied by her main maid who is just as warm as the rest of the people.

Seeing me she smiles and then waves her hand at me. Somewhat self-consciously, I walk up to both of them to take a seat with them, the thick cloak I'm wearing brushing the ground as I sit down and the gem on my neck makes me feel suffocated.

–Good morning, Lady Elijah. Is it okay for you to be out in this cold?– the first to speak is the Lady of Kaioss

I brush the gem on my neck and I nod before answering: –Ah yes, no need to worry, I am wearing my gem– I feel the piece of rock on my neck that continues to radiate a kind of warm light inside

–I see. I suppose that for the noble eldinnes it is difficult to adapt to the cold of Saizen– she says

–Not for nothing do we call ourselves the kingdoms of the extremes, don't you think? Our temperatures are too different, unlike Kaioss and Grinzem– I comment

–In Kaioss the sun is not so scorching, there is always a very cool climate and the nights are cold– finally says the young man who has been silent during the exchange

–Yes, my manners. Lady Elijah, this is Kaiden Etlar, son of Duke Etlar, of Grinzem, next in succession– says

Grinzem. I can't help the bad taste in my mouth when I hear the word I didn't want to hear. It is enough for me to just hear the hyena laugh at our side a few steps away. However, the young man seems well behaved and educated; his expressive and cheerful eyes with that hazel-orange tone that makes him striking and his greased brown hair.

–It is my pleasure, Lady Eldinne. We've shared some social gatherings– she bows his head a little

I do the same as him –The pleasure is mine.

–I hope we can get along– he says, it does not go unnoticed by the fact that he throws a sideways glance at the table occupied by Lady Grinzem and her friends.

Lady Kaioss elbows him on the side causing him to react and look at her again, seeing they both look like brothers.

–Enough. She is not like that– explains

The young man gives a long, loud sigh before speaking aloud on purpose:

–Well, that's a joy. I wouldn't imagine having to put up with another vain noble girl– after saying it she takes a muffin from the holder and eats

The words have gone directly to the ears of Lady Grinzem who, has risen from her seat and has come to us with her entourage of friends behind.

–What could I say about you? At twenty-six years old and you still live under the protection of your father, child– the Lady emphasizes her words with poison and then returns to the venue with her companions, but not before turning to me

A lopsided and mocking smile appears on her very proud features: –Lady Elijah, I hope your evening was in good taste– she expresses slowly wagging her fan

However, just like yesterday, I don't intend to keep her words, it is a game that everyone can play, including me. However, Lady Kaioss's anguished look makes me aware of everything, it seems that more than one person found out what happened. More advantage for me.

–Thank you for your good wishes. Without a doubt it was an unforgettable evening– I say, dipping cream into the roll, I turn to her and look at her with a little smile –especially because last night, I won the favor of His Majesty– I comment and then take a bite of my bread without stopping looking at her

Her brown eyes are electrified with rage, without saying anything, she stomps on her heel and leaves the pavilion with her friends, who try to hurriedly follow her steps. I breathe in again the air that my courage has cost me and I return to face my companions. Which begins to laugh making replicas of the Lady's mood.

–I never saw someone shut his mouth like that. She is always so full of herself– says Lady Kaioss wiping a couple of tears that have come out of her eyes from the momentum of her laughter.

I laugh along with them, but I can't help but push the bad feeling out of my stomach. The rest of the afternoon, coming back from the ward with Lady Kaioss, I feel better and have even forgotten some of the throbbing pain in my side; the blonde analyzes the wound on my arm that has been bandaged; You can tell by the opening of the sleeve on the forearm of my dress.

–Is your arm okay?

–Yes. The doctor said that with rest it will be fine– I answer

A little silence engulfs us for a few minutes until he speaks again. –Your side ... Did it hurt a lot?– she murmurs sadly

I look at her in surprise. Is it possible that she saw the scene? In such a case, was she the one who called His Majesty?

–I think Travis Montgomery must have a capital criminal.– she continues speaking without flinching –he must have killed him right there– she speaks as if she were aware of a similar situation

–Would ...?– the words die in my mouth when I meet his audacious smile

–I have been raised to be a princess, not to be blind.– she sticks her tongue out as a mocking gesture and we both end laughing softly.

