I would like to advise and strictly caution that you do not attach literal meaning to some deep thoughts I will be sharing with you connecting the name Jennifer particularly, as I bring forth the revelation of some evil secrets or some coded words that I will be using even as inspired. I, therefore, advise that you follow through to catch the revelation because that is where life is. However, the name Jennifer as used by me to reveal a very vital truth has nothing to do with literality, mean, it is not as if the name is demonic, it is only but a coded to divulge some certain deep encrypted thoughts that could be deceptively destructive and portray characters that are subtle and cunning.

The revelation you will hear from me aims at guiding you against some satanic characters that would in disguise present themselves in the form of a female to seduce you to fall from the right position in the grand scheme of things.

I have had a literal encounter not just with the person of the girl named Jennifer, but with the spirit, that controls her because she does not even know that she is under an influence. From my encounter, this revelation came and it has vehemently nothing to do with my emotions and feelings of hurt or disappointments as some would want to think, but the reality of my divine program as regarding the person of Jennifer I encountered. My connection with Jennifer opened my eyes to the reality of my purpose. Jennifer was the girl I had ever loved vehemently with my all and she became more like a god to me. I never knew even in my ignorance that I was being foolish, claiming to be faithful to a relationship that almost ruined my life. In my myopic thought, I thought I was doing well by been true to a relationship that was blurring my vision and was almost truncating my purpose. I was never seeing it from the perspective that I was actually in a wrong relationship, wrong in the sense that the lesson that life had to teach me, would come from this experience. Even as I advance to the fullness of understanding truly my purpose for living. Jennifer was the person I have truly given my all to love even to the point that I know, she became the number one on my agenda.

Ignorance is not an excuse, but a deliberate pride that reveals self-will, which will lead to destruction if care is not taking.

At this point, I will be revealing some deep dark secrets of the serpent in codes… The evil force is subtlety-twisting things that are not real to appear as real to attract those who have inordinate lusts, driven with the passion of this world. It covertly hides the real nature of things to deceive people when they are out of the right way into the ways, where they no longer see anything good. However, the vision into the world eventually becomes the passion of desires that can burn and hurt like fire. The evil force operates in two faces, evident as deceptions and lies, you cannot be deceived except, lies you have now accepted. If you are sensitive to the things that span beyond the carnal domain, nothing can deceive you, even the lies sound like what you want to hear even as desired.

To get into the heart of reality, I am going to be comparing the name Jennifer with Lucifer believed to be the bringer of light. Nevertheless, with the comparison, I will build some unique codes by divine revelation insight, to expose deep dark secrets. However, as I do this, I would want to humbly admonish you not to take this inspiration for granted or think it is my ideology or whatever philosophy. I also admonish you not to think it was because of my hurt that I am sharing this with you, please, just bear in mind the earlier caution when I started talking to you.

Considering the contact eye CI = NNI, where C is the contact of Lucifer’s eye in the coded name Jennifer as NN with the IF condition and that condition is simply, when the person (man) in relationship with such person who is under the devil’s current eye, have contact with her through sex, such person will come under his grip.


C = N raised to the power of 2 = NN = 14 x 14 = 196


1 = A, 9 = I and 6 = F which gives the code:

An I F = DIN or NN as C in Lucifer

Where DIN defines Direct Access, provided IN is the way or portal into the mind that can be accessed through literal phone calls, as D = 4, I = 1 and N represents the number 9. This will interest you to know that the Jennifer in question who was my ex, have the eighth, ninth and tenth number of her phone number that has the eleven numbers to be 419.

What does 419 communicate to you?

This is a deliberate code that may often reflect in their meta-construct. To some people, it will communicate nothing, however, to me as a cypher, it does. The life force communicates to me through numbers and time, reaching my heart as flashes of thoughts caught in the frequency of some recurring time. I need you to know that this has nothing to do with any strange philosophy, but has everything to do with what the good force wants to communicate to those He wants to reveal His deep thoughts as regarding some certain deceptive character that the evil force is using to pull down those with a purpose-driven life. Truly, this will not come easy at all, but the grace is sufficient for those who have resolved to chart the good course.

