Chapter 11

My thought fades quite quickly, thanks to the voice that does the rigorous recounting of ancient history. Starting with the law for the protection of women, which looks dead in this society.

–Of course, since the beginning of the history of the Stationary Kingdoms there have been such laws ... it is because in the time that the war lasted too much abuse was committed, a large number of male children were exterminated so that there was no possibility of a confrontation for the right to the throne. In fact, the first uprising is attributed to Aisha Von Fritz, a woman who was abused for years by the perpetrator who plundered the Four Villages and claimed her from the war as her spoils.

»This woman killed the tyrant by poisoning him. The woman fled and after the dictator's death, the murders and abuses stopped; but then they faced another problem in maintaining the empire.

»The emperor never had direct descendants, so his prince advisers took over the kingdom; the law was given that families should contribute a male for the harvest. But how could families present a male if his firstborn were murdered and his daughters taken away?

I listen carefully to the story, some things do not quite fit, as if a piece were missing; but I decide to let it go and continue to hear the story.

»As the emperor's wife was being wanted for committing such a terrible murder, she was kept hidden all this time; however, on the eve of her harvest, he appeared taking her son with her, claiming that the boy was invariably the son of that dictator, Kelenne McRegan III. He named her son Kenner Von Fritz; the council immediately recognized the only woman the Emperor ever touched intimately, so they "forgave" her aberration against the king, taking her son to teach him in the laws of the Iron Empire.

–Was he accepted in noble society, just like that?– intrigued inquirer

–Everything has a reason to be Majesty and of course, the council of that old dictatorial kingdom thought that they would always be in control.– Sir Chrissten speaks again

–The Scriptures go on to say that when the young man reached a considerable age to take the throne, the council members judged his mother and murdered her - express Sir Müller

–He allowed it?– I say

–No, of course not. Upon ascending the throne, he was in charge of assassinating the members of the council, who although they looked like righteous mentors, were other tyrants of the territory; and he banished some of his followers– comments Sir Trudaeu

–The war that the town had against the feudal ones lasted almost all the adolescence of the young person, together with the death of the mother of him. It was there that he legislated the laws for the protection of women, the Old Laws.– sir Hassek is the last to contribute to this story

I ponder for a little while what we have been hearing and discussing. First of all I need to know the situation of the countries, second, in case nobody knows what the Old Laws are or they have never been written on the scrolls, it must remain that way. It seems that the new generation of noblemen and the previous one who still rule the lands, fear a reestablishment of the laws, so making them fear them may be beneficial to us as sovereign legislators. I look up at Sir. Chrissten who with a sunken brow watches me waiting for an answer, or rather, everyone expects an answer from me next.

–What do we know about the Old Laws?– I ask

–In the scrolls little or nothing is said about them– he answers

If those laws were so important to the first king of Saizen, why not mention them? I frown, nothing that is said about them is among the oldest scrolls, not even the books where the information saved from the aged paper of the oldest scrolls was collected mention any kind of law given by some ancient king.

I bite my thumbnail as I think for a moment; If I am not mistaken, no one apart from the councilors and I know of the absence of mention of the supposed ancient laws, how many have bothered to investigate something so ancient? Nobody, probably. If they are only immersed in their business, then what will matter to them will be the present not the past.

–No one should know that ancient laws are not mentioned in the oldest books or scrolls.– I get up from my place –summon trusted copyists, we will establish laws as if the old ones were being restored– I comment

The four members of the council look at each other, intrigued by the new order, normally, the regents of each territory would be summoned to review the statutes of each kingdom according to the history of how each one was formed. But scrutinizing the history of each kingdom will only expose my objective. Therefore, it is better to keep it quiet, until we have discovered where the piece of information that speaks about the statutes of the first king is ... if they ever existed.

–Are you asking us to keep secret the fact that perhaps there have never been such laws?– Sir. Hassek is the first to intervene with obvious concern

I nod in agree. –It will be until the executive cabinet together with the council define the laws– I say

–Sir, it will take us a long time to complete the task, especially since we do not know the current situation of the other nations– says Sir. Müller with his warm blue eyes sparkling with uncertainty

–I'll summon undercover escorts. They will be the ones who serve as informants, and as they report, we will make use of it to establish new laws; those of the present, have not been obeyed correctly.

