Chapter 9

"Hah... It's a past. Now i have to live this life at here. At least, here got no truck."

Likan tries to cheer herself up.

(Beside, who will reject this chances. Teddy with his hot body, kyaaaaa.. ehem. Not just his body though. His appearance is a rare things to find. His bright brown hair is so fit with his fair skin tone. Especially his innocent dark brown eyes. It's makes people wanna eat him up. Too sexy to looking at.. And hey, he's really a good kisser. If only i don't stop him before. Maybe i can feel his thing right? Aaarrggghhhhhhh.... This drive me crazy!!! I wanna do it with him but my pride wont let meeee! We just met first day. Which girl will do that kind of things in their first meet?? I'm not a pervert, too. I just loves good looking guys. My virgin's blood keep screaming down inside everytime he near me. It's his fault, though! Why is he keeps naked around me!!)

While Likan is struggling with her thought, she doesn't aware there's something coming to her cave.


"Ugh, this isn't right! I should push him to wear his pants today! If not, i'm afraid i can attack him.." -Likan smiles like a pervert this time.


"Huh?" -At the time Likan realized the sound, a big black anaconda standing up right infront of her sight.

Likan pale for a moment. Didn't dare to move. The anaconda wrapped around her. And their eyes are staring each other.

Likan's tremblingly. She didn't know what to do at this moment. (Crap!! I haven't taste Teddy!! I don't wanna die yet!!) -she's try to struggled but useless.

Suddenly the anaconda changes into a half naked man with his long black hair. His lower body is still snake's tail and still wrapping on Likan's body.

(Hoaaa, another hottie!)

"What are you doing here alone, female?" -his cold eyes gazed at Likan's and spit out his snake tongue on her face.

(Urghh.. i hate snake!!! But he is so coolll but i hate snake!!!!)