Looking at the name Jennifer, you will decipher from the comparison with the name Lucifer that the contact (C) current (I) of Lucifer in Jennifer when comparing both names is NN, and NN simply mean DIN (i.e. double of N) that has the numeric code 14 x 14 equal 196.

So the contact eye (ci) of Lucifer in Jennifer is NNI (DINI), which means the contact is DIN and DIN has the numeric code 196, but when united with the eye, we will now have the contact eye (CI =DINI (contact eye = direction into the portal (IN) of the current eye i.e. lustful desires). Din means to be filled with sound, at a point of deafening or exhausting somebody, e.g. 2003, His mother had dinned the whole duty of man into him in early childhood – Roy Porter, Flesh in the Age of Reason (Penguin 2004, p. 183).

It will interest you that this reveals the last four digits of my Ex’s number, which is 4191. Since the alphabetic code of AIF (196 i.e. 14 x 14), which now defines the direction in or portal into the mind will reveal the counter reality of faith called fear. AIF when pronounced by righting the left is the contrary of our normal conventional order of direction of reading English words or sentences. This will give the word “FIA” which sounds exactly like the literal word fear when pronounced.

From the literal code AIF, which is an acronym meaning ACCUSATIONS INSTILLS FEAR. This translate to mean, anyone who is operating with the devil’s contact eye (ci) will fear when accused. They will be a kind of knowledge brought to them to act as if they are a seer who sees a vision of things that is to come. Are you asking what the contact eye (ci) or the current contact of Lucifer is?

The contact eye or current contact of Lucifer simply means the devil’s identity in any female who manifest the character of the serpent. Better still, it is directly into the mind, defined as lusts… for that reason, any female manifesting the character of the serpent are usually lustful with a very high craving that no man can ever meet.

FIA CODE came from the name Jennifer, which when a woman is under the devil’s control, she will become the female version of Lucifer, provided such woman, is operating under the devil’s contact eye (CI).

From experience, I caution you, no matter your spiritual status, even if you are stronger than Samson is, you still need to learn from Samson and with that knowledge, you have to fear anyone who is under the contact eye of the devil because their character will electrocute you. I do not mean the name Jennifer is demonic, but anyone who is under the devil’s contact eye will hurt you so much even without knowing. Ladies who are under the devil contact eye tends to be serpentine. I will explain…

I had a firsthand experience… not with someone bad, but with someone who was under the influence of the devil. Despite her love for me, she could not still hold back doing the dictates of the devil, because the devil intends to blur my vision through her, just like he could not get at Adam directly, he had to go through Eve. Now I understand why she sent messages to Joyce Meyer on her Twitter handle asking her, how she could get back her strength, that she is always been controlled by the devil. When I read this on her Twitter handle, I confronted her to find out what she meant by that, but she outrightly denied it and this became a serious concern to me that sets a pattern of start discovering all the lies that she has been telling me.

The moment you discover a person operating under the devil’s contact eye lying to you and you confront them, they will tell you, ‘I don’t know what you are talking about. However, most at times, they do not even know the extent of the evil they are being influenced to commit and the effect will be much more on anyone that they are in a relationship with them. My experience with Jennifer was a revelation and it is not what I can talk about in totality. All I can say, I got a second chance and was rescued out of the snare of the fowler who would have devoured me using the innocent girl, who did not even know what she was doing. Jennifer became a weapon of shutting down my vision with immorality even when we were still in a relationship, as having sex became a normal thing, just like eating my daily meal to survive. By now, long ago have been past, but for the sake of you and the generation to come accessing the knowledge of my experiences, I am alive. I was very stubborn not to learn by obedience, I tell you the truth, it is better to learn by obedience than to learn by experiences. This information will guide you against the wiles and the schemes of the evil one, and the good one had to allow me to go through all these experiences to prepare me to intimate you with knowledge against the subtlety and cunning nature of the evil one. The evil one is never tired of deceiving people into the broad path, as you can see, we no longer love good, anything good, we now consider as religious and those people, religion is obsolete. The good one cannot share you with the evil one, so sometimes he allows you to wander in the wilderness and feel the dryness that will cause you to call out to Him from a broken, contrite and repentant heart. I have had experiences that would always leave me with the option to call out to someone for help, but unfortunately, I have never had anyone help, except that still small voice that will speak to my heart to change my ways.

