On the podium, with an innumerable multitude, my eyes beholding people seated like a sea of sand, I cleared my voice, to hear the sound, and it is echoed back to me from the loudspeaker as if a supernatural being was speaking to me. How can I be speaking and at the same time hearing the sound of my voice as if it was a supernatural being that was speaking to me? While on stage, this was a big concern to me, as I am no more the person I used to be.
Hi, great minds, Divine speaks… I do not take for granted this privilege to speak to you, for it is indeed an opportunity of grace and I sincerely appreciate, The Council of the Great that has put organize this rare program for me to speak about “The Current Eye Unit”. I just realized, from the images displayed on the screen that I am standing right in the heart of the eye, I pray what I will be sharing with you will open your eyes. What I will be giving you are a piece of information that will bring about reformation to your deformed mindsets, because of the information that you have stored in your hearts. The information I will be sharing with you was not what school taught me. The information you have is what school taught you, but the information I have is what light gave me and I want to shine light into some grey areas of our modern civilization. I am a boy from a forest home called Upu, and I am the eleventh born of the family with twelve siblings, five death and I am among the fortunate seven that is alive, therefore, I want to give the life I have received from the light I have experienced. I am an orphan, but my father can never die because he lives forever and in my heart, he lives. Therefore, you will hear the voice of my father through me as his son. I know, here among this magnificent awe audience are great scientists, philosophers, sages, traditionalists, witches and witchcraft, however, beyond the known, I will give you some peace of information, for those who are willing, it will become light, but for those are unwilling, it will become the highest level of self-delusive absurdity.
What do you see in the pyramid?
The audience echoed in response, “You are in the eye of the pyramid”.
What am I doing in the eye of the pyramid?
The audience echoes in response said, “To speak to us about something unconventional”.
Should speak what you want me to speak or you want to hear what you have not heard?
The audience echoes in response, “We want to hear what we have never heard.”
All right, I will be very intentional in revealing the intention of my father, because, what you will be hearing is the very voice of my father that you cannot see. However, if you can see me, you have seen him. I will be talking about “The Tra Grade S”, I simply, mean the Transformer’s Grand Design and to do this, I will first all discuss what I called the pyramid code from a pointer called MIDST. Do you notice that I am in the midst of the eye? I mean, I am in the middle of the Signal Transfer Point. Nevertheless, the signal transfer point has the symbol ST provided the point is an invisible force, releasing impulses that no one can see. How many of you can see my voice? I believe, no one can see my voice, but in your heart, you are feeling the influence. From the point I stand, speaking to you, there is a surging current release like an invisible wave, affecting your thoughts in one way or the other. It will amaze you that some of the things you think you are the one thinking, is a program in your heart, to make you think you are the one thinking, while in reality a thought is being impressed in your heart, to drive your will, because as you now think, so you will be.
All right! Let me break this down by commencing with the word “MIDST”. I know, the knowledge you have about this word could be, middle, centre, heart, focus, core or hub, these are all the synonyms, but beyond the synonyms, is a hidden text, which carries a weight deeper than the English word, which explains midst. Since, MIDST defines the heart or middle, pointing to the focus, the eye is the focus and the eye focus is simply an irresistible impulse, you can call it the lens, which most people now called the all-knowing GOOGLE. If Google is all-knowing, is google God? Because to our understanding, it is only God that is all-knowing. This is a clear indication that a force is claiming to be all-knowing. As I said this, my voice echoes and reechoes and the sound system immediately went off, with all the lights turned off, but in less than a second, everything was back to normal.
I knew, what would happen when I said this, so I was not surprised. I continued! The lens of the world is the eye on the pyramid. I hope no one is lost, so permit me to trace the word “MIDST” to an interesting book I read, Genesis 3: 3, 4, and 5, which says, “but of the fruit of the tree which is in the MIDST of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be Like God, knowing good and evil.” I call this, the A for every CDE REALITY. I will also love to decipher the hidden thought of CDE, considering 3:3, 4, 5, we will have3/(3,4,5), which eventually gives us 1: 4, 5 pointing us back to the last reference of this interesting book I read, called Revelation 1: 4 and 5, to reveal a Divine Experience (DE) with Awareness on top. That is, 1 = A typifying the current of the unit, defining appearance as a result of Awareness. The awareness you can find out for yourself, when you read the last reference of that interesting book I have read, with the pointer, 1: 4 and 5. 4 = D defining Divine, while 5 = E, defining experience. Therefore, the experience is for you to find, go find it.
The time is near! Immediately, I said, “The time is near”, the massive ancient clock stopped and the bell attached started ringing like an alarm. Instantly, everything came to halt, no breeze, there was a minute silence, as if a current released stopped the time from counting and the time seems to control all dynamics. Something unusual has happened in the space of time. Soon, time will stop counting as I said this, I could see the curiosity in the eyes of my audience because they wanted an explanation of what has just happened. Therefore, midst points to the Spirit, which means, the content of the spirit is PI and RI, where PI define power eye as life, RI defines reflected eye as Light. Therefore, the contrary of spirit, becomes a serpent, where the spirit gives life, the serpent takes life, but when the spirit emits light, the serpent remits (resist emission) light, through what I called the die code (EE), which reveals electricity and electronic, and in the conscious dimension, revealed as generator and transmitter.
