I have a root traced to a code, and that code is a reality connecting three ancient words, revealing the relationship of a supernatural being with humanity to reach deep secrets. However, bringing eternity to time in this terrestrial plane and it will also interest you to know that this code sounds like my family clan’s name, A’Odeh from a forest village in the city of palm trees, a far land Local Government Area. The ancient words are.
“The secret things belong to Him, who is above all, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the whole words as ordained in the law of life”
“At that time He answered and said, I thank You, the greatest one, Peer of the realm of all, You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes.”
“When they finished their demonstrative verification, the beast, I saw in the cloud that brought utter darkness ascends out of the bottomless pit to make war against them, overcome them, and kill them”
Therefore, this is the deep secret about the latest Divine Code called PA VINE CODE, which simply explains the destiny of the two eyewitnesses, accessing Divine Secrets to finish the mystery of a Supernatural being in the face of light and having their destiny fulfilled in the death, to live the true life in the light of the Predecessor’s love.
The Pa Vince Code unlike every other hidden secret is the revealed secret of my life pointing to my divine obligation to finish the mystery of the Supernatural being that people have not known yet, as revealed in the light of His ancient word, perfecting writing in His encrypted thought. The all-knowing one sealed me, with clear evidence on my right wrist and my forehead and I have not still recovered from the sharp pain on my right wrist after wrestling with a force that overpowered me. This happened after I have had an encounter with light. However, in the course of this encounter, I was caught up in grandeur and I got illuminated with divine wisdom and understanding of the time to finish to start writing by revelation insight into the mind of the one all-knowing to finish the mystery of the one beyond the Idol in our heart called self.
You do not choose your mandate; your mandate will choose you and all that you need to fulfil your mandate in life unto you releases grace when you are humble and very dependent on the good force that controls every human’s affairs.
One made a striking and catchy statement on the cross before completing an already finished course of restoration as a clear pointer to the time we are, enjoying the rectitude of a Supernatural being by favour through confidence reliance and that statement is “So when he had received the sour wine, He said, “It is kaput! However, in prostration, His head went down, and He offered up His Chi.” Chi is what defines the life force of the crux’s presence, the very root of all that exists, even beyond the physical eyes.
When Divine has finished his demonstrative verification, his fate completes in code 7. The code that proves, completing an extraordinary course, purely supernatural. However, no man can annul the implication of the Divine’s completeness, which gives access to a dimension beyond the world’s influence. This was the reason, for Divine, experiencing all that he experienced, while advancing from the cradle because he was maturing to understanding the deep things of life’s essence. Therefore, working in true knowledge becomes his mission here on earth, because many people do not truly know what influence they are under all in the name of schooling.
The lie the system is trying to spread through some historical fabricated documents that claim to hide the secret of a certain one’s life. Do not be deceived, there are many lies and subtlety in this world, such that, if you give it a chance, in your heart will the system will plant a self-bug, which will grow into a monster that will resist the truth.
The man could not travel to rest in the beginning, but travelled farther away from rest, because of a single act of disobedience instigated by the evil one. He got into his ways and tried to do things on his own with the independent mindset, autonomous in nature, having the evil one behind the scene as the shadow influence of true inspiration coming from the underworld, presenting itself like the ordained.
Glory! The beginning was not lost, it was found back in… for the evil one was defeated, however, the true knowledge will no more be kept in that old shell of ignorance.
This is the reality of the world knowing that I am I AM’s, and this knowledge will light me up to shine as a light to the people of this world. My history, written in red and that red is the blood… so in reality to prove that almost… if not all the systems built here in this world are built with the principle of the pyramid secret Codes, hiding the very truth, but giving us what we are lusting after. Shine your eyes! If you get the right Divine code, the system built on the pyramid code will underline it red (symbolic).
