*Ring Ring, Ring Ring*
"Hello?" Jack said as he answered his phone to Rosie's call,
"Heya Jack, urm I have some thing to tell you and I know that you won't like it at all" she said knowing that what she had just found out was going to push Jack over the edge completely,
"Yeah? What is it?" Jack asked with irritation in his voice, the kind of irritation that comes right before a snap of rage,
"It's about the court case and the verdict Jack, I just found out why D.H was allowed to walk free" Rosie told Jack nervously and concerned about what he was about to do,
"Okay Baby" Jack said calmly
"I have something that I really need to do now so I'll call you when I am on my way home" Jack said before he hung up the phone acting calm and like nothing was wrong,