Another notable word is “DIE”, which means EE, explaining that Y in the eye has been stripped off. Therefore, Y is the fulcrum or the heart of the eye, it then implies, Y is the will and the will is the drive, and the drive is the driver called the operating system (OS) when united with the current impulse (android), now called a current operating system (iOS) which reveals a point in the pyramid code. I stand right in the heart of the eye today, as the thought impulse, releasing to you any information that will bring about transformation and I do not care what will happen to me after now.
I caught something very interesting in the attention-grabbing book that was why I have to reference it. I caught two words, “MIDST” and “DIE”. However, I know, midst mean, middle of ST and DIE mean double E. nevertheless, I need to find out what is in the middle of ST, but before I do that, I have to find out what ST is. If the woman in question talked about the tree, then, ST must be a Spiritual Tree bearing fruit, that fruit is KNOWLEDGE, and the knowledge is GOOD and EVIL. Nevertheless, if you look closely at SPIRIT, you will discover ST has a position as the First and the Last of the Spirit, which implies, the first and the last of the spirit is the symbol of the spiritual tree call Liana or the Vine.
While I was still talking, I started hearing muttering of words amongst the companies of sages, philosophers and scientists; as if they were becoming uncomfortable with what they were hearing from me, consumed in the impulse of what was coming out of me. The zeal of a force has consumed my heart and I could not help but keep releasing the exceptional impulse in the form of unconventional information.
Right before my eyes, I saw the faces of my audience changing into something that looks like a beast, human beings with heads like a goat. I thought I was dreaming, wiped my face to see if all will return to normal, but, the more I wipe my face, the more they transform into something very horrific. A thought in me urged me to continuation, but I was so frightened, somehow, I received boldness to continue and I continued, while I said, “The truth will set you free”, in curiosity the audience asked, “Which truth?” while, I was still talking, everything returned to normal as if nothing happened. I was becoming uncomfortable with the way things was just happening, but I had to complete my assignment to reveal the pyramid and make known an unconventional truth about the transformer’s grand design and the truth you need to know about our present predicament that changed our world forever.
The system uses what I call Evil Identity, which I will explain as the ratio of the same evil character manifesting as an eye (impulsive thought), driving the idea of advanced information technology (AITA) known as Artificial Intelligent Transgenerational Advancement, where this form of technology will affect several generations of a family. This runs with a theory that deals with the rules, which govern the communication of acquired practices, behaviours and beliefs between generations. There is no rigorous scientific approach to the passage of family culture and tradition. This transgenerational theory is a minor step in the formulation of such an approach (credits to www.onlinelibrary.wiley.com>doi>pdf).
I: I = 9: 9 = 9/9 = 1
D: D = 4: 4 = 4/4 =1
Wow! This is becoming interestingly interesting.
Let me clear your doubts!
In that, a certain book I read a reference in John 10: 10 and found the evil identity and it states that “The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”
From that reference, it is clear the mission of evil identity. From my Divine Call (DC) exposing evil identity 10:10 presented as 1:1, what do I mean by that? I mean evil identity is simply coded as electron power of earth (e0), but when it stands as a base, it appears as 1 i.e.
e^0 = 1, which is also expressed as 10:10= 10/10= 1. Moreover, this one simply means enlightenment or Illuminati. A form of knowledge that looks very good and appears to be to your gain, but in reality completely against you… You need to wake up! Are you a gospel music minister or secular artist? Stay off, completely off Illuminati. What shall it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul? What shall you give in exchange for your soul? Good weeps when you allow the evil to have the precious gift given you and that is why no matter the extent how far you have gone astray, you will have a visitation, because the drive of the right thought can never leave you, nor forsake you. You only need to return, not against good, but how do you see a good personality, as I have seen the evil personality in his facelessness when your current eye strips off? The implication of turning against good is simply death and the mind of good for you is for you not to perish. Therefore, I admonish you in love to please access cloud nine now that you have all the opportunity of grace because the moment cloud nine closes upon you, you are eternally doomed. The worth of your soul is beyond infinite experience, it has an eternal value. However, it is more expensive than the glory of this world that is worthless in its worthlessness. So, why are you making it seems as if you lack something and the world in its worthlessness have that thing to give? The evil one cannot pay you, do not allow him to deceive you; because your one breathe can buy that cheap brat, he is just a drowning rat without your thought channelled toward the love of this world (lusts).
D = 4, 4 is the number of Evil and evil have an eye, which implies Double evil (EE = DIE), is Devil. To prove that double evil dies, if double evil is devil, righting devil, you have will have lived, what is the meaning of living? Moreover, evil could sometimes present itself as 5val (federal) and looking at the nature of the appearance of federal, you will discover it has the heart as e. Therefore, if we are to compare federal with Da Vinci, we will have some unique identity that will reveal a knowledge very unconventional.
F = D, I = A, V = V, EV =IN (WAY INTO) and L= I, where, F defines the frequency to port in, D defines to dimension to be ported into. Where V defines the vault, EV defines the entrance of the vault, while IN defines, the portal and L defines light, while I defines current or impulse.