–It will be complicated. But it is worth a try. His Majesty has the right to revoke and establish the new laws and it is our duty to enforce that. We are your advisers and law enforcers, right? Then stop complaining– this time who speaks after that silence is Sir. Chrissten

The session calms down and the others agree in unison.

–Your Majesty, you intend to scare the nobles, isn't that right?

I snicker with some malice. –Regimes come and go. Why not change the laws for a change?– I say –I think it is appropriate for me to do what father did not have the time or ... the courage to do– I assert

–I agree with his Majesty. We have been having internal conflicts for years over minimal things and no current noble seems interested in maintaining the laws as what society sustains.

–Money has made them shameless. And ruthless.

I nod at their words. In the end, it was a good idea to have the presentation party that they recommended, it gave me the opportunity to measure who and who did not, could turn against us; we should assume a contingency plan in such case.

Speaking of contingency plan ...

–What do you know about hallucinogenic plants?

The four advisers in a blink change their expression to one of utter concern.

–Indeed, Your Majesty. We wanted to discuss that– Sir Müller intervenes. –for a few months. Before he was allowed to leave the security of the palace, we received reports of women found dead in the Kaioss and Grinzem neighborhoods. It is presumed that they die very frequently nowdays, but nobody knows the cause– he explains

–We've done some research, but we can't come to a conclusion yet– says Sir. Trudaeu –With the passage of weeks and a lot of paperwork, we discovered that in the plains of the moors of the Northwest Kingdom, there is a cold plant, called Elixir. The doctor who examined the woman agreed with us that the victim was drugged and had traces of hallucinogenic substances in her body– he says –the doctor referred us to that plant.

I nod remembering last night –Last night the Grand Duke received a report of a merchant carrying hallucinogenic plants. The merchant commented that he was taking them to Grinzem, but in my opinion, it was nothing more than a cover for the real industry– I explain –if it's a big business, then, of course, they wouldn't buy so little raw material –I muttered

–Your Majesty, if this is allowed to pass. There will be an epidemic of deaths soon, there is a high rate of deaths among women in the neighborhoods, the men who were tested for blood, had traces of it but it was not at all the percentage compared to that of the women– asserts Sir. Hassek

I clench my fists. The only places where women would like to die is in brothels, in slave quarters. What was my father doing in all that time?

I bang my fist against the armrest of my seat and glare at them.

–I'm sure there are assassins among the knights of some neighboring nations and of course, among those of Saizen as well– I say

–It's too hasty to judge, Your Majesty!– exclaims Sir. Trudaeu –first we must inform us of what really happens, it could have been a case of voluntary suicide and we would not know exactly– he assures

–If it was a suicide in an alleged case. What do you think were the reasons?– I raise an eyebrow

All four hang their heads in regret. It is more than known that women are currently defiled, even noble women, are put aside in society. However, they do not receive the mistreatment of the other peoples, due to the fact that they are exactly noble, but they are just as trapped, they have no other rights.

A grimace of bitterness crosses my face. Isn't that all a bit hypocritical? That is oppression, in the most subtle but blatant way, the women of the neighborhoods must know it, they must hate it. Do noble women notice? I think yes.

The look that Lady Elijah faced me with yesterday; she looked like she was meeting yet another oppressor, a giant wall to climb. So, yes, women notice it, but for them, who do not inherit any specific title, it is difficult to start an uprising. Who could support them?

Dammit! Father, what did you do?

–I'll call the bodyguards, we'll find out what's going on in neighboring nations and even Saizen. I immediately demand that they begin with the work of legislation– I order

–Of course, Your Majesty– the four bow their heads in agreement

I rise again from my seat, my heart in my throat with rage. –I close the meeting.

