I have been on the podium talking for almost an hour. Suddenly, I started sensing an unusual atmosphere, but could not tell what is happening. However, deep down in my heart, I knew something was happening in the air. The atmosphere was somewhat tense and I felt an intense pressure in the air, that I almost declare to my audience that something is going on, but I kept my cool. I kept receiving impulsive inspiration as if something was talking through me. Something was talking through me. I could hear the thought apart from mine. I knew the words of inspiration I was speaking to my audience were coming out through my mouth, but deep down in the heart of my heart (ear), I could hear the voice. The response from the audience was very keen, even as I continue; I could feel an unusual vibration under my feet as if there was a cosmic reaction and aliens have visited the earth in a flash. Amazingly, what I sensed is the fact that these aliens influence the thoughts, as they are bodiless beings in the form of jinn, needing human bodies to carry out their purpose of arriving on earth. It was as if my mind was playing pranks on me, but I knew, something was happening for real. These aliens, I have noticed, feeds on human emotions and could spur up the feelings to drive the body of anyone that is being possessed.

It was like a surging current of electricity from the earth, flowing into my lifeblood and the electricity was booming the microelectronic device aiding my hearing. I was hearing from the microelectronic device aiding my hearing, some vivacious sound. It was as if my mind was travelling in space, and I could not retract the race, hearing the sounds of the cosmic winds. Like a mini-cosmos, my mind spreads out as I am now seeing the earth not existing at all in the grand scheme of things. Things that are visible in space, the earth did not even exist in the speck of the cosmic dust. I saw what looks like an eye, spinning like a colloid film radiating lights, with the heart like a black hole pulling everything in and bringing out something. It was like a whirlwind, but the vortex of the whirling has an inscription, “The Transition of Awareness (TRA)”. The truth is I could not tell what that is, but I knew I could see new earth tending toward earth, full of pollutions from the heart of men and could no longer abide. I also noticed a connection in the auditorium and my mind travel far out, all around the globe, every human mind connects with an invisible wave, stronger than an electromagnetic wave. However, we could not understand this, because, we have deviated from our true essence. Therefore, what is connecting us now is technologies, which we must pay for subscriptions and would keep paying, such that if we do not use the system, we will feel something is wrong. This is amazing, because, it is wrong the way we now think if we do not use the system, something is wrong, while it is very clear how robotic we have become to the system. We think we are using a system that is using us. We think the system does what we want it to do for us, while we are doing what the system wants us to do to promote an agenda that will soon make us redundant if we do not wake up from our slumber.

Everything links, so in attendance even as you are all here listening to the sound of a voice through me, there is no such thing as a chance meeting. The people in your life are not there by accident but by cosmic networks. The Universe is not a vehicle that reverses; it is a progressive dynamic complex and an interconnected system like a spider’s web, but here we are on earth webbed by the World Wide Web (www). Everything that materializes disturbs everything else, while this can be a creepily terrifying panorama. Nevertheless, it can be stirring our consciousness. Can you imagine seeing twin earth approaching earth? That is what I am seeing, and if you are not seeing, that does not mean what I am seeing is an illusion. Are you not observing cosmic changes? Some people come into your life to help you develop and grow, I wish I were one to help change the orientation of some of you listening to me. However, I know it is not everyone that will accept my inspiration. Something is coming and when it comes, it will change our lives forever. However, the notable evidence is a special fraudulent code of 419 or better still translated as D19. Anything that disrupts the frequency of your thought and makes you look at things differently is a cosmic connection. If robots are now doing what you are doing before, what will you do? Before now, you work from the office, but now from home. You no longer have direct contact with those whom you are relating with, with this, can things ever be normal the way they used to be?

I have come as a cosmic connection to shake things up, to point to a direction, so you could look at the way you are living, awaken you to true knowledge and reminds you of the true values of life. I am a divine messenger…

I heard tones and the celestial bodies dancing into various intervals, tuning my thoughts, with peculiar dynamics that make them never collide. Unfortunately, there was a shift, as some of the bodies are now in disarray with a clear indication that in the nearest future, which is now, there will be a form of collision that will result in the definite shift and cause climate change that the world at large will feel the impacts. Close by is evidence of wobbling motion and fluctuations in axial tilt, but this change is on a much longer time scale and does not involve relative motion of the spin axis concerning our earth planet.

All of sudden, the atmosphere started becoming hazily smoky and I felt a dark cloud moving in the auditorium. Few minutes after I had observed the strange atmosphere, almost half of the audience dozed off. It was as if a modern volatile anaesthetic like halothane vapour was spray in the hall. I was now asking myself, “What is happening here?” and I heard a voice in my ear from the heart of my heart. The voice declared, “A neurogenic general anaesthetic used to put subjects into a state of unconsciousness of what is happening around them has been released into the air. Look straight to the exit opening, you will see.”

The microphone I was using suddenly went dead and left me struggling like a ship wavering through the stormy sea. I was now shouting on top of my voice for my audience to hear me. However, all of my efforts were abortive. I had to project my mind’s current impulses telepathically into their ears to hear me, knowing that it is out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Since there was an interruption and I could not communicate to them through the sound of my voices, I had to use the impulse of my thought. I mean, the communication becomes direct into their minds, but I could not just explain how I was able to do this.

Viewing from the podium straight down to the exit opening, I saw three figures on the exit, completely dressed in red, with a black crest on their chest bearing the inscription D19, with an illuminating golden colour that catches the eyes at a glance. I was surprised because I had already the awareness that they are following me. There was a stirring of the atmosphere so that the people listening to me will not store in their mind, the information because it will cause liberation of their thoughts.

The thoughts of most first-rate, top and excellent great minds has to be under influence of the system even without them knowing. The majority of the people dozing off were high-ranking academic scholars, and I was wondering with my wandering thought, scanning through the entire system to know what is happening. This started happening when I was about introducing a very intricate subject regarding computer system. However, I continued, despite the distraction, as a force in me keep propelling me to continue that the right and very target information will awaken my dozen from their slumber.

Deliberating on the secret of computer programming is like porting into the eyes of the transformer. The Transformer cannot do without programming, and it will interest you to know that he uses men as his deliberate program. You cannot port into the eye of the Transformer without the knowledge of the truth. You cannot shut down the current lies of the transformer who is like a melodeon shark. The Transformer does not spare its prey. Until you allow the good force to become your major drive in life, the evil force will certainly drive you. It will take the help of the eternal one to break free from the grip of the evil one.

The Transformer has a high sensor dictating the vibrations of our thoughts. Ignorance drags people into the ocean of deceptions and lies. This is more like an untamable flood into the heart of humanity, poured into the reservoir of information that acts as his database where the contents of education serve as an inevitable meal. Nevertheless, pathetically, humanity is now drinking the venom of the poisonous viper and eating its deceptions and lies. Once you have subscribed to any evil program, you will become the hardware running the agenda of the program all with the claim that you are now a program developer. However, in academics, it is tagged curriculum development.

If you want to destroy a nation’s morality, you do not need any sophisticated weapon, you only need to distort information and integrate it into the educational curriculum.