We say goodbye when we arrive at the entrance of the hotel, the maids of each receive us and take care of us to get to our rooms. Through the window of the bedroom I see how the snowstorm grows stronger, until it becomes an ugly cloud that covers everything that could be said horizon; However, my mind wanders wondering if His Majesty will really visit me, the thought quickly dissipates

–It's not something for sure. His Majesty is really busy now as king– I mutter

The rest of the afternoon I choose to stay in the bedroom reading and at night when the storm has dissipated and the city comes to life, so I open the window to see beyond the hotel lights; Kian's night view is beautiful. The breeze that comes hits my hair, making it wavy and damping it a bit, I smile with amusement remembering the events of the morning, which have managed to appease my mood.

•Real Zenian Castle•

•Nathaniel's POV•

The morning of the first day of the week already began with a constant agitation of those interested in learning about the laws. Just now, the four members of the Supreme Council have met with me to dust off the records that are continuously reviewed, however, this custom seems to have been abandoned so it is resumed today.

–The council opens session, studying the history of the stationary kingdoms. First paragraph: From the History of the Stationary Kingdoms.

The members of the Supreme Council have met today, in order to discuss the distribution of all the factions into which the northern kingdom is divided. Saizen's properties are not the only ones belonging to the King of the Four Stationary Realms, me; lands and territories under the supervision of the Lords are also owned by the Royal Crown of Saizen. However, some have explicitly abused the position entrusted to them. I look at those present in the room, the books of ancient history are dusted again and shown before the council members and myself. They start talking until it is my turn to intervene.

–I have studied about it. However, of the Ancient Laws, how many of them are in force today?– I inquire

–If I may– councilor Clark, the most experienced strategist of the four kingdoms, rises –many of these laws were irrevocable, but these were not mere laws, but values that the previous Sovereigns of the Winter Kingdom made known to all subjects of its vast territory.

I Seat.

–In effect, before all territory belonged only to the supreme master, the Northern King. According to the records, the territory conquered was so extensive that he appointed Lords to watch over the care of his domains. Moreover, with the passage of time, not only the title of the Northern King was passed to his descendants but also that of the Lords. So the Lords of the last generations, took possession of the conquered lands and gave different origins to their dynasties. Different names and surnames.– continue explaining

–Therefore, if these laws were to come to light again ... many would be accused of treason, wouldn't they?– I propose

–Yes, sir. But do not doubt that these Lords will defend their dominions to the death.– comments the second counselor

–I do not mind. We will handle this in a civilized manner; through laws, they will not expect me to feel like an ignorant, right?

My bold comment has earned me the gaze of the other four members present in the room.

"What your Majesty wants is a direct attempt on his life"

"He is still very young. He should focus on other things."

"Focusing on judging the society of nobles and returning everything to its original state, is it possible?"

Their thoughts throb in my head causing me exasperation.

If they had had the opportunity to hear what I heard last night at that party directly from the minds of those Lords, I am sure they would impose a public trial and beheading to punish anyone who plans even an attack against the highest master of nations.

–Sirs, last night I heard all kinds of things in the conversations of the nobles; people like them should focus on defending their people, not bleeding them out with their sordid taxes for their comfort!– argument

–Although Majesty is absolutely right. What nobleman would support such a thing? His life would be at risk– comments the main advisor

–We don't need a revolution yet, Sir Malzard. Just unmask the nobles who are doing harm– sure express

–I agree. As Sovereign by right, Majesty is obliged to exercise justice– muses the fourth counselor

I put both hands on the table.

–I want copyists.That the copyists of the kingdom come to the palace and once again put the Old Laws on paper.– I order

–You must also know the situation of each country, Your Majesty– advises the third councilor named Hans, who has only spoken once to be attentive to the conversation –I suggest you send your best undercover soldiers to live as simple villagers of the zone to find out the dealings of each country by the nobles.

–I want to have these laws as soon as possible. As soon as the first nobleman is unmasked with an action condemned in the Old Law; we will need to have them on hand in new scrolls.– I comb my hair with my hand making it fuss, already somewhat exasperated

–As ordered, Your Majesty.

–There are tribute and tax laws in the Old Law. Codes for trade and clear laws on the morality of deals. Even laws on the protection of women and children.

–Protection laws for women?– I repeat in a low voice

When I left the confinement for the first time, I immediately noticed how everything took a radical turn with respect to the laws, so many regulations that protected the care of women and children were lost on the way in the history of The Four Kingdoms. Protection of women, it is noted that in today's society there is not much vote for women, not even if they are noble. What is best for them?

Inevitably, my mind travels to the scene that my mind captured so clearly of the humiliation that the young redhead suffered at the hands of her fiancé, even though she was noble, she was treated like that.