I leave the meeting room with a knot in my stomach, and the blood curdled by the questions that run into my system and do not let anything else pass. I can't stop thinking about why father did nothing to remedy the situation. Apparently since his death, rather, before his death, the nobles already did what they wanted while people died in the street. I cannot imagine that these dead women have sons or daughters; I don't want to imagine that. However, at least today, I am already sure of what I must put into practice from now on. I meet Benhard at the door of the meeting room, waiting for me with some errands, which will have to be left for later, right now I have another priority.

–It was a long meeting– he jogs a couple of steps to catch up with me, he remains silent after that

–It will be a long day too, summon strategist Wang. The message should arrive today, tell him it's urgent– I say.

–I understand sir. Is the audience with the ambassador of the Southwestern kingdom still standing, master?– asks walking alongside

–Yes, but I'll deal with something else. Send one of our ambassadors and tell him I will join the meeting later– I order

–Of course, Your Majesty.

–By last. Call Kalied, he must be hanging around his mansion doing business, send him looking for it immediately– I say

I take the tiny chain watch out of my shawl pocket, it's nine in the morning and I'm already feeling so tired. I continue the journey until I finally reach my office where I take off my cape and finally I am free to walk without such hindrance.

–Did the librarian move the history records when he took them out?– inquire

Benhard's eyebrows sink in confusion, but he then regains his composure and returns to his starting position.

–No sir. Everything was left as you ordered– answer

I nod not very secure. –Call him too. I need to ask him some questions– I say

Benhard bows out of my office but then turns back, I look at him carefully waiting for his words. –Something happens?

The yellow-eyed man watches me for a moment and then shows me the last folder on the itinerary. –I have postponed all your meetings for next week, since you have not yet established the day you will visit the Lady of Eldinne.

I press my lips together somewhat confused now. It would be quite irresponsible to put my activities aside, this is really important right now. But...

–Don't postpone them, leave them standing, just change the schedule for one of the days, delay the meeting– I say

–What day sir?

I wrinkle my face a little –You choose the day, you are more organized with my schedules, than myself, please– I ask

–Don't worry, Your Majesty– this time he leaves leaving me alone in the company of my books, sheets and pens

It will be a busy day.

I lean back on the back of my chair, opening and closing my fists, as do my eyes, just to verify that I am still in this reality and that probably the problem that was not addressed before, will become more and more serious. My eyes escape to the linear gardens of the path to the metal fence that is the entrance to the palace. I shake my head when again my thoughts are invaded by the red-haired woman and her sparkling gaze, totally different from mine.

Maybe the visit will be delayed for a couple of days.

Another matter I should take care of is her fiancé. Returning to Eldinne, I hope I don't find her cowardly boyfriend prostrate at her feet asking for forgiveness. Just thinking about it, I'd like to make it bleed until he's dry.

•The following week, kingdom of Eldinne•

•Elijah's POV•

As soon as we left Saizen I was able to get a little respite, however, mother did not leave me alone, she kept her gaze on me and did not allow me to go anywhere else, since, when mentioning the name Lana Grinzem, she suffered an exaltation that nor did I foresee. She insisted that she should be totally out of her field of vision, she could do something stupid to humiliate me in front of the other noble daughters who were staying at the hotel. But as I told her how Duke Etlar's son confronted her and then how she humbled herself in front of me, her exaltation subsided a bit. However, that day in the afternoon, when we were leaving for Eldinne, the princess was already leaving with her father from her respective room together with the servants who were carrying everything behind them.

Lady Grinzem looked irritated. And her father had a murderous look on his own daughter, we saw them leave first; since then I have been wondering, what happened between those two? The day after I returned from the party, Glenda said that Lord Aleksei and his daughter had an argument. What kind of discussion? Could it have to do with what happened at the party? Whatever, I'll find out as soon as Travis gets back here, acting like a victim.

I rub my face on the pillow; barely two days have passed since the long journey we made; thanks to the shortcuts and the mercantile caves, we were able to cut back, otherwise we would still be traveling. I sink my cheek into the material of my pillow and concentrate on trying to ignore the burning of the bruise on my side, it has turned green now and it hurts less but I can't make any sudden movements, otherwise I want to start screaming. The doctor commented that it was fortunate not to have suffered any fracture, since I was thrown with too much force; with or without a fracture, it hurts like fucking hell when I try to do anything.

