"Here Alex mate, stop here I'm needing a drink" Jack said as he looked at a black BMW with tinted black windows and a shine coming from the body work and the rest of the car's black exterior,
"Okay Jack, is anybody needing the toilet while we are here?" Alex asked looking in the car's rear view mirror at the two lad's situated in the back seat's with an empty seat in between them both,
"Naw bruv, I'm good, what about you Killer?" MurDer asked Killer politely as Jack was already annoyed at him and he did not want to get shoved back into Jack's car's trunk again,
"No I am also good for now" Killer responded as Alex pulled up into the parking lot of the service station near Macclesfield, confused as to why they have chosen that particular spot instead of the one that they had already driven past and that was 3 hours behind them and from this particular station,