When life is good

Phana's P.O.V ~

Kit drives me to a cozy little restaurant down the road from the hospital, where I assume Kit has already taken Wayo. I'm sure that Kit and Ming are going to end up falling in love by the end of their operation love, ironic because none of them thought that as well and me and Wayo, aka PhaYo, they themselves will fall in love, through the time they spend together and Ming's crush on Kit everyone knows about but never talks about in front of him or Ming. Honestly, even if Wayo wasn't my Nong Yo, I would be very tempted to accept him for who he is because of our close bond that evolved into romantic feelings. He made me realize that a person from your past is not worth pining over, and it's better to love and live in the present, where Wayo is and Nong Yo is not. Ready salted pringles has no chance, with the strong possibility of Wayo being my Nong Yo or even if he isn't, my true love that is what I need and want right now, and her salty, clingy ass makes a tree look more attractive for a love interest.

I am taken away from my deep thought process when Kit opens the door for me like a chauffer, and also gives me a terrifying look of mess up and you die slowly and painfully. This feels more like a bad parody of Cinderella, with Prince Charma and his love interest Cinderwayo, than a doctor having a casual lunch with a colleague. I go on in and there he is, my Cinderwayo wearing familiar black frames instead of contact lenses for once. As I sit down, all the feelings I still have for my Nong Yo flood my common sense and rationality, the boy who wanted to confess but because I wanted to look cool, never did. His eyes are as beautiful as I imagined, big and wide behind glass lenses, brimming with happiness and most importantly, passion, as we lock gazes for the first time since I was sick.

I have a love hate relationship with that memory. Love because it made me closer to Wayo, who I now know is Nong Yo, and hate because who likes being so I'll they collapse? Like no one with a right mind.

"I would like a pork omelette and a soda please.", I tell the lanky guy with a wedding band on, who is our waiter. Yo just looks confused bless him, and I help him under the pretence of being a good friend and saving him from the very possible awkward situation.

"He will take the same but a pink milk instead of a soda. Thank you.", I add politely. The waiter bows and says out orders will be ready soon, being stopped when a short but kinda scary guy grabs him and slaps him round the face for looking too long at a female customer. I can hear a faint cry of 'but Ai'Oon, I only love you!', and I can't help but laugh a little.

The SOTUS restaurant is probably one of the most comfortable places I have eaten in that serves food of five star quality, surprisingly owned by a couple I envision me and Wayo to be like in the future. Arthit and Kingpin Sutthilik were tired of being judged for being affectionate and openly gay in restaurants, so they abandoned their boring engineering jobs and pooled the money to establish the comfy little eatery I now fondly remember as where I met Nong Yo and spent quality time with him. That made me smile when I looked up the recipe of the pork omelette from lunch and found their wonderful story of how the restaurant came to be.

Wayo was staring at me fondly between friendly conversation, only due to the ridiculous PhaYo love operation that all my friends know about now thanks to Kit telling everyone in an MI5 mission style meeting. He looked so shy and innocent, stuffing the chubby cheeks on his perfect face with spoonfuls of pork, rice, egg and chilli sauce, like my dreams. Well, the innocent dreams anyway, some that don't result in sleepless nights and sticky sheets, that my angelic Yo should never learn about. My heart has long confirmed that Wayo is my Nong Yo and amongst the heavy duty of ward rounds and appointments, I make a plan of how to confess my undying love for him.