Trapped in a current that kept educating me, and this current seemed irresistible. You think this is delusive, no, it not, it is real! This is my experience…
The world system will not accept the things that flow from right to left, but accepts that which flows from left to right. Therefore, the right thing turns wrong to the world system and we seriously need to understand the right mind in order not to conform to the pattern of this corrupt world. Nevertheless, not anything that does not light up is of good, because good manifest with light, which is the eyes of the inner self. So when you type (move or make a decision) the right word on any system built with the eye codes, it will light up the underlining. So in reality, no word in red is wrong, because the word is in the light even when it is coded in an encrypted thought that must be deciphered by the cypher who is the person trying to pass the secret message. However, the world system has so much reset our mindsets to accept lies as truth and truth as lies, but things are changing by the day in the time we are. Many people who were operating from the right dimension has been termed, psychiatric because they are just odd in their world, but it is not all that is odd that is wrong, some odd things are just wrong in the wrong place, but right in the right place. Yes! Anyone who is on the side of the truth will always be odd to the world’s system, because the only lifestyle that connects true essence is the life of truth, hinging on the way of life. We need to wake up to the light to be able to decode the wrong codes to code their codes and expose all that has to do with their secrets and it is so pathetic that the majority of what we have subscribed to are simply deceptions and lies.
Let us journey deeper!
Please if you are not ready for this journey, I advise you to stop listening to me, Divine said, because it is dangerous to think what I am saying was birthed out of self-delusion and a way of self-promoting myself. It has nothing to do with me, I am only doing what I would normally not want to do and all you are hearing is coming from the Printing Press in that street that connects Ray Field, called Pa Vine Street, Number 11 in the direction into the heart of the Forebear’s love.
I have observed that my life, somehow is a program, and I cannot explain why. There is something in me that does not agree with the conventional norm, pointing to the fact that it is a thought program against the original thought program, but why? Believe me or not, it will not change the reality I will be presenting directly from the mind of God, but this in the face of light through the help of God who would release His mind in codes, to defile evil codes that have caused serious damages in God’s original thought program. This book will prove the reality of Divinity in codes and also expose the counter codes that existed since the fall of man, and now remain inside man to keep a man in that state of fall outside the light.
This end-time battle is a battle between the children of light and that of darkness, with a man as the weapon, but the darkness has failed since, from the time when time starts regulating life, a thought formed. The evil one rebelled with a thought, and his identity stripped off and now in him, there is no light at all. The battle is the battle of identity, so whose identities are you? Good or evil! Which thought programmed you? Divine or pyramid code program! Do you believe he is a Supernatural being or still holds the belief that He is a mortal man who walks the face of the earth and had sexual affairs the way they painted it? You cannot stand on the fence; you must have to identify yourself with one of the code programs. Moreover, I am not telling you guys this to debate the code programs, I am only telling you to establish the truth in the light beyond mysticism, for you to choose and in the end, your choice will be the one to judge you, not what I have told.
We have been long brainwashed by the evil one through the system trying to bring humankind under complete control, ranging from entertainment to secularism, internet to broadcasting, science to technologies and from religion to politics and finally from politics to power that tends to bring every system under control. However, the time we are in the history of this terrestrial plane in the ball of reality, soon, there will be a pause because of the divine intrusion, correcting codes that have been thwarted, with true knowledge in the face of light introducing a scanning process to delete bugs and viruses that has corrupted the entire system.
While I was still talking to my friends, I watched in my mind’s eye, the crowd grew, from the tiny patch, I watched as they became a mass of spectators, both old and young all of whom were eager to listen to the words of wisdom released through me. However, they too had taught me an important lesson, they had given me a newfound strength and confidence, a small smile always plastered my ace when I faced the crowd. Nevertheless, I saw the same little spectator I have had on before the first day. Then, when I was done, I got a reward, which was the looks of hope on their now radiant faces, humanity had been brought into a new light, my words had begun a beautiful beginning, I had done my part in the circle of the harsh life we were forced to live in, I’d brought in Hope. He said, “The truth, I am telling you, this has nothing to do with my knowledge. I am here just as you are also here, to remind you to change your thought lines, for the truth to perform the mind surgery to remove the microchip containing the self-bug of the evil one planted inside the heart of every man as an autonomous thought.”
It was this self-bug that made man start functioning outside the ordained program description and end up recreating another thought program through the evil one’s false impressions. Man is not an evil program, but a good program, but immediately man failed, a sub-program started running to reform and recreate man with a supermodel program. Thoughts are a transcendental program, which runs the body of our chi and instruct the mind, which is the body of our will, the driver of our entire life housed in our souls.