W is simply the wickedness in the heart of man, while the power of 5 defines the signal as self-inclination. This implies the evil one wears the thought of man as his body form called self in the heart of man, manifesting as wickedness. However, with a dynamics of a walking snake, ready to strike or the other way, when it presents itself as W exponent E, typifying potent electricity as the super-base of the world, ready to execute and electrocute anyone under its influence that present evil as good, using wickedness to shut down anyone who comes under its current.
Therefore, we have two codes when it applies to W exponent 5, namely
1. W exponent 5 code called the wicked snake code and
2. W exponent E code called the electron power code.
The first code serves him the purpose of deceptions and lies, while the second serves the purpose of generating a false light to live an impression that looks like, to hide the true nature of the false code.
What does this explain? It explains that evil can also present itself as F, which has the numeric code of 6, typifying an evil man. Be careful when you see some people identifying with some numbers, they are only trying to play on your intelligence, so that you will not get their secret, to be able to manipulate and twist your mind.
What do I = A mean? It means different things, but they all boil down to deception, where I am current, A is the unit of current typing appearance, as I typify invisibly. What is invisible? The Current impulse or ideology of civilization reaches our hearts as an invisible signal called the frequency of thought that creates nothing but fears and panics. The first I is the symbolic code for current, pronounced as eye, which is life (invisible), while A is the unit for current, or the representation of light called appearance i.e. the unit for light or current called Ampere and A could be represented as 1 alphanumerically.
What does V typify? V typifies the Volume and volume reveals the depth and the volume of the container is simply the revelation of the weight such container can hold. However, the weight of any man’s impart is the extent of his thought released. Therefore, the V is simply defining as the thought of the devil, which is contained in his heart where he born his evil intent. Therefore, V is the heart of the devil, which also is the Vault (treasure house) where he buries the souls of those in his captivity and they becomes his captors as elites. He is a predator who would always attack his victims who are ignorant gullible men without knowledge. Do not allow yourself into the devil’s burial chamber, or else he will use you for the sacrifice his sacrifice. That is why his agents carry out human sacrifices as their major ritual.
Should I continue, I ask my audience and they chorus their response, “Yes, please, do not stop, the light has come to us”.
What does EV typify? From my secondary school knowledge, EV typifies potential voltage and Voltage is simply the product of resistance (R) and the current (i), but in this case, it means the way in, into the evil eye called LUSTS. Nevertheless, that way in is the heart of man’s thought (spirit) that has two current eyes, so from this point EV can be defined as IV (current-voltage or current flow, which could be the latest arrival of technologies and fashions or a form of lifestyle called civilization). However, the current things that people are rushing to subscribe to, which typifies something very inviting and catchy, drawing attention to desire. The moment your desire activates, your true eyes becomes blind, while the L in the devil, which is now the false eye of your mind that controls you will, will now be activated.
What does L typify? L typifies Lusts of the eye, the lust of the flesh and pride of life, which is also the current eye of the devil (i) on man, to deviate his attention from connecting his true source from where he breathes true breath and live the true life as ordained against fear.
Fear any current flow in any system, do not rush to identify, else, your purpose for existence may be electrocuted and you will end up serving the evil one for life, just the way many sages, philosophers and scientists are now confidently doing.
So the code DA has the numeric code 4.4/4, which simply means the devil (doubles evil), turning itself into the angel of light. What is double evil? I know you already know what that means.
You can see the devil was only using DA to confuse code breakers, such that if they want to read the meaning they may end up reading it directly as light or the way to light. However, with my great program codes, I was able to decode and code their code to make them cold to freezing point, in the face of light where nothing hides.
What is the way to evil or the direction to evil?
DA = DD/D, DA = Di (to find the DA, you have to get the di which is the direction and di means double. This means to find the direction of A, you will have to get the change in direction of the I (you can use calculus to find out or just simple mathematics))
A = D/D = 1 or DA = Di
A = Di/D
A = i
A – 1 = 0, that is A has the numeric position 1
1 – 1 = 0, this explains that A as a unit does not exist, but can only exist as a currency unit…
A = 1 = i
Wow! This is getting much more interesting!
1 is coded, as I (eye) because actually, one in the real sense is a unit identity (i)
(Time: 04:04 am, 18 - 07 – 2016... Monday: I tried calling my fiancée, but her line was not reachable).
Therefore, when you pronounce I what you will have is the eye, which implies the direction, is the left eye tending against the right eye, which is the major resistance, even as the left will ever keep opposing with what looks like. If the direction is the left eye, what contains the eye?
The pyramid righted as a diary (double map with R and Y unknown). Therefore, if di is the same as DA, then the map will be the same as Vinci, which gives us a perfect clue. Assuming we are to compare Mary P with Vinci
M = V, A = I, R = N, Y = C and P = I, so in the pyramid, it implies if we are to extract the two map, then we will have the find the variables R and Y. So let us check it out
RY = DI which is simply the heart of the two eyes, the physical eye and the current eyes of the spirit.
