Contract of My Life

Hailey’s POV

“Ms. Hailey in my office right now with your resignation papers!!” he yelled through the phone kept in my very own office. I was startled.

“W-what, sir?” I asked bluntly.

“Oh yeah, you don’t know, right? I’m telling you. Turn on your laptop” he commanded. I followed his instructions to avoid getting him angry.

“O-opened,” I said, pressing the enter key on the keyboard.

“Search ‘resignation papers’” he said and I searched. To my dismay, there was a Word file.

“Fill your information and sign the hardcopy, the printer is there, and bring them to me,” he said in a calm voice, although it was enough to start a storm inside me.

“S-sir, but w-why?” I asked.

“Oh, sure, you don’t know?” he asked.

Well, I hadn’t done anything! Other than giving him coff- oh my god! Don’t tell me it was without sugar!! MY GOD! How the hell can I be so clumsy!!

“S-sir, I-”

“With sugar, right, Ms. Hailey?” he mocked at me.


“I told you I won’t bear a single mistake,” he said. “So, in my office, NOW,” he said and cut the call. I didn’t take any resignation papers, no, I can’t lose this job, at least not over a coffee!

I went to his office and knocked.

“Come in,” he said and I entered. He looked at me, I lowered my head and spoke.

“I’m sorry, sir, I won’t repeat it,” I said. He smirked.

“But I have many, many other assistants, who won’t make any mistakes, why should I keep you?” he said casually.

“S-sir, because, I promise I won’t make any mistakes”

“Nope. That’s not it, this time. Well…” he started thinking deep with his hand on his forehead. “Oh yeah, bring that contract,” he said and pointed towards some papers kept on the other table. I ran and brought them to him.

“Sign these, if you dare to continue this job,” he said. I read the topic.

“Contract – 146

I, …………, vows to be Robert Anderson’s wife for my life, to respect him and to be solely his, in return to the sum of total $450000000”

W-what? A-am I selling myself!?

“S-sir,” I said and he smirked.

“Your mom is not well, dear,” he said.

No... she is well! I remember she was all nice till yesterday, she was screaming at the top of her lungs to wake me too. Although, yesterday she went to some relatives. She hasn’t returned, but she should be fine.

“She... she was fine yesterday,” I said.

“Yesterday” he emphasized the word.

No, I’m having bad thoughts.

“Anything can happen anytime, Ms. Hailey,” he said and I knew what he was talking about.

“Oh... Oh god... where is she… where is my mom!!” I yelled a little out of distress.

“She’s safe, she’s in a hospital, but I won’t want to pay the bills any longer,” he said.

“W-what? What happened to her? She was fine till yesterday, so??”

“Heart attack, to be brief”

“She… she was not even a heart patient,” I said, my head totally out of my control.

“You really think so? Well I guess I know her better than you, then”

“What are you talking about, sir…” I said.

“Enough conversation. I give you one day, think about this contract, read it through, I thought you only read the signing sector, didn’t you? Here are the terms and conditions, and duties, I hope you wanna read them”

“S-sir... b-but”

“Yes you are selling yourself” he answered my unasked question.


“For your mom” he completed his sentence.

“S-sir, t-this is”

“And yes, don’t postpone it any longer, the bills are not what YOU can afford”

“S-sir, b-but why w-wife?”

“That’s simple. You read my contract with Mr. Spencer?”

“Oh god. He... they said...”

“I should be married. So, here I am”

“B-but why me, s-sir?”

“I don’t want sluts that’s why. You are the only one who wears decent clothes and is a respectable woman, aren’t you?” he said with a smirk.

“S-sir, but...”

“Now, GET LOST,” he said. I was taken aback, by his words, and everything.

“S-sir, w-where is my mom?” I asked.

“You won’t meet her until you tell me your decision,” he said. “And mind this, you will not be able to save her if you don’t do this, who’s gonna offer millions?”

“S-sir, but”

“Can you speak anything other than your ‘s-sir, but’?” He mimicked me and started chuckling.

At that time, I was hating the man sitting in front of me. He was my crush for a long time, but now I feel like he was the worst man. I want to save my mom at all costs! But I can’t even see her! I can’t even know what happened to her, why she had a heart attack, and he’s asking me to sell myself to him? I never thought of him like this, I never ever thought he would be this cheap, to buy me like I was some item.

“Yes, you are,” he said.

Wait. Am I thinking aloud, or is he reading my mind?

“Now, LEAVE!!” he yelled and without thinking, I left the office and made a run to the out of the building. I was thinking about it, everything, my mind was not clear. How can he...!!