CHAPTER 12: A True Brother

Skylee P.O.V

It had been two days since that prank and I had to do an assignment with Cactus. But neither of us even looked at each other, let alone talk or assignment. I ignored him and so he ignored me. So here we were on the last day without even a little bit of achievement concerning the assignment.

As for my phone, I had a new one the next morning right after breaking my previous one. My bodyguards knew very well about my anger habits so it wasn't an issue. They always had my data store somewhere for backup. The real issue was Brother Xander and my parents.

They were sort of ignoring me. I had no idea about anything that concerns my parents, and to my disappointment, Brother Xander also didn't come to the cafeteria after inviting me. I waited there for five damn hours before he texted that he was sorry and he couldn't make it.

Now I don't give a damn about anyone. They don't care about me and I don't care about them. Simple! Isn't it?

I looked at myself in the mirror before I trudged downstairs. I had worn black palazzo pants with an emerald half-sleeved top. I paired it with an Emerald sneaker, and my hair in curves over my waist.

I frowned when I found the table empty with no signs of breakfast.

"Asli?" I called out loudly and looked at the time on my wristwatch. I would get late if breakfast didn't serve soon.

"Good morning, Miss! Sir Xander is here. He wants to accompany you to school," Number 1 appeared from the door and said.

So, finally, he has got time for me.

"Is that so?" I asked as I stepped towards the wooden swing couch and sat on it. "Tell him, I don't want to see him. He can go!" I said, waving off my hand dismissively.

"But..." I cut him off with a glare, "Go!"

He trudged out of the house with long strides while I crossed my arms over my chest. A frown decorated my forehead. What did they all think of themselves?

"Awww, my baby girl is still mad at me." There he came, in his usual lawyer attire, a black three-piece tuxedo, with a small convincing smile on his face. I looked at him for a moment then looked away, the frown never leaving my face. I wasn't angry. I was beyond exploding. Angry was an underestimated statement right now.

"OK OK. Tell me what do I do to please this little angel?" He asked and kneeled in front of me.

"I'm not your little angel cause I just belong to me." I snarled angrily as I looked at him.

"I know..." He grinned in return.

"But you know every girl is a doll," he said as he stood up and fixed his coat.

"Either Annabella or Barbie," We said in unison. It was what he always said to me that I was a doll too, but neither Annabella nor Barbie. He said that I was an odd combination of both of them.

"So my not-so-devil-Annabella, get up or else you'd be late for your school," he said and I looked at my wristwatch. Well, we still had enough time to bicker.

"I'm not going to share my car with you," I said stubbornly. Ignoring my comment, he grabbed my wrist and made me stood up.

"Brother Xander!" I exclaimed but he didn't listen as his eyes fell over the red mark.

"What is this, Sky?" He asked, examining the slightly red mark.

"Nothing." I shrugged with a bored face. He nodded his head twice and dragged me out of the house towards his car.

"I've lots of things to tell you and we really don't have time. Also, you are gonna explain to me about this mark. We can fight later," he said as he made me slid inside his car.


"Do you mean they are in France and kinda busy with their new project?" I asked still not believing his cover story. He was lying of course. But why?

"Yes. That's all the reason for not attending your calls," he said as he sipped his coffee. I wonder why people even drink coffee. It tasted disgusting as if, a frying pan got too much burned. Even the smell of it was enough to give you nausea, it could even be used for fainting people.

"C'mon, bro. You're still not telling the truth." I declared as I sipped my smoothie.

"Of course, I ain't." He grinned.

"What about you? Why didn't you appear after inviting me?" I raised my brows. "I waited for like five damn hours in the cafeteria. And you still dare to text me you're sorry and you can't make it. After five hours later? Really?"

"I'm really sorry, Sky. I was going to come but at the last minute Alana called me that..." I interrupted him with amusement, "Ohh! Alana is the reason behind five hours late text..."

"Skylee!" He scolded me.

"What? I was just guessing." I grinned and he practically facepalmed.

"Yeah..." He mocked before adding, "You don't even remember her."

"Of course, I do. We met last Christmas, right?" I smirked. In return, he showed me a creepy wide smile before made a bored face. I couldn't help but laugh at his response.

"So? When you're going to announce Alana as your girlfriend?" I winked and asked teasingly.

"She is just my friend." He stated but I caught the blush on his cheeks.

Awwww, he looks so cute.

"That would be another lie." I declared with a shake of my head and sipped my smoothie.

"Listen Skylee, you're my responsibility and I advise you not to go and do anything without informing me. Just don't be a trouble maker for a while. Please, I hope you can do this," he said with quite a serious face.

"I'll think about it." I grinned in return.

"Skylee Kingston!" This time, he gave me a warning look.

"Tamam Tamam..." I put my hands up in defeat but still grinned.

"Now tell me, what's the story behind this mark on your wrist?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"It's nothing I can't handle." I shrugged.

"Is your new school going well?" He asked.

"Stop interrogating me." I winced. It seemed like I was in testimony and the rival lawyer was asking questions like who, why, when, and blah blah. Plus, I couldn't tell him about my so-called new school and more particularly about my so-called new classmates. I would handle everything. It really wasn't that much of a big deal.

"Is someone bullying you?" He again asked. The worry was visible on his face.

"Mr. Xander, stop behaving like an overprotective big brother. I'm not a little girl who couldn't handle her matters," I said, trying my best to sound like a professional advisor.

"I know. But still do tell me if you need my help, in anything," he said.

"Tamam Tamam." I nodded.

I looked around in the cafeteria. There were so many people enjoying morning breakfast in here. It felt good watching them. At some distance, a couple was sitting with a kid, laughing and chatting, enjoying their life. I felt something heavy over my chest and a weird knot in my stomach.

"Tell my parents that I want to talk with them. Not because I'm missing them but because I'm extremely angry at them," I said without looking at him.

"OK, I'll inform them." He said and added, "You're missing them, right?"

"No!" I shook my head and almost immediately said that, but my heart yelled at me in protest.

"That would be another lie too," he said. I looked at him with a poker face.

Sometimes, it was hard to hide emotions but the way I hid my emotions right now practically scared me of me.

"Let's go!" He stood up and I followed him out of the cafe to his car.

The drive to my school was silent. I kept on looking outside the window but I was feeling oddly sick. I didn't know how to explain my condition. So, I kept looking outside the window with static robotic expressions.

He stopped the car in front of the school. I unbuckled my seatbelt and was about to open the door when he said, "I know you're missing them, Sky. They are your parents. It's okay to miss them, there is no need to hide it. It's a mutual feeling, okay? And you know you can share anything with me, right? I am your big brother, am I?"

I smiled and looked at him. I knew he understood me and I am glad he did.

"Are you trying to be emotional or making me, huh?" I said but couldn't stop the smile forming over my lips. This guy was always there for me as a true big brother and honestly, I was truly glad for it. He never let me feel like I didn't have any brother or he wasn't my biological brother but a family friend.

"You didn't answer me... Am I or not?" He creased his brows with faked anger and I laughed, feeling the heaviness off my chest and already feeling much better.

I didn't answer him, just simply hopped out of the car and turned around to looked at him. He didn't need any wordy answer. So, I delivered a flying kiss at him and he just shook his head and laughed.

"Love you too, Sky. Have a nice day!"