On the other hand, it's been two days since we got here, but I've had no news or some kind of announcement to let me know that the king will be here soon. I flatten my lips, even if Majesty is not someone bad, how to look into his eyes after such terrible embarrassment?

Father returned from his affairs, more, he must leave again and apparently it will be for a considerable time; according to mother, a rather big problem has occurred with some goods bought from abroad. It is presumed that they have been stolen, we will find out about the situation through the weekly of the kingdom. However, if father is not here, it means that I don't have to watch my manners excessively.

I hug the pillow tightly. Sigh of relief calmer to be home; Soon I have to start my study work again, although I do not know how father wants me to study what corresponds to the male child, in any case, I will not be the heir to the regiment here in Eldinne, being a woman. Maybe that's why father is so focused on her being engaged, so when she reaches the age limit to govern, at least I will have insurance and will not be sold along with the title.

I wince as soon as I remember this. Reminding me of the importance of getting married, could keep me alive and at home otherwise ... My bedroom door opens loudly, I pretend to be asleep when I hear the mother's voice in my ear calling for the umpteenth time; However, when she notices that I am awake and I do not respond, she pricks the side that I have injured with a finger and makes me jump on the bed letting out a scream of pain, I push my hair away from my face to look at her indignant, but she is unfazed.

–Answer me then– she says

I carefully slide a hand and rub the site of the purple in a circular motion, my eyebrows drawn together and my eyes closed, I moan in a low voice, under the startled gaze of mother.

–What's the matter, mother?– she questioned then straightening me

–I'll call Glenda and the other girls. You have to get dressed and come down right now– she says

She pulls the bell on the side of my bed and before long, Glenda, Maria and Illea are at the door looking just as startled as mother.

–Mother, tell me once!– I demand when he pulls me to make me get out of bed and I sit a little rough in the chair

She puts her hands on my shoulders and squeezes them. Look at my confused face in the mirror –Elijah Is there nothing else I should know?– asks scathing

I lower her gaze and then meet her again. –In my opinion no.– I answer

–His Imperial Majesty of hers is here, in the hall requesting to see you– she says with feigned calm

My head was only full of what had happened a week before, and I took it for granted that Majesty would be so busy that he would not come to see me. I didn't think that precisely today, he would appear. So how long has he been traveling?

I forgot to mention it to my mother and so I forgot!

–I can't believe I forgot. Maria and Illea, please help me get dressed. Glenda, help me do my hair, please– I get up to go with Maria and the first dress she takes for me

Mother makes me sit down again, I start to sulk at her insistence.

–You can't just get dressed and already, he said that he will wait– he gestures with his hands with some annoyance –more importantly, why didn't you notify me of anything?– she demands

–I forgot it. I didn't think he was really coming here– I settle in front of the dresser for Glenda to fix my knot mess

–Should I be present?– asks mother crossing her arms

Mother may still think that the king is coming for some serious and complicated matter. Would it be okay to confess to mother that the King of the Four Nations, comes to learn how to approach a lady?

I totally deny.

Let's not cause any scandal. Rather, let's not exalt mother, more than she is

–Mother don't worry. Nothing will happen, although Majesty asked that it be in private– I explain only

Mother hides her bewilderment by pinching the bridge of her nose. –I'll go entertain him while you're here. Hurry up and don't make him wait longer than he should– order

She leaves as fast as she entered the palace hall. The three maids who serve me wait in silence, expectant, only the noise of the dress being prepared and of my finger that every second hits the surface of the dressing table quickly.


–It's okay, Glenda. Nothing happens, everything is in order, Your Majesty wants to ask me some questions– I say

She smiles, meanwhile she weaves my braid and runs it over my head like a headband, that's enough to look modest; I hasten to finish my preparations and go out to meet her Majesty. Glenda, she follows me down the long stairs to reach the hall, as soon as we are downstairs, some maids carefully spy where she is going, something that I find embarrassing. I stop in front of the door waiting for the two guards to open it for me to enter the room, I say goodbye to Glenda with a nod; somehow I feel like this is facing an incredible wall in front of me.

I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous.