Wayo's P.O.V ~
"Good work Doctor Kongthanin, Nurse Panichayasawat. We may have lost an important patient if it wasn't for your quick thinking and teamwork in the emergency room. You are both skilled workers and invaluable to the team.", Director New says. He isn't only talking to me, but the one and only Phana Kongthanin, the man of my dreams since high school. We bow to the director and thank him for his praise, as the etiquette of the hospital hierarchy demands.
I'm merely happy to receive praise from my mentor, but beside me, Phana is glowing with satisfaction, he always has worked hard to gain his seniors approval and I couldn't be more happy for him. I could honestly stare at his proud face all day, but there is work to be done and life saving work at that. I reluctantly excuse myself and go back to my place of work for the week like I do every day, but it feels different this time, like I am leaving a piece of my heart behind. There is always lunchtime to talk to him, if ready salted pringles doesn't get him first, like most of the times I went to ask him to eat with me.
Just like every day, I manage to catch up to Phana in the canteen line, and offer to buy us both lunch and keep him company while his friends are still working. Alas, as usual, my dreams are crushed and buried by the annoyingly pristine face of Print, the pretty girl from haematology. She permenantly sticks to Phana like super glue, unwanted super glue that catches on clothes and hair, and many people look at them with golden gazes. They have reason too as well, they are both attractive, intelligent and successful. If I was honest, I am short and more cute than attractive, of average intelligence and a nurse while they are heads of department nearly. I have no chance of getting his attention.
My friend Mingkwan comes over from the ladies table, where he flirts shamelessly as per usual, concerned to see me poke and scowl at my rice and pork omlette. When he asks what is bothering me, I throw a quick but disgusted glance at the sex god of the hospital and the witch of Siam. He understands instantly. Ming has his own love problems, kitty kat ones. Kit is Phana's super dense friend, even more oblivious to Ming's affections for him than Phana is to mine if possible. He wants nothing more than Just to notice him and give him more than a few casual glances each day.