Chapter 12

My hair stand on end just standing in front of this door, there are escorts and guards everywhere in our home. Even the least in rank, he looks like an experienced soldier, smoothing my simple dress for the umpteenth time. I am accompanied by Glenda, who in silence and with her head bowed, waits behind me.

–His Majesty awaits for you.– one of the cadets, bows and pushes the door with his big gloved hand for me

I lift the bangs from my dress, striving to be as dignified as possible and to keep a pinch of pride in myself; though she seems to have been replaced by sheer nervousness when the frigid eyes and blunt eyes of the king are upon me and all that I stand for when he notices that I have entered the room. I lick my lips minimally, so as not to spoil the balm on them, my heart pounding furiously as I get closer to the target of my vision. On the other hand, mother seems somewhat stiff but she cordially shows her respect for the royal visitor.

Upon reaching them, specifically him, I bow as a sign of respect. His eyes scrutinize me, while I perceive my electrified spine as if it were a whiplash, because of my nerves; I'm worse than when I had to introduce myself to other people as a child, even so, I regain my lack of stability with a cordial smile. However, his gaze seems to be one of absolute curiosity and Fascination? I shift the thought away from me, except that my face red with embarrassment is made fascinating by its intimidating light gray irises, so clear they look like a strange shade of white.

–Good morning, Your Majesty.–Sorry to keep you waiting– I apologize

I can't tell him that I forgot, that would be really rude. As usual, he does not smile, the corner of him barely rises, under his chilling eyes there are signs of dark circles and a hint of a beard covers his strong and profiled jaw and also above his upper lip . His hair is combed to one side, and an unruly lock of curly hair roguishly adorns his whitish skin. With the sunlight and such an aspect of his outfit, he really looks like someone who exudes authority, the fabric of his suit tightens considerably on his arm and wrinkles, revealing his worked silhouette.

Embarrassed, I look away, feeling my face really flushed and my heart in my throat again. Still under his gaze, I approach them for the remainder of space and a flash of strange emotion crosses his eyes; Although he looks tired, his expression has another tone, somewhat relaxed; upon reaching him, he takes my hand and with a hint of sensuality but roughly he kisses the back of my hand, causing me to want to squeeze my toes, however, not being able, I can only squeeze my opposite hand which is hidden in the thick of my dress.

I feel ashamed and we are not even alone.

–There is no rush, Lady Elijah. I was also talking amiably with his mother– his eyes meet mine again and I don't know how to describe the look I face as he straightens up

Like that day, his expression does not seem to change, more, it seems to me that his eyes say everything he would like to say.

–I appreciate the compression of him– I forcefully swallow the lump in my throat, clouded and at the same time captivated by the intensity of his gaze

-I will leave you in private now, it was a pleasure talking with you, Your Majesty– Mom makes the usual bow

He returns the gesture very gallantly. It is as if nothing disturbs him –Equally, my lady. See you soon.

Despite knowing little about each other, mother looks as if she has a trace of trust towards him. I blink a couple of times. I frown, did you start a conversation at the party? Even if he speaks formally, there is a certain complicity between them; mother walks past me with her characteristic grace. I try hard to hide my bewilderment; not even I have achieved that degree of daring towards him.

With care and a lot of grace, still without letting go of my hand, she raises it up to the height of her chest and makes me walk towards the furniture in the living room, in which I sit and sink instantly because of its softness. The nails of my other hand slightly scratch the material of it; right now, I have no idea how to behave at such an overpowering gaze. He seems to notice and looks away from the other side of the room.

–I regret the permissiveness of my mother, Majesty– I say something sad

Majesty looks at me in disbelief

–Hmm? It doesn't really bother me, it was a pleasant conversation, but thanks for her concern– he clears his throat –after all I am very young and could be her son - she gives a small, very minimal smile without showing her teeth

Because of the pressure, I can't fully relax; I'm sure there are a lot of maids waiting outside the door. It would be quite impolite for them to overhear the conversation that is supposed to be private. I straighten my dress and speaking to myself louder and louder, I get up from the furniture having regained my composure.

–If you allow me the audacity. It will be better to talk in the greenhouse– I propose pointing towards the door

–Sure, why not?– he gets up quickly, rattling the straps and medals of his suit

Now that I detail it, it is an informal visit. Why is he carrying the rapier with him?

I swallow hard and guide him; the hurried footsteps and murmurs behind the door make my face burn like a furnace.

What a shame! They've been there listening to the whole conversation, I have to make Glenda take care of them.

