The snake fell with its body burning through the ground. That strong odor, resembling a rusted car being burned with gasoline, was one they couldn't forget. Everybody was crying like they lost someone special. Really it was just the chemicals being burned.
Hakken began sneezing away, causing Jaivva to turn towards her, "I'm sorry. I thought you were the assassin"!
"It's okay," coughed Hakken, making her way to the boat, "But that's pretty strong and the fire is only going to spread".
"Right," confirmed Iku, jogging back to the boat.
Jeff walked onto the boat with them, "Kinda crazy that people get this serious over a game. Like, chill out, this isn't everything".
"Okay! We know!" shouted Jaivva, "We're supposed to have two more of these. So keep an eye out".
Hakken got the boat started, but it was moving a little slow given the thickened water of oil and tar. Iku pointed out that whoever the person is, they have little care for the actual land.