A Zombie!

Jeff rode his ski in the center. Hakken had a hawk fly ahead to look for any potential threats as she hanged in the rear. Jaivva kept to the front left as Iku was parallel on the right. Riding through the swamp was pretty easy. That it was narrow, there wasn't much wildlife to interfere with its travel. There were a lot of dead plants sticking out of the swamp that they maneuvered around without breaking formation.

The water was murky and shallow. It bugged Iku who realized its irregular brown color. She held a fist up, halting the team. With a further inspection, she saw that there was a little bit of blood lined in the water.

She looked around, unable to see a source, "We need to hurry. There's blood in the water".

Jaivva looked down for a second before driving off with the team, but could barely see anything except brown murkiness.