From where can we find the two eyes? The two eyes are in the spirit of a man, while the IT in the Spirit simply reveals the eye as the target. Wow!
What is the eye? The eye is simply the mind that has just an eye. While PIR in the spirit means, point in R, which is the target because R is already defined as N in the comparison between MARY P and VINCI.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to death…. When they finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. Now after the three and half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.”
As I told my audience, my testimony with fresh blood as ink and I am glad to participate and drink from this cup, what a privilege of grace, to align with the Liana, to remain the likeness of Him here on earth. Instantly, I received a flash of light, when I looked at the clock it reads 11: 11 pm, revealing the union with divinity and humanity. Therefore, I am fulfilling the mandate of cloud nine to finish the execution of the foolish notorious heart robber and mind twister.
I wish I could see the devil face to face to tell him how much I hate him; I hate him with godly passion, with the last drop of my blood. Id simply means the identity of the evil one shows in the pyramid, which is an eye, or evil hiding in light, presenting itself as good to deceive the gullible people, whose vision is the product of lusts. Eye in this context is simply the number of evil upon evil i.e. I = 4/4 = 1
Let us return to Da Vinci Code, since I have to reveal DA, and we have gotten the first identity; I will now proceed to Vinci…
V = 22 didi = 4, which is the number of evil, so V is the Volume of evil = 2b or b2
I = 9 = 3 x 3 or 3di, where I am di, 32 or 3b this implies there are two super bases. This is explaining the Illuminati bracelet.
N = 14, which is the IRIS, meaning N = R, and 4 = number of evil
C = 3 triangular crest (living creature like a frog)
I = 9 same as in above
V is simply double of di, which is didi and we have di = power of 2 and didi = 22…
Look at the deception now,
i is double in the code Vinci, so when you pick out the eyes, it implies they are two eyes (i.i), but it is not true. They are just playing with your mind with the evil identity i. i (identity of evil) in the pyramid, which is simply pronounced, as to hiding. So what are they hiding? Do not worry, I will find out and tell you, even as expose a reference of that certain interesting book I read as John 10: 10, which explains that they are hiding evil as good to present darkness as light. i.i defines the current eyes or the form of knowledge that presenting self as light hiding in the word “idea”, revealing their deepest intent.
Why do I say that?
d simply typifies direction and it is read thus……….. “There is only one direction to the eye (i), so what is that direction? The heart…
Therefore, in reality, the evil one was planning from height to depth, not from depth to height, to execute his evil program. He is talking about the eyes, but in reality, the eyes he is talking about is the HEART of man, which is the seat of his power and how does he get to it? Through the thought, even as a man thinks from the impression that he receives from the world…
How does he get to the thought? Through the physical eyes, if you observe, you will discover 3-dimensional flow, which implies his agents will carry out a 3- dimension of evil orchestration in a triangular form through something we need to find out as evident in the alphanumeric code C that is 3. What could this mean? We will find out with the Divine program code. Exposing the I = 9, and 3.3 = 32 and di= 2, i= 3di which implies i is the target of the evil one who will hide his identity to enter in and to be able to do this, his assignment will be orchestrated in 3- dimensional power of his very identity and what is the 3 - dimensional power?
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
This brings to mind the number called 999, this implies, if I view this number from the position contrary to my initial position, I will see 666. Therefore, I had an encounter with the beast.
I see! That was why he was able to romance a woman and through her, man fell. Woman partook in knowledge alien what was ordained, man as the target got the arrow into his heart, and his destiny altered. Therefore, he saw through and into the eyes of the woman’s core, and started manipulating her thought and brought her eyes to see (lusts) to desire the alien knowledge that we now call modern civilization.
Three notable things, very paramount here, are
Therefore, the three things the evil one have to capture to get the man under his feet are the eyes of the man that he can access through lusts. The evil one had to devise a means and that means called LUSTS to be able to get into man’s thought and awaken his desire and from a man’s desire, he will now capture his heart, because as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. People say the way into a man’s heart is through his mouth, but I have come to know by true knowledge, that is it is not true. The way into a man’s heart is through his eyes and when you can reach a man’s heart, you can now DIM his vision by capturing his mind (MIND =DNIM pronounced as DIM), which is the short form for diminish. Therefore, the English word “Diminish” came from the root code that hides the mind as DNIM, pronounced as Dimming and dimming simply explain control or manipulation to reduce the true light to the blind man of the true knowledge. However, when emphasizing DIMMING, you cannot exclude the FOCUS, so the focus now becomes the heart, not the eyes, the eyes simply acts as the APERTURE while the heart is the focus. Therefore, the evil one’s focus is THE HEART OF MAN and that is why you have the eyes in the centre of the pyramid, which means the direction into, and the direction into a man’s heart is the eye.
Looking at the time on the ancient massive clock, I saw that the time 12: 12 am, which, I will talk about subsequently.