November Rain

Mimi drove down the highway with everybody else crushed in the back. She nagged that she wasn't going to keep driving for the whole theme. Kiki offered to swap once they got halfway to the next town.

Logan was on the floor with Vanessa on top, "Look how early it is and my girls are killing it and still not complaining".

"Shut up Logan!" Mimi shouted back.

"Interrogators suck!" Logan hollered back, "Vanessa has only been playing for a year and she's already handling them like a gangster. Now she needs to learn how to interrogate".

"Or!" Carter laughed, "Maybe you should work on your interrogation resistance"!

Vanessa waved her hair further on Logan's face, "Mmm. I was only able to get the skill last month during the Alice in Wonderland theme. It's called the 'power of the queen'. I looked at the course and it was easy".

"I can't do the Astrologian class," Mike shook his head, "Did you know the powers from each connection varies by player"?