It says...

While everybody finished cleaning their weapons and were packing out. Vanessa stood to the side by a tree, waiting to finally leave when Dani poked her face.

She jumped, "Dani, you scared me".

Dani came to her front, "Why are you standing over here by yourself"?

"Weell, I saw tis girrl. Aaand I see her three times now. One at your slumber party and two here. Aaand, She is very... Hmm... Mysterious".

Dani thought for a moment, "Well we did just send you guys an illusion to come here. But we didn't know what form it took. Logan just found this weird communication thing in the castle and used it".

"I don't get why I am seeing her," said Vanessa in a high pitched voice.

Dani handed her the latter, "Apparently it's your sister".

Vanessa took the envelope and opened it, "I don't have a sister".

She read the cursive Italian written letter to herself.

Dani leaned in, "What does it say"?

After apologizing, Vanessa read, "Dear Vanessa. It's me, your sister. I never get to talk to you and I see you're having some problems to beat the game and become a pro. So now I want to help you because you help me a lot. You won't see me often. But I will talk to you in different mysterious ways. For now, I want you to have fun and stay strong. By the way, you can call me Angelica. Good luck".

Dani looked up, mocking the letter, "Mysterious ways".

Vanessa squinted her eyes back, also mocking the letter, "Mysterious ways".

The two girls were lost by what the letter meant. But whoever this Angelica girl was, she didn't appear to be a threat to Vanessa, nor anyone else.

Holding a finger to her mouth, "Why me"?

Dani placed a hand on her shoulder, "Sometimes the game creates figures to help us. It can be people, monsters, angels, and whatever else they want. I know somebody whose ghost is an old role model".

"Kinda like Hakim's brother," said Vanessa in a moment of clarity.

"Kinda," said Dani, "His brother was created from old data. So it could be that the game is either creating somebody you know already from your past, or they're creating a new person".

"Interesting," nodded Vanessa.

Dani continued, "But, it does appear that this girl is taking form as your guardian angel. Which is good. Some people get a demon, or demons, chasing after them".

Vanessa's eyes widened as her hand covered her mouth.

Dani smiled nodding, "Shit gets real out here for some people".

Jeff called out for the two girls to hurry up so they can leave. Dani walked on over with Vanessa trailing behind her. Logan noticed the letter in Vanessa's hand along with her puzzled look. He was conflicted on what news Dani had for him later. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to let anything get in his way of becoming a pro.