The good one cannot share you with the evil one, because he knows the evil one has nothing to offer you other than to steal from you the life that He has given you, thereafter, kill and destroy you. What shall you give in exchange for your soul? Think about this!

I have always wish Jennifer well because I know she was innocent, but only being used under an influence of a force stronger than her will power to resist. I will not stop wishing her well, because I learnt the act of true love with the experience I had with her, loving her even more when she errs and does terrible things that I cannot even imagine. However, she will never admit that she did anything, even when you catch her in the very act. The evil one is wicked and he does not pity his victim at all. He will cause you to enjoy lies, such that even when you are heading into the bottomless pit, the lies will keep icing your emotions like the sweet icing on the cake and you will be feeling cool and good. How can you be smiling and enjoying the honeycomb because of the sweetness that is connecting you with your knowledge to gross darkness? Jennifer has never for once felt rumours, despite the gross evil she allows the evil one to control and manipulate her to commit against me and even herself because it was also telling much more on her. I do not have an idea if she ended up graduating, but she was having very serious problems with her academics, as she got involved with her lecturer even when we were still dating not on the ground of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but fiancée/fiancé relationship. We were supposed to be married in 2012, but I lost my elder sister in the course of that period, so the marriage could not work as planned. I never knew something good was preventing me from signing into lifetime misery.

After 2012, I left Sogal where I was working and serving in the capacity of a resident pastor with the True Life Revival Assembly Inc. Udoroki Branch, Sogal State. I left all the great opportunities that would have connected me to greatness to come after the woman I love but lost her love for me. However, I realized that everything happened for my good because the mind of the good one is beyond my selfish and self-seeking ambitions. I did everything to make my relationship with Jennifer end in marriage, but it never worked, because I was selfish to give all my energy, focus and time to the relationship I know deep down in my heart was blurring my vision to seeing clearing what I should be doing for good.

I relocated to Ajuba, 2014 and started a teaching job after I have had a very trying time, trying to start all over again. In the course of this period, I called and told her that I will be coming to see her parent to finally discuss our marriage issue and fix a date for our marriage because it was kept pending since 2012 when it was supposed to happen. Jennifer agreed with me, but to my greatest surprise, she started acting very funny and I could not just fathom out what the problem is, even when I ask to find out, she would always say, “nothing is wrong with her”. All of a sudden, she started kicking against everything that has to do with our initial plans, all with the excuse that I need to get a better job. A better job was her reason for all the excuses, but as fate will have it, within this given period, not up to a month, I got a job with Nairegin Film Corporation Soj, Uaetalp state. I immediately called and told her I have gotten a job, but she went cold and I could not understand why. I then left Ajuba for my documentations, but did not stop at Soj, but went straight to Ihcuab State to see her parent and explain to her that I have gotten a job. Before coming back to Soj, I had already seen her and her parents to inform them of my new job. They were all happy, the entire family prayed for me and I left back to Soj to continue my documentation. Therefore, everything about our marriage was on hold, while I started my new job. It was in the course of this period, my salary was held back for seven months that her true character became obvious to me. I almost lost my life, making effort and trying to fix things with Jennifer. However, the more I try, the more I cry and the more I cry, the more my vision dies, such that as I lose track of my vision, the more my life became miserable. I could not just think of anything other than misery that brings to me the thought of suicide. However, I am glad that I am still alive today to share this with you. If I had not had a relationship with Jennifer, what you are hearing now would not have existed.

I loved Jennifer, I truly do and that was why I had to stay faithful to her for eight years because my mind was to see Jennifer and me, become a couple, however, the question I never imagined was, “The way I was faithful to Jennifer, was I that faithful to the one whose life I live?” No! Not at all, I was not faithful to the one I am supposed to be faithful to, because Jennifer became my god. In my deliberate ignorance, I thought I was doing the right thing by loving a girl who was living a double-sided life. Jennifer occurs more frequent in my thought than the thought of anything. It is like trying to get married to the devil’s daughter. I was very, very foolish and now I know how stupid I was in my myopic thought that makes me think I was wise. I talk to you today to guide your heart against anyone who is under the devil’s contact eye. When I start explaining the various codes that I deciphered, you will understand much better.