Answer Me

Hailey's POV

I reached my house. Mom was not there. Yes, I thought for a second that maybe he was lying. But he wasn't. I called her.

Switched off!!

I started thinking about it. What should I do?

I can't say yes! How can I!?! Marry him without anything? Yes, I had a crush on him, but not love! I think it was just attraction, by the way, I'm hating him right now. I... I just can't marry him like that! Dad would be so disappointed in me.

I stood up to do my daily routine and after two hours, I decided to visit several hospitals to find my mom.

It's been three long hours, more than twenty hospitals, no trace of her. I can't lose her... No!! She's the only person I have!!

I decided to talk with him... ugh he's my boss!

I will meet him and end this…Tomorrow.

After mentally fighting with myself about asking him about her, I decided to go inside his office, at 12, with his coffee, black WITHOUT sugar like his bitter life.

I kept the coffee and he stopped me.

"Ms. Hailey," he said. I looked at him and he had a questioning glance.

"S-sir, please let me meet my mom," I said.

"Let me think," he said and kept quiet for a second. "No," he said.

"P-please sir"

"That isn't the answer I'm wondering. What about the contract?" he asked with a stern tone.

"S-sir, that..."

"No stuttering! You stutter so much! It is damn irritating!"

I nodded my head because I know if I speak, I'll only stutter.

"Words?" he said.

Oh god, is he stupid? If I speak then no stuttering, and now he is asking me to speak words!

"Please let me meet her, s-sir" I tried my best but stuttered at the end.

"Last chance, answer me. Yes or No?!"


"Let me make a phone call," he said and took out his phone. He dialed a number and kept it on speaker.

"Yes, boss" a man spoke on the call.

"Have you paid for Hailey's mother for today?"

"Not yet, sir, no. But I'm just going..."

"Actually, you don't have to," he said and looked at me.

Oh god.


"N-no sir, please!!" I yelled.

"Wait a sec, Max," he said to the man. And looked at me.

"Having second thoughts?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"S-sir, for how long will this last?"

"Will what last, dear?" he smirked and kept his phone on the table, looking at me completely.

"This... m-marriage"

"Isn't it written? Lifetime?"

"S-sir but"

"You wanna negotiate, right?"

"Y-yes sir"

"Then 2 years, how's that?"

"S-sir, 2 y-years!?"

"What's with you and stuttering!?" he yelled.

"Sorry, sir!" I lowered my gaze as tears threatened to come out.

How am I gonna marry someone who can’t even bear a single thing about me?

"Yes, two years, end of the conversation and this man here who's talking to me isn't that idle so speak up your answer fast!" he yelled.

"Oh-ok, sir... I agree" And I knew that this life was over for me.

He smirked and cut the call, without speaking another word, I think the man whose name I suppose is Max, might have heard it, but the thing is not that.

Whatever it is, we should cherish what we have, right? I don't think he is so bad. I will just have to show we are a couple to the world, and my mom's treatment will also go on. What else do I want? My mom should be fine. That's all I need. And I don't think he will hurt me or something. Moreover, he doesn't look interested in me. So, I need not be afraid.

I was convincing myself, for I didn't know him well, and my mom said to embrace anything we have with a smile and positivity.

He's not some killer, I guess, I shouldn't be afraid. But I don't know why but I don't feel good about all this.

"S-sir, this will all be for the public, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"And sir, I will stay at my house, right?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes. His eyes were full of rage at that second. But he burst out laughing.

"Should I call you stupid or dumb? Damn, of course, you'll stay with me!" he said laughing, but I didn't have a good vibe about it.

Hell, we aren't really couples!!


"And, listen, the marriage is one week later, come with me to meet my parents today!" he said. I was startled and the most afraid at the thought of meeting his parents.

I... I can't!! I'm so clumsy, what if I make a mistake??

"No mistakes, Hailey," he said.

Am I too easy to read or is he too smart?

"I'm too smart," he said again, and I was afraid.

Is he a psychic or what!?

"No, I'm not," he said again and this time I stood up abruptly.

"Don't be afraid, Hailey, there's a lot to come now" he said with an evil smirk.