Lunch dates with Yo

Phana's P.O.V ~

These last few days with Wayo have really been quite enjoyable, compared to the last time Kit threw me out for taking too many shifts and somehow managing to sprain my ankle running too fast in the corridors. He means well by forcing me to take care of myself and setting me up to have lunch with Wayo, so I can have a break from feeling lonely for a few hours a day. Though the last time he set me up with someone, they ended up running away half way through day two, because I was so unromantic and boring...

I wouldn't have it any other way than my friends trying to help me, but my heart belongs to one person only. A cute junior from university, Nong Yo. So far in my journey to find my Prince(ss) Yo, I worked out that one person I know looks and fits most of the criteria to be him, that quiet but caring nurse Wayo. He fits the part to a T, except for the wears glasses box, but as time goes on I may see that and finally have found my true love. I knew since high school I bat for the other team and so do the other guys. Little Kit the little kitty cat will be a bottom, a bitchy bottom but nevertheless a confirmed uke, and many other people support this idea, and Beam is an unknown quantity, showing leadership but then vunerability. He is unknown for now, but we know he has a lover since he has a ring on his wedding ring finger, and he is a guy.

Work is boring as usual, bringing bucketloads of mental stress in the form of constant responsibility and papers to my formerly rested mind, the only thought keeping me same being Lunch with Wayo. It is still heavy on my mind that he is almost the same as Nong Yo, and to form the complete puzzle would be a life changing moment for me, literally. There will be a lot to talk about if he is, like how many cats he wants and where to live together. The note he dropped in the hall is laminated in my wallet, sending me strength, the same strength that made me get through the war that is the final year of the hellish medicine degree.

Hours pass with the hollow sound of laptop keys and my own breath being the only melodies in the room, and it isn't soon enough that kitty cat comes to fetch me to take me to my chauffer for the first in a series of lunch dates. I don't dare protest, kind of terrified of another rant about how I need to shed my bachelor's lifestyle and experience some love that isn't famillial. Besides, spending time with Wayo could be extremely beneficial in the investigation of if he his my Nong Yo, that my heart screams he already is, but my brain tells me to be sure before I say anything or do anything.