Wayo's P.O.V ~
I don't see Phana for another week, as the surgery department has been swarming with new patients. Not even witch Pringles can get him out of his office for lunch or a five minute coffee break, which says something because the witch of Siam always manages to snare her unwilling victims, and that kind of worries me.
Eventually, Ming being the good friend he is shoves a cup of espresso in my hand from Phana's favorite dispenser in the canteen and drags me to his office. He gives me an encouraging thumbs up and leaves me in the gateway to heaven, like the great friend me is. Dumping me in the worlds most awkward situation, he can see what it feels like when I shove him in Kit's office and lock them in for an hour with nothing but talking to do! Two can play at that game Minngkwannie....
Anyway, besides my soon to be pursued revenge, I can't help but imagine how Phana will look after a week of work. Hair fashionably scraped back, sweaty and growing attractive stuble, also known as heaven on earth. I admit shamelessly that a few drops of drool fall from my mouth as I imagine the epitome of manliness in his home territory, and forget that I actually have the chance to see him in real life. The boiling espresso reminds me that there is a reason to be here in the first place, as it lightly scalds my tightly clasped hands. It's time to take the plunge and talk to the person I have been loving from afar for too many years now. Fighting!
"Come in", says the husky voice of the sinfully handsome Doctor. I almost faint at the thought of how close I am to Phana and having a conversation with him, but I tell myself to stop and enjoy the view I will be getting very very soon. However, my view is more concerning than pleasant. Phana is unhealthily pale, visibly fighting sleep with every cell in his body and craving a state of relaxation. I place the paper cup on his desk in a space that isn't covered with papers and receive a silent nod of thanks. There are empty cups overflowing the waste bin that all seem to be from a coffee dispenser of some sort.
He looks thinner, and my heart aches to see him suffer like this, even if it was self inflicted, and he shakes when he goes to pick up the cup out of tiredness. I can't watch him anymore and as I go to stop him being stubborn and take him to my grandmother's so she can make him soup and wrap him up like a Phana burrito, he stops and just collapses. I'm at his side instantly, forgetting my fanboy side and purely feeling anxious as he lies on the desk lifelessly and I shout for Ming to come as soon as he can.