When your eyes tell you something, the truth may mean something else. It is just like a reflection in the water, when a rope drops, there is a reflection of the rope on the contrary direction. If you are to trace and hold the rope, your first reaction may be to follow the illusion of reality. This is the world we are living in today, with deceptions and lies as our major drive of reality.

I will tell you something about mirror reflection…

Can I go ahead?

(Ride on sir, we are with you, echoes the audience)

We are living in a world of illusion, trapped in a system, in and out of, right is wrong and wrong is right, where reality is now brought to our perceptions through the reflection of things that we now see and define as real, but for real, there is more.

It is like a mirage, I define from the dimension of light as true vision never catching reality, as the shadow of the real now projects as real and our perceptions’ springs founts from corporeal mindedness.

Light is the bringer of reality and it communicates through codes and symbols and the understanding of these is what defines the light language, without which vision of reality will only end up as an illusion, which is what we now call reflection. The inspiration of what I am sharing with you aims at provoking our thoughts beyond the confines of the conventional vision that has become the basis of our realities. Nevertheless, the knowledge reached by the virtue of this inspiration will create a butterfly’s impression in the heart of your eye, to aid your evolvement of thought in the direction of the ordained.


(Upper case letters and their mirror reflection)

Light defines everything, which implies; light is the bringer of reality.

If light, is the bringer of reality, what is the bringer light?

The bringer of light is the object of reality, the independent source, of which the source claiming independence would only try to imitate the light, with a character that looks like light. Our world is full of deceptions because of the character that looks like the right, while in reality, it is, but not right.

The mirror is only but an imitator with a reflector that picks up the alternate impression of reality.

Unfortunately, our knowledge has limited us to the limit of reflection, but if you can see beyond the dimension of reflection, you will come face to face with your higher self, beyond the shadow of things and at that level, you will have realized how useless this material world is.

Reflection of things is what defines the light of this world. Nevertheless, the light of this world sees that there are twelve hours in a day and it is during the day that light is fully expressed, such that if anyone walks in the day, such may likely not stumble, because he sees the light of this world, so what happens when he walks in the night?

The day is light, the night is dark and this defines the value that shades the art of reality in the material world, but is our reality supposedly based on materialism?

There is a dimension beyond materialism called the immaterial world, which is divine; I do not mean I am the world o… The audience chuckles and smiles at my humour.

The divine world can assume whatever position or form. It will interest you to know that all the forces and energies of our world are irresistibly controlling our physical world.

The wisdom of this world will define material things as the consequential things because it is substantially quantifiable. However, define the immaterial things as inconsequential, placing reality at the level of neither or not there, even when we cannot do without the evidence of that which we consider as neither or not there.

Let me begin on the ground of defining object and image, from my perspective of inspiration that may not tend the conventional way.

The object is the concrete reality, in or out of abstraction of the physical eyes, of which one can call “a thing with the body” or “an entity”, which could be animate or inanimate. The object is full of potential energies and it will interest you to know that the human mind interprets anything that cannot move by itself or respond to stimulus as inanimate, but is this true in the real sense of reality? Is the base of reality on what we can see alone? Can you see your emotions? Can you see the air? Can you see electromagnetic waves?

If there are real things that we cannot see with our naked eyes, what can function as the body of those things? Devices… I know almost everyone in this auditorium; have one form or the other, of devices converting these invisible forces of higher potential.

Thought is the body of abstraction. You can say, “The body of life force, because chi cannot manifest, except through thoughts, and that is why they are regarded as elemental forces of nature.”

For real, what keeps our world in a system of equilibrium with perfect dynamics are the things we cannot see and that does not mean such things do not exist. It will interest you to know that the things we do not see are the fundamentals of reality. Therefore, you can call the elemental forces, THE FUNDAMENTALS OF REALITY, which could be either positive or negative depending on the source where the force is coming from.

Thoughts are fundamental impulses that yens in our heart calling our attention to act on them and the only way you can act on thought is to accept the thought and the thought will now act on you as its host.

Image is the figment of reality in our imagination that can only be observed with the mind’s eye, but what we see is not the whole, but parts of the whole.

Can you see your whole body in the mirror?

Our world is an objective world running on illusion because what we recognize are the images of things that make our thought idiosyncratic to change but lacking the true knowledge of the object. I mean, we are so detached from reality. We are objective in a neutral ground of experiments influenced by independent thoughts that are self-governing in nature, of which; one of the thought is an independent entity. While the other thought is claiming to be an independent entity subtly luring the dependent thought (man) into accepting an independent mindset. However, by so doing, the other thought claiming independent entity is dragging the dependent thought into the dimension of autonomy and creating a course apart from the independent sovereign thought who is the creator of all things.

The purpose of this inspiration is to spur your up to use your imagination to access reality beyond your physical sight. There is more, even more than the illusion we are now defining as reality. The more is like putting an object in the middle of two mirrors that picks the unique image of the object and reflects it into each other into an endless span of the pathway. Where the image keeps recurring to infinity. That is how infinite our minds can interpret things, and that is why you can never describe a particular thing the same way you did repeatedly. I mean, your interpretation will keep changing as your perception keep changing. You can carry out this simple experiment, by placing an object before someone, and ask the person to interpret the object, then, take away the object, place it in another position, and ask the person to interpret it again. Then, change the position of the person, and ask the person to do it again. Collect the three interpretations and compare them each, you will observe the variation in thoughts pattern because of change of perception. Also, it will interest you to know that such a person can never use completely the same words he/she used initially to interpret the object. If there is no change at all in the perception, the words that the person uses in interpreting the object will never change. However, we find this world ourselves. Things are not constant the way they seem, because our thoughts are ever-changing with time. Therefore, I will be provoking your thought to think far beyond your usual conventional thoughts, to access your innate potential, the depth; you must have never thought you could reach.