CHAPTER 20: Still Love The Betrayer

Owen P.O.V

"What would you prefer to drink?" The bartender asked, smiling at me. I looked up at her with a cold gaze which soon changed into a killer smile.

Did I mention she was a girl? A beautiful blonde head with a slim and perfect figure. I put my elbow on the counter and face against my palm. As I continued to look at her with my hypnotizing gaze and killer dimpled smile. It always worked on girls like a spell.

"What would you prefer, beautiful?" I asked, emphasizing the word 'you' with the same killer smile. She smiled back and my smile widened. I examined her from head to toe. She had blue eyes and blonde hair falling freely in curls on her shoulders. While she was wearing a black lace top with blue shorts.

"Shall we dance?" I asked, extending my hand. She switched her eyes in between my hand and face before nodding with an ear-to-ear smile.