"Alex" Jack said while counting his bullet's "Can you stick on some Eminem? I'm feeling like listening to the MMLP" Jack asked Alex while loading the clip into his Glock "28, look's like I'm aiming for head's then" jack spoke aloud as Alex put on the Marshall Mathers LP,
Jack looked out of the car's front window and watched a murder of Crow's circling the car,
"Hmm, Right so that's fucking strange, yo Alex pull over" Jack said as he gentally tapped Alex's left shoulder blade before putting the block into his black leather gun holster running down jacks left hand side,
"Okay Jack, what's strange by the way?" Alex asked Jack curiously,
"If you pull over now Alex you will see what I am talking about, so many fucking Crow's bro" Jack said almost instantly as he opened his door and as Alex pulled up into yet another stoney layby,
Jack stepped out of the car with a crunch under his black boot's,