(Upper case letters and their mirror reflection)
They gave us modus operandi concerning communicating reality as codes and symbols. For the English language, numbers and letters are the standard tools for communicating reality.
There are 26 letters and 10 numbers without 10, which means, 10 is the illusion of the number that defines the base, which is a reflection of the first and second term, to become the second and first term of the number sequence. You can see that the number system operates with a principle that defines base as what did not occur in the sequence. This implies, what the force that holds all the number is 0 and 1 that translates to mean, all the number is encapsulated in the heart of 0, i.e. 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10. One can only imagine what all the defined numbers are doing in the heart of 00. This implies 10 is the number from which other numbers extend or simply put the foundation. Since foundation goes down deep into the ground, unseen, but holds the structure seen. This implies 10 is part of the reality of numbers unseen for real but can be defined as the union of the second and first term of the number sequence. So who can tell for real what 10 is?
``Base is the starting point for logical deduction or thought that is presumptuously dependent on assumption. Do you know what we operate on as number system today is a deliberate construct of logical deduction that state that, “Suppose the position of a thing is indicated with the sign or symbol, a change in position of that thing will be indicated with another unique sign or symbol to create contrast? This is why; one can differentiate 1 from 2 and 2 from 3, etc.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
The image form of the alphabetic codes (Lower case letters)
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Mirror Reflection
The interpretation of reality based on the understanding of certain signs and symbols called numbers and codes. Codes run as several constants. Nevertheless, in the English language, the alphabetic codes are the medium for communication and interpretation of reality, because even number hinges its interpretation on letters, but it will interest you to know that letters are dependent on numbers. For the reason that it is a number that has a base and from the number base, you can create a letter base. However, they never taught us that there is a letter base.
Let me tell you something about the interpretation of reality…
Interpretation of reality does not happen outside, it happens inside, the impression only manifests outside. Nevertheless, this happens in such a way that the eyes serve as a light receiver into the heart. While the ears serve as a device of the sound receiver in a form of resonance. Also, the nose serves as a small receiver. Nevertheless, the mouth serves as a taste receiver and work in perfect unison with the nose, mind and brain. The skin serves as a touch receiver that effect feelings after any form of impression. With all of these, our perceptions build into a void that is like space and stored in our memory as experience.
When impressions occur, the mind is likely to interpret reality in the form of signs and symbols. The signs and symbols interpreting reality could be the manifestation of the bits of light. When this happens, the mind is also likely to reflect the signs or symbols into shapes and forms. Shapes and forms communicate reality and the communication of reality is light language. It is not at all dependent on following the pattern of any particular language or tribes, but dependent on understanding the reality that is happening in your heart and receiving the inspiration to be able to interpret it. If you can understand the bits of the inspiration you receive and being able to communicate them, you are translating light language. Simply put, light language is revelation insight (RI) that may never make sense to any person who is not the one involved, until it is translated by the one who has the encounter. Revelation Insight (RI) is the electricity (light) of reality and it will interest you to know that RI pairs up with power eye (PI) in the spirit of the one having the encounter, united in the heart of the signal translator (ST).
I could start speaking in a strange tongue now to set your hearts in place to receive the vibrations of higher energy in the form of impulses. This energy you can receive directly into the heart as you align to the rhythm that must connect the frequency. Understanding the language gives one insight into connecting the flow and once you are connected, you will swim in an unimaginable realm of conscious awareness of things that are happening around you that you have no single idea.
What happens when you walk out at night in the dark?
When you are walking, you will not see anything like a particle of dust. However, the moment there is a flash of light, you will start seeing floods of particles of dust and you will start to have the feeling as you have inhaled many specks of dust. Also, before you know it, you will start feeling like sneezing, and this feeling creates a thought pattern and the moment the pattern becomes consistent, before you know it, you will start sneezing.
Most of our experiences are creations of our thoughts in alignment with impressions. An impression we do not accept can never become an experience for us. What drives the reality we experience is conscious awareness. Do you know those who are not aware of any form of virus may suffer the effect of it? Therefore, reality broods its form from the point of origin and that point of origin is our thought. I mean, the thought is the original instrument that drives reality. Also, the mind reflects to create a pattern of what the heart has reflected as thought.
Therefore, thought is a reflection of light…
Where is the reflection of light coming from?
A question you must answer to know that you are a deliberate program of the source and your perfect understanding of who you truly set you on course.
There would be no need for light if there were not the manifestation of darkness. It will interest you to know that there is nothing like darkness. Since darkness is simply, the evidence of the character of light turned off, which means, darkness is the absence of light. If the source withdraws the light from, it is because He is the source and something is trying to act source and has become an alternate source character.
Do you know numbers and letters are characters, while codes and symbols are special characters? Think about these…
How do you define character?
Character is a charm
Character is an atmosphere
Character is magnetic charisma that attracts or repels
Character is eccentric and it could make things look weird and strange
Character is personality makeup defining a certain temperamental disposition
This implies, numbers, letters, codes and symbols, have the characteristics of what is being defined as a character, but how do you know this, if all you know is A is what they tell you A is and 2 is what they tell you 2 is and when you add 1 and 1, you will have 2?
Therefore, darkness is the manifestation of an alternate source’s character that can only become a potent thought with the thought of man. If our hearts do not become a potent ground for the lodgment of a potent evil force, there will be nothing like evil. For the reason that even men commit evil. Therefore, 0 does not change its character, which implies it is a constant variable acting as a void that neutralizes anything to its form, but create a form of independent mindset when it is being raised as an exponent of anything. If you are led by the potency of 0, you will end up becoming an autonomous system. The power that controls the world is functioning with this very exponent of 0.
0 is the shell of an autonomous mindset. The union of zero’s reflection is the driving will, after the heart of the eye comes under control. the captured heart is brought into perpetual darkness called ignorance or lack of knowledge of reality and this does not mean, you won’t be liberated (TRA), it seemly means, you may reach the highest peak of education, but you will have been captured, not to question the contrary reality that is now being presented as the norm of reality.
Therefore, if you are having an encounter with light and the signs and symbols come in the form of recurrence of 0, just know that your attention is being pointed to something apart from 0. For the reason that 0 is the point of start called the origin. Something must stir up the reality to manifestation in the face of light. This implies, light is the beginning of reality and understanding the language of light is what defines progressive experiences from point 0 to 1.