CHAPTER 21: Mistake

Helen P.O.V

I woke up because of the throbbing pain in my head. Groaning, I shifted in a sitting position on the bed and massaged my temples. I slowly opened my eyes and the girl stared back at me from the mirror made me stunned.

How the hell was it possible?

I remembered getting drunk to oblivion and still, I was home and kind of in full clothes. How did this miracle happen?

I hopped out of the bed and walked towards the mirror, staring at myself with confusion. My hair was a mess and my face messier, there were stains of tears on my cheeks and my mascara was smudged. I tried to remember what happened last night but all in vain. Did I cry?

I undid my braid and stared at my face. This was the story of every time, whenever I got drunk, I forgot everything that happened to me. I cursed my stupid brain and trudged to take a relaxing bath.