–They watch over you quite well in the palace, miss– he remains neutral however, we both know that it is somewhat uncomfortable

–My sincere apologies, Your Majesty– I bow

He downplays this fact and follows me out of the room. The awkward stares continue until we reach the outskirts.

As soon as we step out onto the path that leads us to the greenhouse, two unknown individuals advance at a safe distance from us; I feel his gaze on the back of my neck, and my hairs stand on end. I sneakily rub my arm under the sleeve of my dress as I continue my journey.

I'm beginning to think that everyone today wants to watch. This is too much.

–You are intimidating the lady. It's okay if you wait here– he orders turning to one side of me

They both nod without speaking.

I take a look at our stealth escorts. There are very strong rumors about them, the electric blue and black uniform with the respective insignia of the Northern Kingdom, Saizen. Literally the people of all other kingdoms fear these fierce combatants. There are rumors that his soldiers are recruited very young. And some become sword monsters thanks to arduous training.

They are both young, their features are as fine as His Majesty's, but their hair is different, it's white and what makes them creepy are their icy red eyes.

It makes me a lump in my throat.

–Don't be intimidated, miss. Even though they look like this, they are good guys. Just the look of her is intimidating– he says

–Sure.– I answer with an almost choked voice.

–The first one from the right is Tristan and the second one is Kaleb. They are part of my personal escort– he says

I nod without words, only detailing their expressionless faces that do not convey an iota of insecurity or doubt in their behavior, they remain there looking at a specific point, with their right hand on the handle of the sword, and the other to one side. One of them, the one named Tristan, slightly clenches his jaw and giggles as he notices how he presses his fingers on the handle of his weapon. I didn't think they could get nervous.

–This is Miss Elijah Eldinne. Princess of the kingdom, be kind to her– orders

They both nod and bow. Probably, I am thinking a lot about the matter, but that gesture has been much more solemn, it has a double meaning due to the look of both escorts towards me.

–Shall we?– Majesty points the path interrupting my thoughts –I must say that the weather is really wonderful. It is really the opposite of Saizen– he comments, taking his hand towards his gem, which is a blue hue and lies attached to his clothes and prevents the weather from Eldiann burning and scorching it.

He seems delighted by the surroundings, an involuntary smile has come to me when I see how his eyes wander from one side to the other curious of the landscape.

–There's something even better, maybe you find it aberrant as a pastime for a princess, but ...– I push the glass door of the greenhouse

Majesty gestures the impression of him bringing his fist to his mouth. I'm sure he wasn't expecting it.

–I've only seen these plants in botany books. It's amazing– he adds

–I come here when I want to think and vent– the noise of the water falling into the fountain is so relaxing

I always forget everything here. I came around a lot when Travis was disrespecting me.

–Are you distressed about something?– Majesty comes to the side of me –do not tell me, again ...– his expression darkens so much that I can not look at him, it is scary in some way –sorry, it was not my intention scare you– he turns away as soon as he notices my tense face

I try to compose myself.

–So, how can I be of help to her Majesty?– I inquire, sitting on the edge of the spring.

He glances sideways and his usual taciturn gaze returns; I can't say exactly what he thinks.

–I want to know what a gentleman needs to get the attention of a lady– he gets his words right

I laughed a little. –Did I say something wrong?– he asks, intrigued.

–Nerd. Majesty speaks as if it were a simple audit for the acquisition of an item– I answer

–Is that wrong?

–I am relieved that Your Majesty has not decided to appear before the esteemed lady with those thoughts, she possibly she would not have understood your wishes– I concluded.

He frowns. And then a corner of her mouth rises slightly

–It's good that I came with you then.

Complimenting him is very much appreciated, I suppose that is how it feels when someone kindly fixes his attention on one.


I look up.

–I can call you that, right?

–You are the Sovereign. You can call me whatever you want– I say

–No.– his gesture becomes even more expressionless

I do not understand what he says, much less what his gesture conveys, suddenly it has become as cold as a piece of ice. It's as if, he takes too much importance on it.

–I wish to be friends with Your Highness. That you allow me to call you by your name, not that it is because I have authority, not like that– his afflicted expression is accentuated in his eyes

I think about it for a few moments. At first glance it does not seem something bad or contrary to the laws, but the truth is that if it was frowned upon for a man to address a woman just because of her name; that was being too close and besides, there was a marked contempt for a man who treated a woman so casually. Doesn't he know about it? Why risk such embarrassment from the nobles? I watch him for a moment as he is distracted by the foliage of the garden inside the greenhouse, detailing his face and everything he represents as authority.

What a curious man.