Chapter 10

"I'm back, Likan. I have some fruits, too. You will like it.. Likan?" -he get shocked seeing no one in the cave.

"LIKAN!!" -Teddy smells a snake trace on his cave and he changes into a big brown bear.

"GROAAARRRRRR..." -his sound makes echo in the cave and the the ground shakes across a few miles. All the bird flying into the sky. And the other beast that live near there get startled.

[What is it?]

[What happened??]

[...] [....] [...]

Teddy's make a super big sound to call his subordinates.

[What happened, chief?]

[My female is taken by the wild beast snake! Take back my female and kill that beast!]

[What? Snake?] -there's a murmured among the bear beast.

[We will take her back, chief.]

[Let's find her now!] -said another bear and lead all the bear to start searching for Likan.

"GROOAARRR..." -all the bear beast run into the forest with their spirit. They search in a group and spread everywhere.

(Wait for me, Likan! I'll find you!")

Meanwhile, Likan is in the snake cave. Far away from Teddy's cave. It's on the ground and the place feels damp and cold.

There're got lots of snake skins spread everywhere and the strong smell of snakes makes Likan's want to threw out.


The snake put Likan with carefully in his pile of snake skins. Unbelieveable, the place is more comfortable than Teddy's haystack.

(I didn't know that the snake skin can turned out to be soft like this. Wow..) -Likan feels amazed with the skin snake.

The snake grinned coldly seeing Likan's action. "I see you like my skin." -his voice sounds so cold but soft to heard.

"Huh? No, i just.." -suddenly her stomach makes a big sound.


(Argh! This stomach really doesn't know timing!) -Likan curse her stomach and tremblingly look at the snake.

The snake is calm yet looked cold. He still on his half beast form. He spit out his tongue and said, "What are you female usually eat?"

Likan didn't dare to look at him. She's afraid of snake since she was a child. And now, she got kidnapped by a snake beast.

Likan feel herself goosebumps just to hear his voice and didn't answer him. Likan just look down at the soil.

"Can't you talk?"

Likan still stare on the soil and ignored the cool voice. In a minute, the snakes threw a lively frog to her.

"Kyaaaa!!" -Likan jump out from the snake skin. "What is this??"

"Eat it."

"Huh?" -Likan glares at the snake. (Are you kidding me?? You told me to eat that frog alive?? Really??)